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Sasikala, V., Mounika, K., Sravya Tulasi, Y., Gayathri, D., Anjani, M..  2022.  Performance evaluation of Spam and Non-Spam E-mail detection using Machine Learning algorithms. 2022 International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS). :1359–1365.
All of us are familiar with the importance of social media in facilitating communication. e-mail is one of the safest social media platforms for online communications and information transfer over the internet. As of now, many people rely on email or communications provided by strangers. Because everyone may send emails or a message, spammers have a great opportunity to compose spam messages about our many hobbies and passions, interests, and concerns. Our internet speeds are severely slowed down by spam, which also collects personal information like our phone numbers from our contact list. There is a lot of work involved in identifying these fraudsters and also identifying spam content. Email spam refers to the practice of sending large numbers of messages via email. The recipient bears the bulk of the cost of spam, therefore it's practically free advertising. Spam email is a form of commercial advertising for hackers that is financially viable due of the low cost of sending email. Anti-spam filters have become increasingly important as the volume of unwanted bulk e-mail (also spamming) grows. We can define a message, if it is a spam or not using this proposed model. Machine learning algorithms can be discussed in detail, and our data sets will be used to test them all, with the goal of identifying the one that is most accurate and precise in its identification of email spam. Society of machine learning techniques for detecting unsolicited mass email and spam.