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Liu, Yu, Zhou, Chenqian.  2022.  Research on Intelligent Accounting System Based on Intelligent Financial Data Sheet Analysis System Considering Complex Data Mining. 2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS). :724—728.
Research on intelligent accounting system based on intelligent financial data sheet analysis system considering complex data mining is conducted in the paper. The expert audit system extracts business records from the business database according to the specified audit conditions, and the program automatically calculates the total amount of the amount data items, and then compares it with the standard or normal business, reflecting the necessary information such as differences and also possible audit trails. In order to find intrusion behaviors and traces, data collection is carried out from multiple points in the network system. The collection content includes system logs, network data packets, important files, and the status and the behavior of the user activities. Furthermore, complex data mining model is combined for the systematic analysis on the system performance. The simulation on the collected data is provided to the validate the performance.
Papakonstantinou, N., Linnosmaa, J., Bashir, A. Z., Malm, T., Bossuyt, D. L. V..  2020.  Early Combined Safety - Security Defense in Depth Assessment of Complex Systems. 2020 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS). :1—7.

Safety and security of complex critical infrastructures is very important for economic, environmental and social reasons. The interdisciplinary and inter-system dependencies within these infrastructures introduce difficulties in the safety and security design. Late discovery of safety and security design weaknesses can lead to increased costs, additional system complexity, ineffective mitigation measures and delays to the deployment of the systems. Traditionally, safety and security assessments are handled using different methods and tools, although some concepts are very similar, by specialized experts in different disciplines and are performed at different system design life-cycle phases.The methodology proposed in this paper supports a concurrent safety and security Defense in Depth (DiD) assessment at an early design phase and it is designed to handle safety and security at a high level and not focus on specific practical technologies. It is assumed that regardless of the perceived level of security defenses in place, a determined (motivated, capable and/or well-funded) attacker can find a way to penetrate a layer of defense. While traditional security research focuses on removing vulnerabilities and increasing the difficulty to exploit weaknesses, our higher-level approach focuses on how the attacker's reach can be limited and to increase the system's capability for detection, identification, mitigation and tracking. The proposed method can assess basic safety and security DiD design principles like Redundancy, Physical separation, Functional isolation, Facility functions, Diversity, Defense lines/Facility and Computer Security zones, Safety classes/Security Levels, Safety divisions and physical gates/conduits (as defined by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and international standards) concurrently and provide early feedback to the system engineer. A prototype tool is developed that can parse the exported project file of the interdisciplinary model. Based on a set of safety and security attributes, the tool is able to assess aspects of the safety and security DiD capabilities of the design. Its results can be used to identify errors, improve the design and cut costs before a formal human expert inspection. The tool is demonstrated on a case study of an early conceptual design of a complex system of a nuclear power plant.

Wang, Xiaozhen.  2019.  Study on E-government Information Security in the Era of Big Data. 2019 IEEE 4th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC). 1:2492—2496.

The government in the era of big data requires safer infrastructure, information storage and data application. As a result, security threats will be the bottleneck for e-government development. Based on the e-government hierarchy model, this thesis focuses on such information security threats as human effects, network technology defects and management deficiency facing the e-government system in the era of big data. On this basis, three solutions are put forward to improve e-government information security system. Firstly, enhance information security awareness and improve network technology of information management departments in the government; secondly, conduct proper information encryption by ensuring information confidentiality and identity authentication; thirdly, implement strict information management through isolation between intranet and extranet and united planning of e-government information management.

Lochbihler, Andreas, Sefidgar, S. Reza, Basin, David, Maurer, Ueli.  2019.  Formalizing Constructive Cryptography using CryptHOL. 2019 IEEE 32nd Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :152–15214.
Computer-aided cryptography increases the rigour of cryptographic proofs by mechanizing their verification. Existing tools focus mainly on game-based proofs, and efforts to formalize composable frameworks such as Universal Composability have met with limited success. In this paper, we formalize an instance of Constructive Cryptography, a generic theory allowing for clean, composable cryptographic security statements. Namely, we extend CryptHOL, a framework for game-based proofs, with an abstract model of Random Systems and provide proof rules for their equality and composition. We formalize security as a special kind of system construction in which a complex system is built from simpler ones. As a simple case study, we formalize the construction of an information-theoretically secure channel from a key, a random function, and an insecure channel.
Vegh, Laura.  2018.  Cyber-physical systems security through multi-factor authentication and data analytics. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). :1369–1374.
We are living in a society where technology is present everywhere we go. We are striving towards smart homes, smart cities, Internet of Things, Internet of Everything. Not so long ago, a password was all you needed for secure authentication. Nowadays, even the most complicated passwords are not considered enough. Multi-factor authentication is gaining more and more terrain. Complex system may also require more than one solution for real, strong security. The present paper proposes a framework based with MFA as a basis for access control and data analytics. Events within a cyber-physical system are processed and analyzed in an attempt to detect, prevent and mitigate possible attacks.
Wakchaure, M., Sarwade, S., Siddavatam, I..  2016.  Reconnaissance of Industrial Control System by deep packet inspection. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICETECH). :1093–1096.

Industrial Control System (ICS) consists of large number of electronic devices connected to field devices to execute the physical processes. Communication network of ICS supports wide range of packet based applications. A growing issue with network security and its impact on ICS have highlighted some fundamental risks to critical infrastructure. To address network security issues for ICS a clear understanding of security specific defensive countermeasures is required. Reconnaissance of ICS network by deep packet inspection (DPI) consists analysis of the contents of the captured packets in order to get accurate measures of process that uses specific countermeasure to create an aggregated posture. In this paper we focus on novel approach by presenting a technique with captured network traffic. This technique is capable to identify the protocols and extract different features for classification of traffic based on network protocol, header information and payload to understand the whole architecture of complex system. Here we have segregated possible types of attacks on ICS.

Musgrove, J., Cukic, B., Cortellessa, V..  2014.  Proactive Model-Based Performance Analysis and Security Tradeoffs in a Complex System. High-Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE), 2014 IEEE 15th International Symposium on. :211-215.

Application domains in which early performance evaluation is needed are becoming more complex. In addition to traditional measures of complexity due, for example, to the number of components, their interactions, complicated control coordination and schemes, emerging applications may require adaptive response and reconfiguration the impact of externally observable (security) parameters. In this paper we introduce an approach for effective modeling and analysis of performance and security tradeoffs. The approach identifies a suitable allocation of resources that meet performance requirements, while maximizing measurable security effects. We demonstrate this approach through the analysis of performance sensitivity of a Border Inspection Management System (BIMS) with changing security mechanisms (e.g. biometric system parameters for passenger identification). The final result is a model-based approach that allows us to take decisions about BIMS performance and security mechanisms on the basis of rates of traveler arrivals and traveler identification security guarantees. We describe the experience gained when applying this approach to daily flight arrival schedule of a real airport.