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Hui Zeng, Tengfei Qin, Xiangui Kang, Li Liu.  2014.  Countering anti-forensics of median filtering. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. :2704-2708.

The statistical fingerprints left by median filtering can be a valuable clue for image forensics. However, these fingerprints may be maliciously erased by a forger. Recently, a tricky anti-forensic method has been proposed to remove median filtering traces by restoring images' pixel difference distribution. In this paper, we analyze the traces of this anti-forensic technique and propose a novel counter method. The experimental results show that our method could reveal this anti-forensics effectively at low computation load. According to our best knowledge, it's the first work on countering anti-forensics of median filtering.