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Manjula, P., Baghavathi Priya, S..  2022.  Detection of Falsified Selfish Node with Optimized Trust Computation Model In Chimp -AODV Based WSN. 2022 International Conference on Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing (ICESIC). :52—57.
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), energy and security are two critical concerns that must be addressed. Because of the scarcity of energy, several security measures are restricted. For secure data routing in WSN, it becomes vital to identify insider packet drop attacks. The trust mechanism is an effective strategy for detecting this assault. Each node in this system validates the trustworthiness of its neighbors before transmitting packets, ensuring that only trust-worthy nodes get packets. With such a trust-aware scheme, however, there is a risk of false alarm. This work develops an adaptive trust computation model (TCM)which is implemented in our already proposed Chimp Optimization Algorithm-based Energy-Aware Secure Routing Protocol (COA-EASRP) for WSN. The proposed technique computes the optimal path using the hybrid combination of COA-EASRP and AODV as well as TCM is used to indicate false alarms in detecting selfish nodes. Our Proposed approach provides the series of Simulation outputs carried out based on various parameters