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Krishnamoorthy, R., Arun, S., Sujitha, N., Vijayalakshmi, K.M, Karthiga, S., Thiagarajan, R..  2022.  Proposal of HMAC based Protocol for Message Authenication in Kerberos Authentication Protocol. 2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS). :1443–1447.
Kerberos protocol is a derivative type of server used for the authentication purpose. Kerberos is a network-based authentication protocol which communicates the tickets from one network to another in a secured manner. Kerberos protocol encrypts the messages and provides mutual authentication. Kerberos uses the symmetric cryptography which uses the public key to strengthen the data confidentiality. The KDS Key Distribution System gives the center of securing the messages. Kerberos has certain disadvantages as it provides public key at both ends. In this proposed approach, the Kerberos are secured by using the HMAC Hash-based Message Authentication Code which is used for the authentication of message for integrity and authentication purpose. It verifies the data by authentication, verifies the e-mail address and message integrity. The computer network and security are authenticated by verifying the user or client. These messages which are transmitted and delivered have to be integrated by authenticating it. Kerberos authentication is used for the verification of a host or user. Authentication is based on the tickets on credentials in a secured way. Kerberos gives faster authentication and uses the unique ticketing system. It supports the authentication delegation with faster efficiency. These encrypt the standard by encrypting the tickets to pass the information.