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Bassit, Amina, Hahn, Florian, Veldhuis, Raymond, Peter, Andreas.  2022.  Multiplication-Free Biometric Recognition for Faster Processing under Encryption. 2022 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB). :1–9.

The cutting-edge biometric recognition systems extract distinctive feature vectors of biometric samples using deep neural networks to measure the amount of (dis-)similarity between two biometric samples. Studies have shown that personal information (e.g., health condition, ethnicity, etc.) can be inferred, and biometric samples can be reconstructed from those feature vectors, making their protection an urgent necessity. State-of-the-art biometrics protection solutions are based on homomorphic encryption (HE) to perform recognition over encrypted feature vectors, hiding the features and their processing while releasing the outcome only. However, this comes at the cost of those solutions' efficiency due to the inefficiency of HE-based solutions with a large number of multiplications; for (dis-)similarity measures, this number is proportional to the vector's dimension. In this paper, we tackle the HE performance bottleneck by freeing the two common (dis-)similarity measures, the cosine similarity and the squared Euclidean distance, from multiplications. Assuming normalized feature vectors, our approach pre-computes and organizes those (dis-)similarity measures into lookup tables. This transforms their computation into simple table-lookups and summation only. We study quantization parameters for the values in the lookup tables and evaluate performances on both synthetic and facial feature vectors for which we achieve a recognition performance identical to the non-tabularized baseline systems. We then assess their efficiency under HE and record runtimes between 28.95ms and 59.35ms for the three security levels, demonstrating their enhanced speed.

ISSN: 2474-9699

Hahn, Florian, Loza, Nicolas, Kerschbaum, Florian.  2018.  Practical and Secure Substring Search. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data. :163–176.
In this paper we address the problem of outsourcing sensitive strings while still providing the functionality of substring searches. While security is one important aspect that requires careful system design, the practical application of the solution depends on feasible processing time and integration efforts into existing systems. That is, searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) allows queries on encrypted data but makes common indexing techniques used in database management systems for fast query processing impossible. As a result, the overhead for deploying such functional and secure encryption schemes into database systems while maintaining acceptable processing time requires carefully designed special purpose index structures. Such structures are not available on common database systems but require individual modifications depending on the deployed SSE scheme. Our technique transforms the problem of secure substring search into range queries that can be answered efficiently and in a privacy-preserving way on common database systems without further modifications using frequency-hiding order-preserving encryption. We evaluated our prototype implementation deployed in a real-world scenario, including the consideration of network latency, we demonstrate the practicability of our scheme with 98.3 ms search time for 10,000 indexed emails. Further, we provide a practical security evaluation of this transformation based on the bucketing attack that is the best known published attack against this kind of property-preserving encryption.
Hahn, Florian, Kerschbaum, Florian.  2016.  Poly-Logarithmic Range Queries on Encrypted Data with Small Leakage. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Cloud Computing Security Workshop. :23–34.

Privacy-preserving range queries allow encrypting data while still enabling queries on ciphertexts if their corresponding plaintexts fall within a requested range. This provides a data owner the possibility to outsource data collections to a cloud service provider without sacrificing privacy nor losing functionality of filtering this data. However, existing methods for range queries either leak additional information (like the ordering of the complete data set) or slow down the search process tremendously by requiring to query each ciphertext in the data collection. We present a novel scheme that only leaks the access pattern while supporting amortized poly-logarithmic search time. Our construction is based on the novel idea of enabling the cloud service provider to compare requested range queries. By doing so, the cloud service provider can use the access pattern to speed-up search time for range queries in the future. On the one hand, values that have fallen within a queried range, are stored in an interactively built index for future requests. On the other hand, values that have not been queried do not leak any information to the cloud service provider and stay perfectly secure. In order to show its practicability we have implemented our scheme and give a detailed runtime evaluation.