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Liu, Lisa, Engelen, Gints, Lynar, Timothy, Essam, Daryl, Joosen, Wouter.  2022.  Error Prevalence in NIDS datasets: A Case Study on CIC-IDS-2017 and CSE-CIC-IDS-2018. 2022 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :254—262.
Benchmark datasets are heavily depended upon by the research community to validate theoretical findings and track progression in the state-of-the-art. NIDS dataset creation presents numerous challenges on account of the volume, heterogeneity, and complexity of network traffic, making the process labor intensive, and thus, prone to error. This paper provides a critical review of CIC-IDS-2017 and CIC-CSE-IDS-2018, datasets which have seen extensive usage in the NIDS literature, and are currently considered primary benchmarking datasets for NIDS. We report a large number of previously undocumented errors throughout the dataset creation lifecycle, including in attack orchestration, feature generation, documentation, and labeling. The errors destabilize the results and challenge the findings of numerous publications that have relied on it as a benchmark. We demonstrate the implications of these errors through several experiments. We provide comprehensive documentation to summarize the discovery of these issues, as well as a fully-recreated dataset, with labeling logic that has been reverse-engineered, corrected, and made publicly available for the first time. We demonstrate the implications of dataset errors through a series of experiments. The findings serve to remind the research community of common pitfalls with dataset creation processes, and of the need to be vigilant when adopting new datasets. Lastly, we strongly recommend the release of labeling logic for any dataset released, to ensure full transparency.
Li, Hongwei, Chasaki, Danai.  2022.  Network-Based Machine Learning Detection of Covert Channel Attacks on Cyber-Physical Systems. 2022 IEEE 20th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN). :195–201.
Most of the recent high-profile attacks targeting cyber-physical systems (CPS) started with lengthy reconnaissance periods that enabled attackers to gain in-depth understanding of the victim’s environment. To simulate these stealthy attacks, several covert channel tools have been published and proven effective in their ability to blend into existing CPS communication streams and have the capability for data exfiltration and command injection.In this paper, we report a novel machine learning feature engineering and data processing pipeline for the detection of covert channel attacks on CPS systems with real-time detection throughput. The system also operates at the network layer without requiring physical system domain-specific state modeling, such as voltage levels in a power generation system. We not only demonstrate the effectiveness of using TCP payload entropy as engineered features and the technique of grouping information into network flows, but also pitch the proposed detector against scenarios employing advanced evasion tactics, and still achieve above 99% detection performance.
Halisdemir, Maj. Emre, Karacan, Hacer, Pihelgas, Mauno, Lepik, Toomas, Cho, Sungbaek.  2022.  Data Quality Problem in AI-Based Network Intrusion Detection Systems Studies and a Solution Proposal. 2022 14th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Keep Moving! (CyCon). 700:367–383.
Network Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) have been used to increase the level of network security for many years. The main purpose of such systems is to detect and block malicious activity in the network traffic. Researchers have been improving the performance of IDS technology for decades by applying various machine-learning techniques. From the perspective of academia, obtaining a quality dataset (i.e. a sufficient amount of captured network packets that contain both malicious and normal traffic) to support machine learning approaches has always been a challenge. There are many datasets publicly available for research purposes, including NSL-KDD, KDDCUP 99, CICIDS 2017 and UNSWNB15. However, these datasets are becoming obsolete over time and may no longer be adequate or valid to model and validate IDSs against state-of-the-art attack techniques. As attack techniques are continuously evolving, datasets used to develop and test IDSs also need to be kept up to date. Proven performance of an IDS tested on old attack patterns does not necessarily mean it will perform well against new patterns. Moreover, existing datasets may lack certain data fields or attributes necessary to analyse some of the new attack techniques. In this paper, we argue that academia needs up-to-date high-quality datasets. We compare publicly available datasets and suggest a way to provide up-to-date high-quality datasets for researchers and the security industry. The proposed solution is to utilize the network traffic captured from the Locked Shields exercise, one of the world’s largest live-fire international cyber defence exercises held annually by the NATO CCDCOE. During this three-day exercise, red team members consisting of dozens of white hackers selected by the governments of over 20 participating countries attempt to infiltrate the networks of over 20 blue teams, who are tasked to defend a fictional country called Berylia. After the exercise, network packets captured from each blue team’s network are handed over to each team. However, the countries are not willing to disclose the packet capture (PCAP) files to the public since these files contain specific information that could reveal how a particular nation might react to certain types of cyberattacks. To overcome this problem, we propose to create a dedicated virtual team, capture all the traffic from this team’s network, and disclose it to the public so that academia can use it for unclassified research and studies. In this way, the organizers of Locked Shields can effectively contribute to the advancement of future artificial intelligence (AI) enabled security solutions by providing annual datasets of up-to-date attack patterns.
ISSN: 2325-5374
Ndemeye, Bosco, Hussain, Shahid, Norris, Boyana.  2021.  Threshold-Based Analysis of the Code Quality of High-Performance Computing Software Packages. 2021 IEEE 21st International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C). :222—228.
Many popular metrics used for the quantification of the quality or complexity of a codebase (e.g. cyclomatic complexity) were developed in the 1970s or 1980s when source code sizes were significantly smaller than they are today, and before a number of modern programming language features were introduced in different languages. Thus, the many thresholds that were suggested by researchers for deciding whether a given function is lacking in a given quality dimension need to be updated. In the pursuit of this goal, we study a number of open-source high-performance codes, each of which has been in development for more than 15 years—a characteristic which we take to imply good design to score them in terms of their source codes' quality and to relax the above-mentioned thresholds. First, we employ the LLVM/Clang compiler infrastructure and introduce a Clang AST tool to gather AST-based metrics, as well as an LLVM IR pass for those based on a source code's static call graph. Second, we perform statistical analysis to identify the reference thresholds of 22 code quality and callgraph-related metrics at a fine grained level.
Al Khayer, Aala, Almomani, Iman, Elkawlak, Khaled.  2020.  ASAF: Android Static Analysis Framework. 2020 First International Conference of Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (SMARTTECH). :197–202.
Android Operating System becomes a major target for malicious attacks. Static analysis approach is widely used to detect malicious applications. Most of existing studies on static analysis frameworks are limited to certain features. This paper presents an Android Static Analysis Framework (ASAF) which models the overall static analysis phases and approaches for Android applications. ASAF can be implemented for different purposes including Android malicious apps detection. The proposed framework utilizes a parsing tool, Android Static Parse (ASParse) which is also introduced in this paper. Through the extendibility of the ASParse tool, future research studies can easily extend the parsed features and the parsed files to perform parsing based on their specific requirements and goals. Moreover, a case study is conducted to illustrate the implementation of the proposed ASAF.
Shen, Jingyi, Baysal, Olga, Shafiq, M. Omair.  2019.  Evaluating the Performance of Machine Learning Sentiment Analysis Algorithms in Software Engineering. 2019 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). :1023–1030.
In recent years, sentiment analysis has been aware within software engineering domain. While automated sentiment analysis has long been suffering from doubt of accuracy, the tool performance is unstable when being applied on datasets other than the original dataset for evaluation. Researchers also have the disagreements upon if machine learning algorithms perform better than conventional lexicon and rule based approaches. In this paper, we looked into the factors in datasets that may affect the evaluation performance, also evaluated the popular machine learning algorithms in sentiment analysis, then proposed a novel structure for automated sentiment tool combines advantages from both approaches.
Rossow, C., Dietrich, C.J., Grier, C., Kreibich, C., Paxson, V., Pohlmann, N., Bos, H., van Steen, M..  2012.  Prudent Practices for Designing Malware Experiments: Status Quo and Outlook. Security and Privacy (SP), 2012 IEEE Symposium on. :65-79.

Malware researchers rely on the observation of malicious code in execution to collect datasets for a wide array of experiments, including generation of detection models, study of longitudinal behavior, and validation of prior research. For such research to reflect prudent science, the work needs to address a number of concerns relating to the correct and representative use of the datasets, presentation of methodology in a fashion sufficiently transparent to enable reproducibility, and due consideration of the need not to harm others. In this paper we study the methodological rigor and prudence in 36 academic publications from 2006-2011 that rely on malware execution. 40% of these papers appeared in the 6 highest-ranked academic security conferences. We find frequent shortcomings, including problematic assumptions regarding the use of execution-driven datasets (25% of the papers), absence of description of security precautions taken during experiments (71% of the articles), and oftentimes insufficient description of the experimental setup. Deficiencies occur in top-tier venues and elsewhere alike, highlighting a need for the community to improve its handling of malware datasets. In the hope of aiding authors, reviewers, and readers, we frame guidelines regarding transparency, realism, correctness, and safety for collecting and using malware datasets.