Remote patient monitoring is a system that focuses on patients care and attention with the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT). The technology makes it easier to track distance, but also to diagnose and provide critical attention and service on demand so that billions of people are safer and more safe. Skincare monitoring is one of the growing fields of medical care which requires IoT monitoring, because there is an increasing number of patients, but cures are restricted to the number of available dermatologists. The IoT-based skin monitoring system produces and store volumes of private medical data at the cloud from which the skin experts can access it at remote locations. Such large-scale data are highly vulnerable and otherwise have catastrophic results for privacy and security mechanisms. Medical organizations currently do not concentrate much on maintaining safety and privacy, which are of major importance in the field. This paper provides an IoT based skin surveillance system based on a blockchain data protection and safety mechanism. A secure data transmission mechanism for IoT devices used in a distributed architecture is proposed. Privacy is assured through a unique key to identify each user when he registers. The principle of blockchain also addresses security issues through the generation of hash functions on every transaction variable. We use blockchain consortiums that meet our criteria in a decentralized environment for controlled access. The solutions proposed allow IoT based skin surveillance systems to privately and securely store and share medical data over the network without disturbance.
Preserving medical data is of utmost importance to stake holders. There are not many laws in India about preservation, usability of patient records. When data is transmitted across the globe there are chances of data getting tampered intentionally or accidentally. Tampered data loses its authenticity for diagnostic purpose, research and various other reasons. This paper proposes an authenticity based ECDSA algorithm by signature verification to identify the tampering of medical image files and alerts by the rules of authenticity. The algorithm can be used by researchers, doctors or any other educated person in order to maintain the authenticity of the record. Presently it is applied on medical related image files like DICOM. However, it can support any other medical related image files and still preserve the authenticity.
This research provides security and safety extensions to a blockchain based solution whose target is e-health. The Advanced Blockchain platform is extended with intelligent monitoring for security and machine learning for detecting patient treatment medication safety issues. For the reasons of stringent HIPAA, HITECH, EU-GDPR and other regional regulations dictating security, safety and privacy requirements, the e-Health blockchains have to cover mandatory disclosure of violations or enforcements of policies during transaction flows involving healthcare. Our service solution further provides the benefits of resolving the abnormal flows of a medical treatment process, providing accountability of the service providers, enabling a trust health information environment for institutions to handle medication safely, giving patients a better safety guarantee, and enabling the authorities to supervise the security and safety of e-Health blockchains. The capabilities can be generalized to support a uniform smart solution across industry in a variety of blockchain applications.
E- Health systems, specifically, Telecare Medical Information Systems (TMIS), are deployed in order to provide patients with specific diseases with healthcare services that are usually based on remote monitoring. Therefore, making an efficient, convenient and secure connection between users and medical servers over insecure channels within medical services is a rather major issue. In this context, because of the biometrics' characteristics, many biometrics-based three factor user authentication schemes have been proposed in the literature to secure user/server communication within medical services. In this paper, we make a brief study of the most interesting proposals. Then, we propose a new three-factor authentication and key agreement scheme for TMIS. Our scheme tends not only to fix the security drawbacks of some studied related work, but also, offers additional significant features while minimizing resource consumption. In addition, we perform a formal verification using the widely accepted formal security verification tool AVISPA to demonstrate that our proposed scheme is secure. Also, our comparative performance analysis reveals that our proposed scheme provides a lower resource consumption compared to other related work's proposals.
The purpose of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is to provide improved privacy protection. If an app controls personal data from users, it needs to be compliant with GDPR. However, GDPR lists general rules rather than exact step-by-step guidelines about how to develop an app that fulfills the requirements. Therefore, there may exist GDPR compliance violations in existing apps, which would pose severe privacy threats to app users. In this paper, we take mobile health applications (mHealth apps) as a peephole to examine the status quo of GDPR compliance in Android apps. We first propose an automated system, named HPDROID, to bridge the semantic gap between the general rules of GDPR and the app implementations by identifying the data practices declared in the app privacy policy and the data relevant behaviors in the app code. Then, based on HPDROID, we detect three kinds of GDPR compliance violations, including the incompleteness of privacy policy, the inconsistency of data collections, and the insecurity of data transmission. We perform an empirical evaluation of 796 mHealth apps. The results reveal that 189 (23.7%) of them do not provide complete privacy policies. Moreover, 59 apps collect sensitive data through different measures, but 46 (77.9%) of them contain at least one inconsistent collection behavior. Even worse, among the 59 apps, only 8 apps try to ensure the transmission security of collected data. However, all of them contain at least one encryption or SSL misuse. Our work exposes severe privacy issues to raise awareness of privacy protection for app users and developers.
The battlefield environment differs from the natural environment in terms of irregular communications and the possibility of destroying communication and medical units by enemy forces. Information that can be collected in a war environment by soldiers is important information and must reach top-level commanders in time for timely decisions making. Also, ambulance staff in the battlefield need to enter the data of injured soldiers after the first aid, so that the information is available for the field hospital staff to prepare the needs for incoming injured soldiers.In this research, we propose two transaction techniques to handle these issues and use different concurrency control protocols, depending on the nature of the transaction and not a one concurrency control protocol for all types of transactions. Message transaction technique is used to collect valuable data from the battlefield by soldiers and allows top-level commanders to view it according to their permissions by logging into the system, to help them make timely decisions. In addition, use the capabilities of DBMS tools to organize data and generate reports, as well as for future analysis. Medical service unit transactional workflow technique is used to provides medical information to the medical authorities about the injured soldiers and their status, which helps them to prepare the required needs before the wounded soldiers arrive at the hospitals. Both techniques handle the disconnection problem during transaction processing.In our approach, the transaction consists of four phases, reading, editing, validation, and writing phases, and its processing is based on the optimistic concurrency control protocol, and the rules of actionability that describe how a transaction behaves if a value-change is occurred on one or more of its attributes during its processing time by other transactions.
We present a novel, and use case agnostic method of identifying and circumventing private data exposure across distributed and high-dimensional data repositories. Examples of distributed high-dimensional data repositories include medical research and treatment data, where oftentimes more than 300 describing attributes appear. As such, providing strong guarantees of data anonymity in these repositories is a hard constraint in adhering to privacy legislation. Yet, when applied to distributed high-dimensional data, existing anonymisation algorithms incur high levels of information loss and do not guarantee privacy defeating the purpose of anonymisation. In this paper, we address this issue by using Bayesian networks to handle data transformation for anonymisation. By evaluating every attribute combination to determine the privacy exposure risk, the conditional probability linking attribute pairs is computed. Pairs with a high conditional probability expose the risk of deanonymisation similar to quasi-identifiers and can be separated instead of deleted, as in previous algorithms. Attribute separation removes the risk of privacy exposure, and deletion avoidance results in a significant reduction in information loss. In other words, assimilating the conditional probability of outliers directly in the adjacency matrix in a greedy fashion is quick and thwarts de-anonymisation. Since identifying every privacy violating attribute combination is a W[2]-complete problem, we optimise the procedure with a multigrid solver method by evaluating the conditional probabilities between attribute pairs, and aggregating state space explosion of attribute pairs through manifold learning. Finally, incremental processing of new data is achieved through inexpensive, continuous (delta) learning.
Advances in new Communication and Information innovations has led to a new paradigm known as Internet of Things (IoT). Healthcare environment uses IoT technologies for Patients care which can be used in various medical applications. Patient information is encrypted consistently to maintain the access of therapeutic records by authoritative entities. Healthcare Internet of Things (HIoT) facilitate the access of Patient files immediately in emergency situations. In the proposed system, the Patient directly provides the Key to the Doctor in normal care access. In Emergency care, a Patient shares an Attribute based Key with a set of Emergency Supporting Representatives (ESRs) and access permission to the Doctor for utilizing Emergency key from ESR. The Doctor decrypts the medical records by using Attribute based key and Emergency key to save the Patient's life. The proposed model Secure Information Retrieval using Lightweight Cryptography (SIRLC) reduces the secret key generation time and cipher text size. The performance evaluation indicates that SIRLC is a better option to utilize in Healthcare IoT than Lightweight Break-glass Access Control(LiBAC) with enhanced security and reduced computational complexity.
Future that IoT has to enhance the productivity on healthcare applications.
Future that IoT has to enhance the productivity on healthcare applications.
Recently, the home healthcare system has emerged as one of the most useful technology for e-healthcare. Contrary to classical recording methods of patient's medical data, which are, based on paper documents, nowadays all this sensitive data can be managed and forwarded through digital systems. These make possible for both patients and healthcare workers to access medical data or receive remote medical treatment using wireless interfaces whenever and wherever. However, simplifying access to these sensitive and private data can directly put patient's health and life in danger. In this paper, we propose a secure and lightweight biometric-based remote patient authentication scheme using elliptic curve encryption through which two mobile healthcare system communication parties could authenticate each other in public mobile healthcare environments. The security and performance analysis demonstrate that our proposal achieves better security than other concurrent schemes, with lower storage, communication and computation costs.