Visible to the public Detecting Malware Attack on Cloud using Deep Learning Vector Quantization

TitleDetecting Malware Attack on Cloud using Deep Learning Vector Quantization
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsGomathi, S., Parmar, Nilesh, Devi, Jyoti, Patel, Namrata
Conference Name2020 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN)
Date PublishedSept. 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-9393-9
Keywordsattack vectors, cloud computing, Computer crime, DDoS Attack, Deep Learning, Deep Learning Vector Quantizarion, Human Behavior, injected code, Memcached, Microprogramming, performance evaluation, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, ResNet, Scalability, Servers, Spoofing, UDP, vector quantization

In recent times cloud services are used widely and due to which there are so many attacks on the cloud devices. One of the major attacks is DDos (distributed denial-of-service) -attack which mainly targeted the Memcached which is a caching system developed for speeding the websites and the networks through Memcached's database. The DDoS attack tries to destroy the database by creating a flood of internet traffic at the targeted server end. Attackers send the spoofing applications to the vulnerable UDP Memcached server which even manipulate the legitimate identity of the sender. In this work, we have proposed a vector quantization approach based on a supervised deep learning approach to detect the Memcached attack performed by the use of malicious firmware on different types of Cloud attached devices. This vector quantization approach detects the DDoas attack performed by malicious firmware on the different types of cloud devices and this also classifies the applications which are vulnerable to attack based on cloud-The Hackbeased services. The result computed during the testing shows the 98.2 % as legally positive and 0.034% as falsely negative.

Citation Keygomathi_detecting_2020