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Rashid, A., Moore, K., May-Chahal, C., Chitchyan, R..  2015.  Managing Emergent Ethical Concerns for Software Engineering in Society. 2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering. 2:523–526.

This paper presents an initial framework for managing emergent ethical concerns during software engineering in society projects. We argue that such emergent considerations can neither be framed as absolute rules about how to act in relation to fixed and measurable conditions. Nor can they be addressed by simply framing them as non-functional requirements to be satisficed. Instead, a continuous process is needed that accepts the 'messiness' of social life and social research, seeks to understand complexity (rather than seek clarity), demands collective (not just individual) responsibility and focuses on dialogue over solutions. The framework has been derived based on retrospective analysis of ethical considerations in four software engineering in society projects in three different domains.