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Schilling, Robert, Werner, Mario, Nasahl, Pascal, Mangard, Stefan.  2018.  Pointing in the Right Direction - Securing Memory Accesses in a Faulty World. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference. :595-604.

Reading and writing memory are, besides computation, the most common operations a processor performs. The correctness of these operations is therefore essential for the proper execution of any program. However, as soon as fault attacks are considered, assuming that the hardware performs its memory operations as instructed is not valid anymore. In particular, attackers may induce faults with the goal of reading or writing incorrectly addressed memory, which can have various critical safety and security implications. In this work, we present a solution to this problem and propose a new method for protecting every memory access inside a program against address tampering. The countermeasure comprises two building blocks. First, every pointer inside the program is redundantly encoded using a multiresidue error detection code. The redundancy information is stored in the unused upper bits of the pointer with zero overhead in terms of storage. Second, load and store instructions are extended to link data with the corresponding encoded address from the pointer. Wrong memory accesses subsequently infect the data value allowing the software to detect the error. For evaluation purposes, we implemented our countermeasure into a RISC-V processor, tested it on a FPGA development board, and evaluated the induced overhead. Furthermore, a LLVM-based C compiler has been modified to automatically encode all data pointers, to perform encoded pointer arithmetic, and to emit the extended load/store instructions with linking support. Our evaluations show that the countermeasure induces an average overhead of 10 % in terms of code size and 7 % regarding runtime, which makes it suitable for practical adoption.

Spreitzer, Raphael, Palfinger, Gerald, Mangard, Stefan.  2018.  SCAnDroid: Automated Side-Channel Analysis of Android APIs. Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Security & Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks. :224-235.

Although the Android system has been continuously hardened against side-channel attacks, there are still plenty of APIs available that can be exploited. However, most side-channel analyses in the literature consider specifically chosen APIs (or resources) in the Android framework, after a manual analysis of APIs for possible information leaks has been performed. Such a manual analysis is a tedious, time consuming, and error-prone task, meaning that information leaks tend to be overlooked. To overcome this tedious task, we introduce SCANDROID, a framework that automatically profiles the Java-based Android API for possible information leaks. Events of interest, such as website launches, Google Maps queries, or application starts, are triggered automatically, and while these events are being triggered, the Java-based Android API is analyzed for possible information leaks that allow inferring these events later on. To assess the Android API for information leaks, SCANDROID relies on dynamic time warping. By applying SCANDROID on Android 8 (Android Oreo), we identified several Android APIs that allow inferring website launches, Google Maps queries, and application starts. The triggered events are by no means exhaustive but have been chosen to demonstrate the broad applicability of SCANDROID. Among the automatically identified information leaks are, for example, the API, the API, and several methods within the Traffics tats API. Thereby, we identify the first side-channel leaks in the Android API on Android 8 (Android Oreo).

Spreitzer, Raphael, Griesmayr, Simone, Korak, Thomas, Mangard, Stefan.  2016.  Exploiting Data-Usage Statistics for Website Fingerprinting Attacks on Android. Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Security & Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks. :49–60.

The browsing behavior of a user allows to infer personal details, such as health status, political interests, sexual orientation, etc. In order to protect this sensitive information and to cope with possible privacy threats, defense mechanisms like SSH tunnels and anonymity networks (e.g., Tor) have been established. A known shortcoming of these defenses is that website fingerprinting attacks allow to infer a user's browsing behavior based on traffic analysis techniques. However, website fingerprinting typically assumes access to the client's network or to a router near the client, which restricts the applicability of these attacks. In this work, we show that this rather strong assumption is not required for website fingerprinting attacks. Our client-side attack overcomes several limitations and assumptions of network-based fingerprinting attacks, e.g., network conditions and traffic noise, disabled browser caches, expensive training phases, etc. Thereby, we eliminate assumptions used for academic purposes and present a practical attack that can be implemented easily and deployed on a large scale. Eventually, we show that an unprivileged application can infer the browsing behavior by exploiting the unprotected access to the Android data-usage statistics. More specifically, we are able to infer 97% of 2,500 page visits out of a set of 500 monitored pages correctly. Even if the traffic is routed through Tor by using the Orbot proxy in combination with the Orweb browser, we can infer 95% of 500 page visits out of a set of 100 monitored pages correctly. Thus, the READ\_HISTORY\_BOOKMARKS permission, which is supposed to protect the browsing behavior, does not provide protection.

Gruss, Daniel, Maurice, Clémentine, Fogh, Anders, Lipp, Moritz, Mangard, Stefan.  2016.  Prefetch Side-Channel Attacks: Bypassing SMAP and Kernel ASLR. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :368–379.

Modern operating systems use hardware support to protect against control-flow hijacking attacks such as code-injection attacks. Typically, write access to executable pages is prevented and kernel mode execution is restricted to kernel code pages only. However, current CPUs provide no protection against code-reuse attacks like ROP. ASLR is used to prevent these attacks by making all addresses unpredictable for an attacker. Hence, the kernel security relies fundamentally on preventing access to address information. We introduce Prefetch Side-Channel Attacks, a new class of generic attacks exploiting major weaknesses in prefetch instructions. This allows unprivileged attackers to obtain address information and thus compromise the entire system by defeating SMAP, SMEP, and kernel ASLR. Prefetch can fetch inaccessible privileged memory into various caches on Intel x86. It also leaks the translation-level for virtual addresses on both Intel x86 and ARMv8-A. We build three attacks exploiting these properties. Our first attack retrieves an exact image of the full paging hierarchy of a process, defeating both user space and kernel space ASLR. Our second attack resolves virtual to physical addresses to bypass SMAP on 64-bit Linux systems, enabling ret2dir attacks. We demonstrate this from unprivileged user programs on Linux and inside Amazon EC2 virtual machines. Finally, we demonstrate how to defeat kernel ASLR on Windows 10, enabling ROP attacks on kernel and driver binary code. We propose a new form of strong kernel isolation to protect commodity systems incuring an overhead of only 0.06-5.09%.