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Graves, Catherine E., Ma, Wen, Sheng, Xia, Buchanan, Brent, Zheng, Le, Lam, Si-Ty, Li, Xuema, Chalamalasetti, Sai Rahul, Kiyama, Lennie, Foltin, Martin et al..  2018.  Regular Expression Matching with Memristor TCAMs for Network Security. Proceedings of the 14th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures. :65–71.

We propose using memristor-based TCAMs (Ternary Content Addressable Memory) to accelerate Regular Expression (RegEx) matching. RegEx matching is a key function in network security, where deep packet inspection finds and filters out malicious actors. However, RegEx matching latency and power can be incredibly high and current proposals are challenged to perform wire-speed matching for large scale rulesets. Our approach dramatically decreases RegEx matching operating power, provides high throughput, and the use of mTCAMs enables novel compression techniques to expand ruleset sizes and allows future exploitation of the multi-state (analog) capabilities of memristors. We fabricated and demonstrated nanoscale memristor TCAM cells. SPICE simulations investigate mTCAM performance at scale and a mTCAM power model at 22nm demonstrates 0.2 fJ/bit/search energy for a 36x400 mTCAM. We further propose a tiled architecture which implements a Snort ruleset and assess the application performance. Compared to a state-of-the-art FPGA approach (2 Gbps,\textbackslashtextasciitilde1W), we show x4 throughput (8 Gbps) at 60% the power (0.62W) before applying standard TCAM power-saving techniques. Our performance comparison improves further when striding (searching multiple characters) is considered, resulting in 47.2 Gbps at 1.3W for our approach compared to 3.9 Gbps at 630mW for the strided FPGA NFA, demonstrating a promising path to wire-speed RegEx matching on large scale rulesets.

Bruel, P., Chalamalasetti, S. R., Dalton, C., Hajj, I. El, Goldman, A., Graves, C., Hwu, W. m, Laplante, P., Milojicic, D., Ndu, G. et al..  2017.  Generalize or Die: Operating Systems Support for Memristor-Based Accelerators. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC). :1–8.

The deceleration of transistor feature size scaling has motivated growing adoption of specialized accelerators implemented as GPUs, FPGAs, ASICs, and more recently new types of computing such as neuromorphic, bio-inspired, ultra low energy, reversible, stochastic, optical, quantum, combinations, and others unforeseen. There is a tension between specialization and generalization, with the current state trending to master slave models where accelerators (slaves) are instructed by a general purpose system (master) running an Operating System (OS). Traditionally, an OS is a layer between hardware and applications and its primary function is to manage hardware resources and provide a common abstraction to applications. Does this function, however, apply to new types of computing paradigms? This paper revisits OS functionality for memristor-based accelerators. We explore one accelerator implementation, the Dot Product Engine (DPE), for a select pattern of applications in machine learning, imaging, and scientific computing and a small set of use cases. We explore typical OS functionality, such as reconfiguration, partitioning, security, virtualization, and programming. We also explore new types of functionality, such as precision and trustworthiness of reconfiguration. We claim that making an accelerator, such as the DPE, more general will result in broader adoption and better utilization.

Kannan, S., Karimi, N., Karri, R., Sinanoglu, O..  2014.  Detection, diagnosis, and repair of faults in memristor-based memories. VLSI Test Symposium (VTS), 2014 IEEE 32nd. :1-6.

Memristors are an attractive option for use in future memory architectures due to their non-volatility, high density and low power operation. Notwithstanding these advantages, memristors and memristor-based memories are prone to high defect densities due to the non-deterministic nature of nanoscale fabrication. The typical approach to fault detection and diagnosis in memories entails testing one memory cell at a time. This is time consuming and does not scale for the dense, memristor-based memories. In this paper, we integrate solutions for detecting and locating faults in memristors, and ensure post-silicon recovery from memristor failures. We propose a hybrid diagnosis scheme that exploits sneak-paths inherent in crossbar memories, and uses March testing to test and diagnose multiple memory cells simultaneously, thereby reducing test time. We also provide a repair mechanism that prevents faults in the memory from being activated. The proposed schemes enable and leverage sneak paths during fault detection and diagnosis modes, while still maintaining a sneak-path free crossbar during normal operation. The proposed hybrid scheme reduces fault detection and diagnosis time by ~44%, compared to traditional March tests, and repairs the faulty cell with minimal overhead.