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Zhang, Zhongtang, Liu, Shengli, Yang, Qichao, Guo, Shichen.  2021.  Semantic Understanding of Source and Binary Code based on Natural Language Processing. 2021 IEEE 4th Advanced Information Management, Communicates, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IMCEC). 4:2010—2016.
With the development of open source projects, a large number of open source codes will be reused in binary software, and bugs in source codes will also be introduced into binary codes. In order to detect the reused open source codes in binary codes, it is sometimes necessary to compare and analyze the similarity between source codes and binary codes. One of the main challenge is that the compilation process can generate different binary code representations for the same source code, such as different compiler versions, compilation optimization options and target architectures, which greatly increases the difficulty of semantic similarity detection between source code and binary code. In order to solve the influence of the compilation process on the comparison of semantic similarity of codes, this paper transforms the source code and binary code into LLVM intermediate representation (LLVM IR), which is a universal intermediate representation independent of source code and binary code. We carry out semantic feature extraction and embedding training on LLVM IR based on natural language processing model. Experimental results show that LLVM IR eliminates the influence of compilation on the syntax differences between source code and binary code, and the semantic features of code are well represented and preserved.
Han, Shuai, Liu, Shengli, Zhang, Fangguo, Chen, Kefei.  2016.  Homomorphic Linear Authentication Schemes from (\$textbackslashepsilon\$)-Authentication Codes. Proceedings of the 11th ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :487–498.

Proofs of Data Possession/Retrievability (PoDP/PoR) schemes are essential to cloud storage services, since they can increase clients' confidence on the integrity and availability of their data. The majority of PoDP/PoR schemes are constructed from homomorphic linear authentication (HLA) schemes, which decrease the price of communication between the client and the server. In this paper, a new subclass of authentication codes, named ε-authentication codes, is proposed, and a modular construction of HLA schemes from ε-authentication codes is presented. We prove that the security notions of HLA schemes are closely related to the size of the authenticator/tag space and the successful probability of impersonation attacks (with non-zero source states) of the underlying ε-authentication codes. We show that most of HLA schemes used for the PoDP/PoR schemes are instantiations of our modular construction from some ε-authentication codes. Following this line, an algebraic-curves-based ε-authentication code yields a new HLA scheme.