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Klein, Amit.  2021.  Cross Layer Attacks and How to Use Them (for DNS Cache Poisoning, Device Tracking and More). 2021 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :1179–1196.
We analyze the prandom pseudo random number generator (PRNG) in use in the Linux kernel (which is the kernel of the Linux operating system, as well as of Android) and demonstrate that this PRNG is weak. The prandom PRNG is in use by many "consumers" in the Linux kernel. We focused on three consumers at the network level – the UDP source port generation algorithm, the IPv6 flow label generation algorithm and the IPv4 ID generation algorithm. The flawed prandom PRNG is shared by all these consumers, which enables us to mount "cross layer attacks" against the Linux kernel. In these attacks, we infer the internal state of the prandom PRNG from one OSI layer, and use it to either predict the values of the PRNG employed by the other OSI layer, or to correlate it to an internal state of the PRNG inferred from the other protocol.Using this approach we can mount a very efficient DNS cache poisoning attack against Linux. We collect TCP/IPv6 flow label values, or UDP source ports, or TCP/IPv4 IP ID values, reconstruct the internal PRNG state, then predict an outbound DNS query UDP source port, which speeds up the attack by a factor of x3000 to x6000. This attack works remotely, but can also be mounted locally, across Linux users and across containers, and (depending on the stub resolver) can poison the cache with an arbitrary DNS record. Additionally, we can identify and track Linux and Android devices – we collect TCP/IPv6 flow label values and/or UDP source port values and/or TCP/IPv4 ID fields, reconstruct the PRNG internal state and correlate this new state to previously extracted PRNG states to identify the same device.
Ordouie, Navid, Soundararajan, Nirmala, Karne, Ramesh, Wijesinha, Alexander L..  2021.  Developing Computer Applications without any OS or Kernel in a Multi-core Architecture. 2021 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC). :1—8.
Over the years, operating systems (OSs) have grown significantly in complexity and size providing attackers with more avenues to compromise their security. By eliminating the OS, it becomes possible to develop general-purpose non-embedded applications that are free of typical OS-related vulnerabilities. Such applications are simpler and smaller in size, making it easier secure the application code. Bare machine computing (BMC) applications run on ordinary desktops and laptops without the support of any operating system or centralized kernel. Many BMC applications have been developed previously for single-core systems. We show how to build BMC applications for multicore systems by presenting the design and implementation of a novel UDP-based bare machine prototype Web server for a multicore architecture. We also include preliminary experimental results from running the server on the Internet. This work provides a foundation for building secure computer applications that run on multicore systems without the need for intermediary software.
Gomathi, S., Parmar, Nilesh, Devi, Jyoti, Patel, Namrata.  2020.  Detecting Malware Attack on Cloud using Deep Learning Vector Quantization. 2020 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN). :356—361.

In recent times cloud services are used widely and due to which there are so many attacks on the cloud devices. One of the major attacks is DDos (distributed denial-of-service) -attack which mainly targeted the Memcached which is a caching system developed for speeding the websites and the networks through Memcached's database. The DDoS attack tries to destroy the database by creating a flood of internet traffic at the targeted server end. Attackers send the spoofing applications to the vulnerable UDP Memcached server which even manipulate the legitimate identity of the sender. In this work, we have proposed a vector quantization approach based on a supervised deep learning approach to detect the Memcached attack performed by the use of malicious firmware on different types of Cloud attached devices. This vector quantization approach detects the DDoas attack performed by malicious firmware on the different types of cloud devices and this also classifies the applications which are vulnerable to attack based on cloud-The Hackbeased services. The result computed during the testing shows the 98.2 % as legally positive and 0.034% as falsely negative.

Arvind, S, Narayanan, V Anantha.  2019.  An Overview of Security in CoAP: Attack and Analysis. 2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing Communication Systems (ICACCS). :655—660.
Over the last decade, a technology called Internet of Things (IoT) has been evolving at a rapid pace. It enables the development of endless applications in view of availability of affordable components which provide smart ecosystems. The IoT devices are constrained devices which are connected to the internet and perform sensing tasks. Each device is identified by their unique address and also makes use of the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) as one of the main web transfer protocols. It is an application layer protocol which does not maintain secure channels to transfer information. For authentication and end-to-end security, Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) is one of the possible approaches to boost the security aspect of CoAP, in addition to which there are many suggested ways to protect the transmission of sensitive information. CoAP uses DTLS as a secure protocol and UDP as a transfer protocol. Therefore, the attacks on UDP or DTLS could be assigned as a CoAP attack. An attack on DTLS could possibly be launched in a single session and a strong authentication mechanism is needed. Man-In-The-Middle attack is one the peak security issues in CoAP as cited by Request For Comments(RFC) 7252, which encompasses attacks like Sniffing, Spoofing, Denial of Service (DoS), Hijacking, Cross-Protocol attacks and other attacks including Replay attacks and Relay attacks. In this work, a client-server architecture is setup, whose end devices communicate using CoAP. Also, a proxy system was installed across the client side to launch an active interception between the client and the server. The work will further be enhanced to provide solutions to mitigate these attacks.
Shrishak, Kris, Shulman, Haya, Waidner, Michael.  2018.  Removing the Bottleneck for Practical 2PC. Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :2300-2302.

Secure Two Party Computation (2PC) has the potential to facilitate a wide range of real life applications where privacy of the computation and participants is critical. Nevertheless, this potential has not translated to widespread industry acceptance due to performance issues. Over the years a significant research effort has focused on optimising the performance of 2PC. The computation complexity has been continually improved and recently, following circuit optimisations and hardware support for cryptographic operations, evaluations of 2PC on a single host currently produce efficient results. Unfortunately, when evaluated on remote hosts, the performance remains prohibitive for practical purposes. The bottleneck is believed to be the bandwidth. In this work we explore the networking layer of 2PC implementations and show that the performance bottleneck is inherent in the usage of TCP sockets in implementations of 2PC schemes. Through experimental evaluations, we demonstrate that other transport protocols can significantly improve the performance of 2PC, making it suitable for practical applications.

Mallikarjunan, K. N., Muthupriya, K., Shalinie, S. M..  2016.  A survey of distributed denial of service attack. 2016 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO). :1–6.

Information security deals with a large number of subjects like spoofed message detection, audio processing, video surveillance and cyber-attack detections. However the biggest threat for the homeland security is cyber-attacks. Distributed Denial of Service attack is one among them. Interconnected systems such as database server, web server, cloud computing servers etc., are now under threads from network attackers. Denial of service is common attack in the internet which causes problem for both the user and the service providers. Distributed attack sources can be used to enlarge the attack in case of Distributed Denial of Service so that the effect of the attack will be high. Distributed Denial of Service attacks aims at exhausting the communication and computational power of the network by flooding the packets through the network and making malicious traffic in the network. In order to be an effective service the DDoS attack must be detected and mitigated quickly before the legitimate user access the attacker's target. The group of systems that is used to perform the DoS attack is known as the botnets. This paper introduces the overview of the state of art in DDoS attack detection strategies.

Alrabaee, S., Bataineh, A., Khasawneh, F.A., Dssouli, R..  2014.  Using model checking for Trivial File Transfer Protocol validation. Communications and Networking (ComNet), 2014 International Conference on. :1-7.

This paper presents verification and model based checking of the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). Model checking is a technique for software verification that can detect concurrency defects within appropriate constraints by performing an exhaustive state space search on a software design or implementation and alert the implementing organization to potential design deficiencies that are otherwise difficult to be discovered. The TFTP is implemented on top of the Internet User Datagram Protocol (UDP) or any other datagram protocol. We aim to create a design model of TFTP protocol, with adding window size, using Promela to simulate it and validate some specified properties using spin. The verification has been done by using the model based checking tool SPIN which accepts design specification written in the verification language PROMELA. The results show that TFTP is free of live locks.