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Bertolissi, Clara, dos Santos, Daniel R., Ranise, Silvio.  2018.  Solving Multi-Objective Workflow Satisfiability Problems with Optimization Modulo Theories Techniques. Proceedings of the 23Nd ACM on Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies. :117-128.

Security-sensitive workflows impose constraints on the control-flow and authorization policies that may lead to unsatisfiable instances. In these cases, it is still possible to find "least bad" executions where costs associated to authorization violations are minimized, solving the so-called Multi-Objective Workflow Satisfiability Problem (MO-WSP). The MO-WSP is inspired by the Valued WSP and its generalization, the Bi-Objective WSP, but our work considers quantitative solutions to the WSP without abstracting control-flow constraints. In this paper, we define variations of the MO-WSP and solve them using bounded model checking and optimization modulo theories solving. We validate our solutions on real-world workflows and show their scalability on synthetic instances.

Bertolissi, Clara, Talbot, Jean-Marc, Villevalois, Didier.  2016.  Analysis of Access Control Policy Updates Through Narrowing. Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming. :62–75.

Administration of access control policies is a difficult task, especially in large organizations. We consider the problem of detecting whether administrative actions can yield in policies where some security goals are compromised. In particular, we are interested in problems generated by modifications –- such as adding/deleting elements to/from the set of possible users or permissions –- of policies specified as term-rewrite systems. We propose to use rewriting techniques to compare the behaviors of the modified version and the original version of the policy. More precisely, we use narrowing to compute counter-examples to the equivalence of rewrite-based policies. We prove that our technique provides a sound and complete way to recursively enumerate the set of counter-examples, even when this set is not finite, or when a mistake of the administrator makes one or both systems non-terminating.