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Perera, H.M.D.G.V., Samarasekara, K.M., Hewamanna, I.U.K., Kasthuriarachchi, D.N.W., Abeywardena, Kavinga Yapa, Yapa, Kanishka.  2021.  NetBot - An Automated Router Hardening Solution for Small to Medium Enterprises. 2021 IEEE 12th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON). :0015–0021.
Network security is of vital importance, and Information Technology admins must always be vigilant. But they often lack the expertise and skills required to harden the network properly, in with the emergence of security threats. The router plays a significant role in maintaining operational security for an organization. When it comes to information security, information security professionals mainly focus on protecting items such as firewalls, virtual private networks, etc. Routers are the foundation of any network's communication method, which means all the network information passes through the routers, making them a desirable target. The proposed automation of the router security hardening solution will immediately improve the security of routers and ensure that they are updated and hardened with minimal human intervention and configuration changes. This is specially focused on small and medium-sized organizations lacking workforce and expertise on network security and will help secure the routers with less time consumption, cost, and increased efficiency. The solution consists of four primary functions, initial configuration, vulnerability fixing, compliance auditing, and rollback. These focus on all aspects of router security in a network, from its configuration when it is initially connected to the network to checking its compliance errors, continuously monitoring the vulnerabilities that need to be fixed, and ensuring that the behavior of the devices is stable and shows no abnormalities when it comes to configuration changes.
Zhu, Fangzhou, Liu, Liang, Meng, Weizhi, Lv, Ting, Hu, Simin, Ye, Renjun.  2020.  SCAFFISD: A Scalable Framework for Fine-Grained Identification and Security Detection of Wireless Routers. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :1194–1199.

The security of wireless network devices has received widespread attention, but most existing schemes cannot achieve fine-grained device identification. In practice, the security vulnerabilities of a device are heavily depending on its model and firmware version. Motivated by this issue, we propose a universal, extensible and device-independent framework called SCAFFISD, which can provide fine-grained identification of wireless routers. It can generate access rules to extract effective information from the router admin page automatically and perform quick scans for known device vulnerabilities. Meanwhile, SCAFFISD can identify rogue access points (APs) in combination with existing detection methods, with the purpose of performing a comprehensive security assessment of wireless networks. We implement the prototype of SCAFFISD and verify its effectiveness through security scans of actual products.

Shakeel, M., Saeed, K., Ahmed, S., Nawaz, A., Jan, S., Najam, Z..  2020.  Analysis of Different Black Hole Attack Detection Mechanisms for AODV Routing Protocol in Robotics Mobile AdHoc Networks. 2020 Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International Conferences (ASET). :1–6.
Robotics Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are comprised of stations having mobility with no central authority and control. The stations having mobility in Robotics MANETs work as a host as well as a router. Due to the unique characteristics of Robotics MANETs such type of networks are vulnerable to different security attacks. Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) is a routing protocol that belongs to the reactive category of routing protocols in Robotics MANETs. However, it is more vulnerable to the Black hole (BH) attack that is one of the most common attacks in the Robotics MANETs environment. In this attack during the route disclosure procedure a malicious station promotes itself as a most brief path to the destination as well as after that drop every one of the data gotten by the malicious station. Meanwhile the packets don't reach to its ideal goal, the BH attack turns out to be progressively escalated when a heap of malicious stations attack the system as a gathering. This research analyzed different BH finding as well as removal mechanisms for AODV routing protocol.
Bontupalli, Venkataramesh, Yakopcic, Chris, Hasan, Raqibul, Taha, Tarek M..  2018.  Efficient Memristor-Based Architecture for Intrusion Detection and High-Speed Packet Classification. J. Emerg. Technol. Comput. Syst.. 14:41:1-41:27.

Deep packet inspection (DPI) is a critical component to prevent intrusion detection. This requires a detailed analysis of each network packet header and body. Although this is often done on dedicated high-power servers in most networked systems, mobile systems could potentially be vulnerable to attack if utilized on an unprotected network. In this case, having DPI hardware on the mobile system would be highly beneficial. Unfortunately, DPI hardware is generally area and power consuming, making its implementation difficult in mobile systems. We developed a memristor crossbar-based approach, inspired by memristor crossbar neuromorphic circuits, for a low-power, low-area, and high-throughput DPI system that examines both the header and body of a packet. Two key types of circuits are presented: static pattern matching and regular expression circuits. This system is able to reduce execution time and power consumption due to its high-density grid and massive parallelism. Independent searches are performed using low-power memristor crossbar arrays giving rise to a throughput of 160Gbps with no loss in the classification accuracy.

Abdel-Fattah, F., Farhan, K. A., Al-Tarawneh, F. H., AlTamimi, F..  2019.  Security Challenges and Attacks in Dynamic Mobile Ad Hoc Networks MANETs. 2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT). :28-33.

Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET for short) is a new art of wireless technology that connect a group of mobile nodes in a dynamically decentralized fashion without the need of a base station, or a centralized administration, whereas each mobile node can work as a router. MANET topology changes frequently, because of the MANET dynamically formation nature, and freely to move randomly. MANET can function as standalone or can be connected to external networks. Mobile nodes are characterized with minimal human interaction, weight, less memory, and power. Despite all the pros of MANET and the widely spreading in many and critical industries, MANET has some cons and suffers from severe security issues. In this survey we emphasize on the different types of attacks at MANET protocol stack, and show how MANET is vulnerable to those attacks.

Jonsdottir, G., Wood, D., Doshi, R..  2017.  IoT network monitor. 2017 IEEE MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference (URTC). :1–5.
IoT Network Monitor is an intuitive and user-friendly interface for consumers to visualize vulnerabilities of IoT devices in their home. Running on a Raspberry Pi configured as a router, the IoT Network Monitor analyzes the traffic of connected devices in three ways. First, it detects devices with default passwords exploited by previous attacks such as the Mirai Botnet, changes default device passwords to randomly generated 12 character strings, and reports the new passwords to the user. Second, it conducts deep packet analysis on the network data from each device and notifies the user of potentially sensitive personal information that is being transmitted in cleartext. Lastly, it detects botnet traffic originating from an IoT device connected to the network and instructs the user to disconnect the device if it has been hacked. The user-friendly IoT Network Monitor will enable homeowners to maintain the security of their home network and better understand what actions are appropriate when a certain security vulnerability is detected. Wide adoption of this tool will make consumer home IoT networks more secure.
Kamoona, M., El-Sharkawy, M..  2016.  FlexiWi-Fi Security Manager Using Freescale Embedded System. 2015 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Security (ICISS). :1–4.

Among the current Wi-Fi two security models (Enterprise and Personal), while the Enterprise model (802.1X) offers an effective framework for authenticating and controlling the user traffic to a protected network, the Personal model (802.11) offers the cheapest and the easiest to setup solution. However, the drawback of the personal model implementation is that all access points and client radio NIC on the wireless LAN should use the same encryption key. A major underlying problem of the 802.11 standard is that the pre-shared keys are cumbersome to change. So if those keys are not updated frequently, unauthorized users with some resources and within a short timeframe can crack the key and breach the network security. The purpose of this paper is to propose and implement an effective method for the system administrator to manage the users connected to a router, update the keys and further distribute them for the trusted clients using the Freescale embedded system, Infrared and Bluetooth modules.

Hyesook Lim, Kyuhee Lim, Nara Lee, Kyong-Hye Park.  2014.  On Adding Bloom Filters to Longest Prefix Matching Algorithms. Computers, IEEE Transactions on. 63:411-423.

High-speed IP address lookup is essential to achieve wire-speed packet forwarding in Internet routers. Ternary content addressable memory (TCAM) technology has been adopted to solve the IP address lookup problem because of its ability to perform fast parallel matching. However, the applicability of TCAMs presents difficulties due to cost and power dissipation issues. Various algorithms and hardware architectures have been proposed to perform the IP address lookup using ordinary memories such as SRAMs or DRAMs without using TCAMs. Among the algorithms, we focus on two efficient algorithms providing high-speed IP address lookup: parallel multiple-hashing (PMH) algorithm and binary search on level algorithm. This paper shows how effectively an on-chip Bloom filter can improve those algorithms. A performance evaluation using actual backbone routing data with 15,000-220,000 prefixes shows that by adding a Bloom filter, the complicated hardware for parallel access is removed without search performance penalty in parallel-multiple hashing algorithm. Search speed has been improved by 30-40 percent by adding a Bloom filter in binary search on level algorithm.