Visible to the public Threats and Vulnerabilities Handling via Dual-stack Sandboxing Based on Security Mechanisms Model

TitleThreats and Vulnerabilities Handling via Dual-stack Sandboxing Based on Security Mechanisms Model
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsTaib, Abidah Mat, Abdullah, Ariff As-Syadiqin, Ariffin, Muhammad Azizi Mohd, Ruslan, Rafiza
Conference Name2022 IEEE 12th International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE)
KeywordsAnalytical models, Collaboration, composability, Computational modeling, cyber security, dual-stack, IPv6, Knowledge engineering, Navigation, network sandbox, Network security, policy governance, pubcrawl, Sandboxing, security, security model, Training
AbstractTo train new staff to be efficient and ready for the tasks assigned is vital. They must be equipped with knowledge and skills so that they can carry out their responsibility to ensure smooth daily working activities. As transitioning to IPv6 has taken place for more than a decade, it is understood that having a dual-stack network is common in any organization or enterprise. However, many Internet users may not realize the importance of IPv6 security due to a lack of awareness and knowledge of cyber and computer security. Therefore, this paper presents an approach to educating people by introducing a security mechanisms model that can be applied in handling security challenges via network sandboxing by setting up an isolated dual stack network testbed using GNS3 to perform network security analysis. The finding shows that applying security mechanisms such as access control lists (ACLs) and host-based firewalls can help counter the attacks. This proves that knowledge and skills to handle dual-stack security are crucial. In future, more kinds of attacks should be tested and also more types of security mechanisms can be applied on a dual-stack network to provide more information and to provide network engineers insights on how they can benefit from network sandboxing to sharpen their knowledge and skills.
Citation Keytaib_threats_2022