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Narjess, Dali, Sadok, Bouamama.  2016.  A New Hybrid GPU-PSO Approach for Solving Max-CSPs. Proceedings of the 2016 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion. :119–120.

Particle swarm optimization (PSO) has been considered as a very efficient swarm intelligence technique used to solve many problems, such as those related to Constraint reasoning in particular Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs). In this paper, we introduce a new PSO method for solving Maximal Satisfaction Problems Max-CSPs, which belong to CSPs extensions. Our approach is based on a combination between two concepts: double guidance by both template concept and min-conflict heuristic, and the Triggered mutation proposed by Zhou and Tan. This new proposed approach avoids premature stagnation process in order to improve Max-CSPs solution quality. We resort to the high parallel computing insofar as it has shown high performances in several fields, using GPU architecture as a parallel computing framework. The experimental results, presented at the end, show the efficiency of the introduced technique in the resolution of large size Max-CSPs.