Nath, Shubha Brata, Addya, Sourav Kanti, Chakraborty, Sandip, Ghosh, Soumya K.
Container-based Service State Management in Cloud Computing. 2021 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM). :487—493.
In a cloud data center, the client requests are catered by placing the services in its servers. Such services are deployed through a sandboxing platform to ensure proper isolation among services from different users. Due to the lightweight nature, containers have become increasingly popular to support such sandboxing. However, for supporting effective and efficient data center resource usage with minimum resource footprints, improving the containers' consolidation ratio is significant for the cloud service providers. Towards this end, in this paper, we propose an exciting direction to significantly boost up the consolidation ratio of a data-center environment by effectively managing the containers' states. We observe that many cloud-based application services are event-triggered, so they remain inactive unless some external service request comes. We exploit the fact that the containers remain in an idle state when the underlying service is not active, and thus such idle containers can be checkpointed unless an external service request comes. However, the challenge here is to design an efficient mechanism such that an idle container can be resumed quickly to prevent the loss of the application's quality of service (QoS). We have implemented the system, and the evaluation is performed in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. The experimental results have shown that the proposed algorithm can manage the containers' states, ensuring the increase of consolidation ratio.
Vykopal, Jan, Čeleda, Pavel, Seda, Pavel, Švábenský, Valdemar, Tovarňák, Daniel.
Scalable Learning Environments for Teaching Cybersecurity Hands-on. 2021 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). :1—9.
This Innovative Practice full paper describes a technical innovation for scalable teaching of cybersecurity hands-on classes using interactive learning environments. Hands-on experience significantly improves the practical skills of learners. However, the preparation and delivery of hands-on classes usually do not scale. Teaching even small groups of students requires a substantial effort to prepare the class environment and practical assignments. Further issues are associated with teaching large classes, providing feedback, and analyzing learning gains. We present our research effort and practical experience in designing and using learning environments that scale up hands-on cybersecurity classes. The environments support virtual networks with full-fledged operating systems and devices that emulate realworld systems. The classes are organized as simultaneous training sessions with cybersecurity assignments and learners' assessment. For big classes, with the goal of developing learners' skills and providing formative assessment, we run the environment locally, either in a computer lab or at learners' own desktops or laptops. For classes that exercise the developed skills and feature summative assessment, we use an on-premises cloud environment. Our approach is unique in supporting both types of deployment. The environment is described as code using open and standard formats, defining individual hosts and their networking, configuration of the hosts, and tasks that the students have to solve. The environment can be repeatedly created for different classes on a massive scale or for each student on-demand. Moreover, the approach enables learning analytics and educational data mining of learners' interactions with the environment. These analyses inform the instructor about the student's progress during the class and enable the learner to reflect on a finished training. Thanks to this, we can improve the student class experience and motivation for further learning. Using the presented environments KYPO Cyber Range Platform and Cyber Sandbox Creator, we delivered the classes on-site or remotely for various target groups of learners (K-12, university students, and professional learners). The learners value the realistic nature of the environments that enable exercising theoretical concepts and tools. The instructors value time-efficiency when preparing and deploying the hands-on activities. Engineering and computing educators can freely use our software, which we have released under an open-source license. We also provide detailed documentation and exemplary hands-on training to help other educators adopt our teaching innovations and enable sharing of reusable components within the community.
Correa, Mauricio, GOMEZ, Tomás, Cossent, Rafael.
Local Flexibility Mechanisms for Electricity Distribution Through Regulatory Sandboxes: International Review and a Proposal for Spain. 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech. :1—6.
The EU goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 will require profound changes in the electricity supply chain. In this context, Distribution System Operators (DSOs) are expected to adopt solutions to efficiently integrate distributed energy resources (DER), including the implementation of local flexibility mechanisms. Thus, DSOs would procure services from DER like distributed generation, demand response, or storage to support grid expansion, attain significant cost savings, and swifter DER integration. However, the use of flexibility mechanisms still faces barriers posed by national regulation. Regulatory sandboxes may be used to overcome this gap by enabling and supporting the development of local flexibility mechanisms. This paper performs an international review of four leading countries in the use of sandbox and flexibility, identifies best practices, and, based on the lessons learned, provides recommendations to implement local flexibility mechanisms for DSOs in Spain under regulatory sandboxes
Mehra, Misha, Paranjape, Jay N., Ribeiro, Vinay J..
Improving ML Detection of IoT Botnets using Comprehensive Data and Feature Sets. 2021 International Conference on COMmunication Systems NETworkS (COMSNETS). :438—446.
In recent times, the world has seen a tremendous increase in the number of attacks on IoT devices. A majority of these attacks have been botnet attacks, where an army of compromised IoT devices is used to launch DDoS attacks on targeted systems. In this paper, we study how the choice of a dataset and the extracted features determine the performance of a Machine Learning model, given the task of classifying Linux Binaries (ELFs) as being benign or malicious. Our work focuses on Linux systems since embedded Linux is the more popular choice for building today’s IoT devices and systems. We propose using 4 different types of files as the dataset for any ML model. These include system files, IoT application files, IoT botnet files and general malware files. Further, we propose using static, dynamic as well as network features to do the classification task. We show that existing methods leave out one or the other features, or file types and hence, our model outperforms them in terms of accuracy in detecting these files. While enhancing the dataset adds to the robustness of a model, utilizing all 3 types of features decreases the false positive and false negative rates non-trivially. We employ an exhaustive scenario based method for evaluating a ML model and show the importance of including each of the proposed files in a dataset. We also analyze the features and try to explain their importance for a model, using observed trends in different benign and malicious files. We perform feature extraction using the open source Limon sandbox, which prior to this work has been tested only on Ubuntu 14. We installed and configured it for Ubuntu 18, the documentation of which has been shared on Github.
Killough, Brian, Rizvi, Syed, Lubawy, Andrew.
Advancements in the Open Data Cube and the Use of Analysis Ready Data in the Cloud. 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS. :1793—1795.
The Open Data Cube (ODC), created and facilitated by the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), is an open source software architecture that continues to gain global popularity through the integration of analysis-ready data (ARD) on cloud computing frameworks. In 2021, CEOS released a new ODC sandbox that provides global users with a free and open programming interface connected to Google Earth Engine datasets. The open source toolset allows users to run application algorithms using a Google Colab Python notebook environment. This tool demonstrates rapid creation of science products anywhere in the world without the need to download and process the satellite data. Basic operation of the tool will support many users but can also be scaled in size and scope to support enhanced user needs. The creation of the ODC sandbox was prompted by the migration of many CEOS ARD satellite datasets to the cloud. The combination of these datasets in an interoperable data cube framework will inspire the creation of many new application products and advance open science.
Hahanov, V.I., Saprykin, A.S..
Federated Machine Learning Architecture for Searching Malware. 2021 IEEE East-West Design Test Symposium (EWDTS). :1—4.
Modern technologies for searching viruses, cloud-edge computing, and also federated algorithms and machine learning architectures are shown. The architectures for searching malware based on the xor metric applied in the design and test of computing systems are proposed. A Federated ML method is proposed for searching for malware, which significantly speeds up learning without the private big data of users. A federated infrastructure of cloud-edge computing is described. The use of signature analysis and the assertion engine for searching malware is shown. The paradigm of LTF-computing for searching destructive components in software applications is proposed.
Jin Kang, Hong, Qin Sim, Sheng, Lo, David.
IoTBox: Sandbox Mining to Prevent Interaction Threats in IoT Systems. 2021 14th IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST). :182—193.
Internet of Things (IoT) apps provide great convenience but exposes us to new safety threats. Unlike traditional software systems, threats may emerge from the joint behavior of multiple apps. While prior studies use handcrafted safety and security policies to detect these threats, these policies may not anticipate all usages of the devices and apps in a smart home, causing false alarms. In this study, we propose to use the technique of mining sandboxes for securing an IoT environment. After a set of behaviors are analyzed from a bundle of apps and devices, a sandbox is deployed, which enforces that previously unseen behaviors are disallowed. Hence, the execution of malicious behavior, introduced from software updates or obscured through methods to hinder program analysis, is blocked.While sandbox mining techniques have been proposed for Android apps, we show and discuss why they are insufficient for detecting malicious behavior in a more complex IoT system. We prototype IoTBox to address these limitations. IoTBox explores behavior through a formal model of a smart home. In our empirical evaluation to detect malicious code changes, we find that IoTBox achieves substantially higher precision and recall compared to existing techniques for mining sandboxes.
Gustafson, Erik, Holzman, Burt, Kowalkowski, James, Lamm, Henry, Li, Andy C. Y., Perdue, Gabriel, Isakov, Sergei V., Martin, Orion, Thomson, Ross, Beall, Jackson et al..
Large scale multi-node simulations of ℤ2 gauge theory quantum circuits using Google Cloud Platform. 2021 IEEE/ACM Second International Workshop on Quantum Computing Software (QCS). :72—79.
Simulating quantum field theories on a quantum computer is one of the most exciting fundamental physics applications of quantum information science. Dynamical time evolution of quantum fields is a challenge that is beyond the capabilities of classical computing, but it can teach us important lessons about the fundamental fabric of space and time. Whether we may answer scientific questions of interest using near-term quantum computing hardware is an open question that requires a detailed simulation study of quantum noise. Here we present a large scale simulation study powered by a multi-node implementation of qsim using the Google Cloud Platform. We additionally employ newly-developed GPU capabilities in qsim and show how Tensor Processing Units — Application-specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) specialized for Machine Learning — may be used to dramatically speed up the simulation of large quantum circuits. We demonstrate the use of high performance cloud computing for simulating ℤ2 quantum field theories on system sizes up to 36 qubits. We find this lattice size is not able to simulate our problem and observable combination with sufficient accuracy, implying more challenging observables of interest for this theory are likely beyond the reach of classical computation using exact circuit simulation.
Lusky, Yehonatan, Mendelson, Avi.
Sandbox Detection Using Hardware Side Channels. 2021 22nd International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED). :192—197.
A common way to detect malware attacks and avoid their destructive impact on a system is the use of virtual machines; A.K.A sandboxing. Attackers, on the other hand, strive to detect sandboxes when their software is running under such a virtual environment. Accordingly, they postpone launching any attack (Malware) as long as operating under such an execution environment. Thus, it is common among malware developers to utilize different sandbox detection techniques (sometimes referred to as Anti-VM or Anti-Virtualization techniques). In this paper, we present novel, side-channel-based techniques to detect sandboxes. We show that it is possible to detect even sandboxes that were properly configured and so far considered to be detection-proof. This paper proposes and implements the first attack which leverage side channels leakage between sibling logical cores to determine the execution environment.
Wang, Xindan, Chen, Qu, Li, Zhi.
A 3D Reconstruction Method for Augmented Reality Sandbox Based on Depth Sensor. 2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Information Technology, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (ICIBA). 2:844—849.
This paper builds an Augmented Reality Sandbox (AR Sandbox) system based on augmented reality technology, and performs a 3D reconstruction for the sandbox terrain using the depth sensor Microsoft Kinect in the AR Sandbox, as an entry point to pave the way for later development of related metaverse applications, such as the metaverse architecting and visual interactive modeling. The innovation of this paper is that for the AR Sandbox scene, a 3D reconstruction method based on depth sensor is proposed, which can automatically cut off the edge of the sandbox table in Kinect field of view, and accurately and completely reconstruct the sandbox terrain in Matlab.