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Luinaud, Thomas, Savaria, Yvon, Langlois, J.M. Pierre.  2017.  An FPGA Coarse Grained Intermediate Fabric for Regular Expression Search. Proceedings of the on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2017. :423–426.

Deep Packet Inspection systems such as Snort and Bro express complex rules with regular expressions. In Snort, the search of a regular expression is performed with a Non-deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA). Traversing an NFA sequentially with a CPU is not deterministic in time, and it can be very time consuming. The sequential traversal of an NFA with a CPU is not deterministic in time consequently it can be time consuming. A fully parallel NFA implemented in hardware can search all rules, but most of the time only a small part is active. Furthermore, a string filter determines the traversal of an NFA. This paper proposes an FPGA Intermediate Fabric that can efficiently search regular expressions. The architecture is configured for a specific NFA based on a partial match of a rule found by the string filter. It can thus support all rules from a set such as Snort, while significantly reduce compute resources and power con-sumption compared to a fully parallel implementation. Multiple parameters can be selected to find the best tradeoff between resource consumption and the number and types of supported expressions. This architecture was implemented on a Xilinx R XC7VX1140 Virtex-7. The reported implementation, can sustain up to 512 regular expressions, while requiring 2% of the slices and 16% of the BRAM resources, for a throughput of 200 million characters per second.

Vakili, Shervin, Langlois, J.M. Pierre, Boughzala, Bochra, Savaria, Yvon.  2016.  Memory-Efficient String Matching for Intrusion Detection Systems Using a High-Precision Pattern Grouping Algorithm. Proceedings of the 2016 Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems. :37–42.

The increasing complexity of cyber-attacks necessitates the design of more efficient hardware architectures for real-time Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). String matching is the main performance-demanding component of an IDS. An effective technique to design high-performance string matching engines is to partition the target set of strings into multiple subgroups and to use a parallel string matching hardware unit for each subgroup. This paper introduces a novel pattern grouping algorithm for heterogeneous bit-split string matching architectures. The proposed algorithm presents a reliable method to estimate the correlation between strings. The correlation factors are then used to find a preferred group for each string in a seed growing approach. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm achieves an average of 41% reduction in memory consumption compared to the best existing approach found in the literature, while offering orders of magnitude faster execution time compared to an exhaustive search.

Lacroix, Alexsandre B., Langlois, J.M. Pierre, Boyer, François-Raymond, Gosselin, Antoine, Bois, Guy.  2016.  Node Configuration for the Aho-Corasick Algorithm in Intrusion Detection Systems. Proceedings of the 2016 Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems. :121–122.

In this paper, we analyze the performance and cost trade-off from selecting two representations of nodes when implementing the Aho-Corasick algorithm. This algorithm can be used for pattern matching in network-based intrusion detection systems such as Snort. Our analysis uses the Snort 2.9.7 rules set, which contains almost 26k patterns. Our methodology consists of code profiling and analysis, followed by the selection of a parameter to maximize a metric that combines clock cycles count and memory usage. The parameter determines which of two types of nodes is selected for each trie node. We show that it is possible to select the parameter to optimize the metric, which results in an improvement by up to 12× compared with the single node-type case.