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Hough, Katherine, Welearegai, Gebrehiwet, Hammer, Christian, Bell, Jonathan.  2020.  Revealing Injection Vulnerabilities by Leveraging Existing Tests. 2020 IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). :284–296.
Code injection attacks, like the one used in the high-profile 2017 Equifax breach, have become increasingly common, now ranking \#1 on OWASP's list of critical web application vulnerabilities. Static analyses for detecting these vulnerabilities can overwhelm developers with false positive reports. Meanwhile, most dynamic analyses rely on detecting vulnerabilities as they occur in the field, which can introduce a high performance overhead in production code. This paper describes a new approach for detecting injection vulnerabilities in applications by harnessing the combined power of human developers' test suites and automated dynamic analysis. Our new approach, Rivulet, monitors the execution of developer-written functional tests in order to detect information flows that may be vulnerable to attack. Then, Rivulet uses a white-box test generation technique to repurpose those functional tests to check if any vulnerable flow could be exploited. When applied to the version of Apache Struts exploited in the 2017 Equifax attack, Rivulet quickly identifies the vulnerability, leveraging only the tests that existed in Struts at that time. We compared Rivulet to the state-of-the-art static vulnerability detector Julia on benchmarks, finding that Rivulet outperformed Julia in both false positives and false negatives. We also used Rivulet to detect new vulnerabilities.
Su, Fang-Hsiang, Bell, Jonathan, Kaiser, Gail, Ray, Baishakhi.  2018.  Obfuscation Resilient Search Through Executable Classification. Proceedings of the 2Nd ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Machine Learning and Programming Languages. :20-30.

Android applications are usually obfuscated before release, making it difficult to analyze them for malware presence or intellectual property violations. Obfuscators might hide the true intent of code by renaming variables and/or modifying program structures. It is challenging to search for executables relevant to an obfuscated application for developers to analyze efficiently. Prior approaches toward obfuscation resilient search have relied on certain structural parts of apps remaining as landmarks, un-touched by obfuscation. For instance, some prior approaches have assumed that the structural relationships between identifiers are not broken by obfuscators; others have assumed that control flow graphs maintain their structures. Both approaches can be easily defeated by a motivated obfuscator. We present a new approach, MACNETO, to search for programs relevant to obfuscated executables leveraging deep learning and principal components on instructions. MACNETO makes few assumptions about the kinds of modifications that an obfuscator might perform. We show that it has high search precision for executables obfuscated by a state-of-the-art obfuscator that changes control flow. Further, we also demonstrate the potential of MACNETO to help developers understand executables, where MACNETO infers keywords (which are from relevant un-obfuscated programs) for obfuscated executables.

Su, Fang-Hsiang, Bell, Jonathan, Harvey, Kenneth, Sethumadhavan, Simha, Kaiser, Gail, Jebara, Tony.  2016.  Code Relatives: Detecting Similarly Behaving Software. Proceedings of the 2016 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering. :702–714.

Detecting “similar code” is useful for many software engineering tasks. Current tools can help detect code with statically similar syntactic and–or semantic features (code clones) and with dynamically similar functional input/output (simions). Unfortunately, some code fragments that behave similarly at the finer granularity of their execution traces may be ignored. In this paper, we propose the term “code relatives” to refer to code with similar execution behavior. We define code relatives and then present DyCLINK, our approach to detecting code relatives within and across codebases. DyCLINK records instruction-level traces from sample executions, organizes the traces into instruction-level dynamic dependence graphs, and employs our specialized subgraph matching algorithm to efficiently compare the executions of candidate code relatives. In our experiments, DyCLINK analyzed 422+ million prospective subgraph matches in only 43 minutes. We compared DyCLINK to one static code clone detector from the community and to our implementation of a dynamic simion detector. The results show that DyCLINK effectively detects code relatives with a reasonable analysis time.