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Ibrahim, A. A., Ata, S. Özgür, Durak-Ata, L..  2020.  Performance Analysis of FSO Systems over Imperfect Málaga Atmospheric Turbulence Channels with Pointing Errors. 2020 12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP). :1–5.
In this study, we investigate the performance of FSO communication systems under more realistic channel model considering atmospheric turbulence, pointing errors and channel estimation errors together. For this aim, we first derived the composite probability density function (PDF) of imperfect Málaga turbulence channel with pointing errors. Then using this PDF, we obtained bit-error-rate (BER) and ergodic channel capacity (ECC) expressions in closed forms. Additionally, we present the BER and ECC metrics of imperfect Gamma-Gamma and K turbulence channels with pointing errors as special cases of Málaga channel. We further verified our analytic results through Monte-Carlo simulations.
Adhikari, M., Panda, P. K., Chattopadhyay, S., Majumdar, S..  2020.  A Novel Group-Based Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for IoT Enabled LTE/LTE–A Network. 2020 International Conference on Wireless Communications Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET). :168—172.

This paper deals with novel group-based Authentication and Key Agreement protocol for Internet of Things(IoT) enabled LTE/LTE-A network to overcome the problems of computational overhead, complexity and problem of heterogeneous devices, where other existing methods are lagging behind in attaining security requirements and computational overhead. In this work, two Groups are created among Machine Type Communication Devices (MTCDs) on the basis of device type to reduce complexity and problems of heterogeneous devices. This paper fulfills all the security requirements such as preservation, mutual authentication, confidentiality. Bio-metric authentication has been used to enhance security level of the network. The security and performance analysis have been verified through simulation results. Moreover, the performance of the proposed Novel Group-Based Authentication and key Agreement(AKA) Protocol is analyzed with other existing IoT enabled LTE/LTE-A protocol.

Philipcris C Encarnacion, Bobby D Gerardo, Alexander A Hernandez.  2020.  Performance Analysis on Enhanced Round Function of SIMECK Block Cipher. 2020 12th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN).

There are various Lightweight Block Ciphers (LBC) nowadays that exist to meet the demand on security requirements of the current trend in computing world, the application in the resource-constrained devices, and the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. One way to evaluate these LBCs is to conduct a performance analysis. Performance evaluation parameters seek appropriate value such as encryption time, security level, scalability, and flexibility. Like SIMECK block cipher whose algorithm design was anchored with the SIMON and SPECK block ciphers were efficient in security and performance, there is a need to revisit its design. This paper aims to present a comparative study on the performance analysis of the enhanced round function of the SIMECK Family block cipher. The enhanced ARX structure of the round function on the three variants shows an efficient performance over the original algorithm in different simulations using the following methods of measurement; avalanche effect, runtime performance, and brute-force attack. Its recommended that the enhanced round function of the SIMECK family be evaluated by different security measurements and attacks.

Venkataramana, B., Jadhav, A..  2020.  Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols under Black Hole Attack in Cognitive Radio Mesh Network. 2020 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI). :98–102.
Wireless technology is rapidly proliferating. Devices such as Laptops, PDAs and cell-phones gained a lot of importance due to the use of wireless technology. Nowadays there is also a huge demand for spectrum allocation and there is a need to utilize the maximum available spectrum in efficient manner. Cognitive Radio (CR) Network is one such intelligent radio network, designed to utilize the maximum licensed bandwidth to un-licensed users. Cognitive Radio has the capability to understand unused spectrum at a given time at a specific location. This capability helps to minimize the interference to the licensed users and improves the performance of the network. Routing protocol selection is one of the main strategies to design any wireless or wired networks. In Cognitive radio networks the selected routing protocol should be best in terms of establishing an efficient route, addressing challenges in network topology and should be able to reduce bandwidth consumption. Performance analysis of the protocols helps to select the best protocol in the network. Objective of this study is to evaluate performance of various cognitive radio network routing protocols like Spectrum Aware On Demand Routing Protocol (SORP), Spectrum Aware Mesh Routing in Cognitive Radio Networks (SAMER) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) with and without black hole attack using various performance parameters like Throughput, E2E delay and Packet delivery ratio with the help of NS2 simulator.
Fiade, A., Triadi, A. Yudha, Sulhi, A., Masruroh, S. Ummi, Handayani, V., Suseno, H. Bayu.  2020.  Performance Analysis of Black Hole Attack and Flooding Attack AODV Routing Protocol on VANET (Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network). 2020 8th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM). :1–5.
Wireless technology is widely used today and is growing rapidly. One of the wireless technologies is VANET where the network can communicate with vehicles (V2V) which can prevent accidents on the road. Energy is also a problem in VANET so it needs to be used efficiently. The presence of malicious nodes or nodes can eliminate and disrupt the process of data communication. The routing protocol used in this study is AODV. The purpose of this study is to analyze the comparison of blackhole attack and flooding attack against energy-efficient AODV on VANET. This research uses simulation methods and several supporting programs such as OpenStreetMap, SUMO, NS2, NAM, and AWK to test the AODV routing protocol. Quality of service (QOS) parameters used in this study are throughput, packet loss, and end to end delay. Energy parameters are also used to examine the energy efficiency used. This study uses the number of variations of nodes consisting of 20 nodes, 40 nodes, 60 nodes, and different network conditions, namely normal network conditions, network conditions with black hole attacks, and network conditions with flooding attacks. The results obtained can be concluded that the highest value of throughput when network conditions are normal, the greatest value of packet loss when there is a black hole attack, the highest end to end delay value and the largest remaining energy when there is a flooding attack.
He, J., Tan, Y., Guo, W., Xian, M..  2020.  A Small Sample DDoS Attack Detection Method Based on Deep Transfer Learning. 2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Network Security (CCNS). :47—50.
When using deep learning for DDoS attack detection, there is a general degradation in detection performance due to small sample size. This paper proposes a small-sample DDoS attack detection method based on deep transfer learning. First, deep learning techniques are used to train several neural networks that can be used for transfer in DDoS attacks with sufficient samples. Then we design a transferability metric to compare the transfer performance of different networks. With this metric, the network with the best transfer performance can be selected among the four networks. Then for a small sample of DDoS attacks, this paper demonstrates that the deep learning detection technique brings deterioration in performance, with the detection performance dropping from 99.28% to 67%. Finally, we end up with a 20.8% improvement in detection performance by deep transfer of the 8LANN network in the target domain. The experiment shows that the detection method based on deep transfer learning proposed in this paper can well improve the performance deterioration of deep learning techniques for small sample DDoS attack detection.
Karmakar, K. K., Varadharajan, V., Tupakula, U., Hitchens, M..  2020.  Towards a Dynamic Policy Enhanced Integrated Security Architecture for SDN Infrastructure. NOMS 2020 - 2020 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium. :1—9.

Enterprise networks are increasingly moving towards Software Defined Networking, which is becoming a major trend in the networking arena. With the increased popularity of SDN, there is a greater need for security measures for protecting the enterprise networks. This paper focuses on the design and implementation of an integrated security architecture for SDN based enterprise networks. The integrated security architecture uses a policy-based approach to coordinate different security mechanisms to detect and counteract a range of security attacks in the SDN. A distinguishing characteristic of the proposed architecture is its ability to deal with dynamic changes in the security attacks as well as changes in trust associated with the network devices in the infrastructure. The adaptability of the proposed architecture to dynamic changes is achieved by having feedback between the various security components/mechanisms in the architecture and managing them using a dynamic policy framework. The paper describes the prototype implementation of the proposed architecture and presents security and performance analysis for different attack scenarios. We believe that the proposed integrated security architecture provides a significant step towards achieving a secure SDN for enterprises.

Chen, Z., Chen, J., Meng, W..  2020.  A New Dynamic Conditional Proxy Broadcast Re-Encryption Scheme for Cloud Storage and Sharing. 2020 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). :569–576.
Security of cloud storage and sharing is concerned for years since a semi-trusted party, Cloud Server Provider (CSP), has access to user data on cloud server that may leak users' private data without constraint. Intuitively, an efficient solution of protecting cloud data is to encrypt it before uploading to the cloud server. However, a new requirement, data sharing, makes it difficult to manage secret keys among data owners and target users. Therefore conditional proxy broadcast re-encryption technology (CPBRE) is proposed in recent years to provide data encryption and sharing approaches for cloud environment. It enables a data owner to upload encrypted data to the cloud server and a third party proxy can re-encrypted cloud data under certain condition to a new ciphertext so that target users can decrypt re-encrypted data using their own private key. But few CPBRE schemes are applicable for a dynamic cloud environment. In this paper, we propose a new dynamic conditional proxy broadcast reencryption scheme that can be dynamic in system user setting and target user group. The initialization phase does not require a fixed system user setup so that users can join or leave the system in any time. And data owner can dynamically change the group of user he wants to share data with. We also provide security analysis which proves our scheme to be secure against CSP, and performance analysis shows that our scheme exceeds other schemes in terms of functionality and resource cost.
Mukhandi, M., Portugal, D., Pereira, S., Couceiro, M. S..  2019.  A novel solution for securing robot communications based on the MQTT protocol and ROS. 2019 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII). :608—613.

With the growing use of the Robot Operating System (ROS), it can be argued that it has become a de-facto framework for developing robotic solutions. ROS is used to build robotic applications for industrial automation, home automation, medical and even automatic robotic surveillance. However, whenever ROS is utilized, security is one of the main concerns that needs to be addressed in order to ensure a secure network communication of robots. Cyber-attacks may hinder evolution and adaptation of most ROS-enabled robotic systems for real-world use over the Internet. Thus, it is important to address and prevent security threats associated with the use of ROS-enabled applications. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for securing ROS-enabled robotic system by integrating ROS with the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol. We manage to secure robots' network communications by providing authentication and data encryption, therefore preventing man-in-the-middle and hijacking attacks. We also perform real-world experiments to assess how the performance of a ROS-enabled robotic surveillance system is affected by the proposed approach.

Huang, Kaiqing.  2019.  Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption for Resource-Constrained Users in Edge Computing. 2019 International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Application (ITCA). :323–326.
Multi-authority attribute-based encryption (MA-ABE) is a promising technique to protect data privacy and achieve fine-grained access control in edge computing for Internet of Things (IoT). However, most of the existing MA-ABE schemes suffer from expensive computational cost in the encryption and decryption phases, which are not practical for resource constrained users in IoT. We propose a large-universe MA-CP-ABE scheme with online/offline encryption and outsourced decryption. In our scheme, most expensive encryption operations have been executed in the user's initialization phase by adding reusable ciphertext pool besides splitting the encryption algorithm to online encryption and offline encryption. Moreover, massive decryption operation are outsourced to the near edge server for reducing the computation overhead of decryption. The proposed scheme is proven statically secure under the q-DPBDHE2 assumption. The performance analysis results indicate that the proposed scheme is efficient and suitable for resource-constrained users in edge computing for IoT.
POLAT, Hüseyin, POLAT, Onur, SÖĞÜT, Esra, ERDEM, O. Ayhan.  2019.  Performance Analysis of Between Software Defined Wireless Network and Mobile Ad Hoc Network Under DoS Attack. 2019 3rd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT). :1–5.

The traditional network used today is unable to meet the increasing needs of technology in terms of management, scaling, and performance criteria. Major developments in information and communication technologies show that the traditional network structure is quite lacking in meeting the current requirements. In order to solve these problems, Software Defined Network (SDN) is capable of responding as it, is flexible, easier to manage and offers a new structure. Software Defined Networks have many advantages over traditional network structure. However, it also brings along many security threats due to its new architecture. For example, the DoS attack, which overloads the controller's processing and communication capacity in the SDN structure, is a significant threat. Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET), which is one of the wireless network technologies, is different from SDN technology. MANET is exposed to various attacks such as DoS due to its security vulnerabilities. The aim of the study is to reveal the security problems in SDN structure presented with a new understanding. This is based on the currently used network structures such as MANET. The study consists of two parts. First, DoS attacks against the SDN controller were performed. Different SDN controllers were used for more accurate results. Second, MANET was established and DoS attacks against this network were performed. Different MANET routing protocols were used for more accurate results. According to the scenario, attacks were performed and the performance values of the networks were tested. The reason for using two different networks in this study is to compare the performance values of these networks at the time of attack. According to the test results, both networks were adversely affected by the attacks. It was observed that network performance decreased in MANET structure but there was no network interruption. The SDN controller becomes dysfunctional and collapses as a result of the attack. While the innovations offered by the SDN structure are expected to provide solutions to many problems in traditional networks, there are still many vulnerabilities for network security.

Touati, Lyes, Challal, Yacine.  2016.  Collaborative KP-ABE for cloud-based Internet of Things applications. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1—7.

KP-ABE mechanism emerges as one of the most suitable security scheme for asymmetric encryption. It has been widely used to implement access control solutions. However, due to its expensive overhead, it is difficult to consider this cryptographic scheme in resource-limited networks, such as the IoT. As the cloud has become a key infrastructural support for IoT applications, it is interesting to exploit cloud resources to perform heavy operations. In this paper, a collaborative variant of KP-ABE named C-KP-ABE for cloud-based IoT applications is proposed. Our proposal is based on the use of computing power and storage capacities of cloud servers and trusted assistant nodes to run heavy operations. A performance analysis is conducted to show the effectiveness of the proposed solution.

Tsiota, Anastasia, Xenakis, Dionysis, Passas, Nikos, Merakos, Lazaros.  2019.  Multi-Tier and Multi-Band Heterogeneous Wireless Networks with Black Hole Attacks. 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). :1—6.

Wireless networks are currently proliferated by multiple tiers and heterogeneous networking equipment that aims to support multifarious services ranging from distant monitoring and control of wireless sensors to immersive virtual reality services. The vast collection of heterogeneous network equipment with divergent radio capabilities (e.g. multi-GHz operation) is vulnerable to wireless network attacks, raising questions on the service availability and coverage performance of future multi-tier wireless networks. In this paper, we study the impact of black hole attacks on service coverage of multi-tier heterogeneous wireless networks and derive closed form expressions when network nodes are unable to identify and avoid black hole nodes. Assuming access to multiple bands, the derived expressions can be readily used to assess the performance gains following from the employment of different association policies and the impact of black hole attacks in multi-tier wireless networks.

Soualfi, Abderrahim Hajji, Agoujil, Said, Qaraai, Youssef.  2019.  Performance Analysis of OLSR Protocol under MPR Attack in Progressive Size Grid MANET. 2019 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications (WINCOM). :1–5.
Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork (MANET) is a collection of mobile devices which interchange information without the use of predefined infrastructures or central administration. It is employed in many domains such as military and commercial sectors, data and sensors networks, low level applications, etc. The important constraints in this network are the limitation of bandwidth, processing capabilities and battery life. The choice of an effective routing protocol is primordial. From many routing protocols developed for MANET, OLSR protocol is a widely-used proactive routing protocol which diffuses topological information periodically. Thus, every node has a global vision of the entire network. The protocol assumes, like the other protocols, that the nodes cooperate in a trusted environment. So, all control messages are transmitted (HELLO messages) to all 1-hop neighbor nodes or broadcasted (TC and MID messages) to the entire network in clear. However, a node, which listens to OLSR control messages, can exploit this property to lead an attack. In this paper, we investigate on MultiPoint Relay (MPR) attack considered like one of the efficient OLSR attacks by using a simulation in progressive size gridMANET.
Tripathi, Shripriya.  2019.  Performance Analysis of AODV and DSR Routing Protocols of MANET under Wormhole Attack and a Suggested Trust Based Routing Algorithm for DSR. 2019 IEEE International WIE Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE). :1–5.

The nodes in Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) can self-assemble themselves, locomote unreservedly and can interact with one another without taking any help from a centralized authority or fixed infrastructure. Due to its continuously changing and self-organizing nature, MANET is vulnerable to a variety of attacks like spoofing attack, wormhole attack, black hole attack, etc. This paper compares and analyzes the repercussion of the wormhole attack on MANET's two common routing protocols of reactive category, specifically, Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) by increasing the number of wormhole tunnels in MANET. The results received by simulation will reveal that DSR is greatly affected by this attack. So, as a solution, a routing algorithm for DSR which is based on trust is proposed to prevent the routes from caching malicious nodes.

Ma, Yuxiang, Wu, Yulei, Ge, Jingguo, Li, Jun.  2018.  A Flow-Level Architecture for Balancing Accountability and Privacy. 2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :984–989.
With the rapid development of the Internet, flow-based approach has attracted more and more attention. To this end, this paper presents a new and efficient architecture to balance accountability and privacy based on network flows. A self-certifying identifier is proposed to efficiently identify a flow. In addition, a delegate-registry cooperation scheme and a multi-delegate mechanism are developed to ensure users' privacy. The effectiveness and overhead of the proposed architecture are evaluated by virtue of the real trace collected from an Internet service provider. The experimental results show that our architecture can achieve a better network performance in terms of lower resource consumption, lower response time, and higher stability.
Rahman, Lamiya, Adan, Jannatul, Nahid-AI-Masood, Deeba, Shohana Rahman.  2018.  Performance Analysis of Floating Buoy Point Absorber and Oscillating Surge Wave Energy Converters in Onshore and Offshore Locations. 2018 10th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE). :233—236.

The aim of this paper is to explore the performance of two well-known wave energy converters (WECs) namely Floating Buoy Point Absorber (FBPA) and Oscillating Surge (OS) in onshore and offshore locations. To achieve clean energy targets by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, integration of renewable energy resources is continuously increasing all around the world. In addition to widespread renewable energy source such as wind and solar photovoltaic (PV), wave energy extracted from ocean is becoming more tangible day by day. In the literature, a number of WEC devices are reported. However, further investigations are still needed to better understand the behaviors of FBPA WEC and OS WEC under irregular wave conditions in onshore and offshore locations. Note that being surrounded by Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh has huge scope of utilizing wave power. To this end, FBPA WEC and OS WEC are simulated using the typical onshore and offshore wave height and wave period of the coastal area of Bangladesh. Afterwards, performances of the aforementioned two WECs are compared by analyzing their power output.

Luo, Xuesong, Wang, Shaoping.  2018.  Multi-work Condition Modeling and Performance Analysis of Linear Oscillating Actuators. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (ICPHM). :1—7.

Linear oscillating actuators are emerging electrical motors applied to direct-drive electromechanical systems. They merit high efficiency and quick dynamical property due to the unique structure of spring oscillator. Resonant principle is the base of their high performance, which however, is easily influenced by various load, complex environment and mechanical failure. This paper studies the modeling of linear oscillating actuators in multi-work condition. Three kinds of load are considered in performance evaluation model. Simulations are conducted at different frequencies to obtain the actuator behavior, especially at non-resonance frequencies. A method of constant impedance angle is proposed to search the best working points in sorts of conditions. Eventually, analytical results reflect that the resonant parameter would drift with load, while linear oscillating actuators exhibits robustness in efficiency performance. Several evaluating parameters are concluded to assess the actuator health status.

Nilizadeh, Shirin, Noller, Yannic, Pasareanu, Corina S..  2019.  DifFuzz: Differential Fuzzing for Side-Channel Analysis. 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). :176–187.
Side-channel attacks allow an adversary to uncover secret program data by observing the behavior of a program with respect to a resource, such as execution time, consumed memory or response size. Side-channel vulnerabilities are difficult to reason about as they involve analyzing the correlations between resource usage over multiple program paths. We present DifFuzz, a fuzzing-based approach for detecting side-channel vulnerabilities related to time and space. DifFuzz automatically detects these vulnerabilities by analyzing two versions of the program and using resource-guided heuristics to find inputs that maximize the difference in resource consumption between secret-dependent paths. The methodology of DifFuzz is general and can be applied to programs written in any language. For this paper, we present an implementation that targets analysis of Java programs, and uses and extends the Kelinci and AFL fuzzers. We evaluate DifFuzz on a large number of Java programs and demonstrate that it can reveal unknown side-channel vulnerabilities in popular applications. We also show that DifFuzz compares favorably against Blazer and Themis, two state-of-the-art analysis tools for finding side-channels in Java programs.
Vyakaranal, S., Kengond, S..  2018.  Performance Analysis of Symmetric Key Cryptographic Algorithms. 2018 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP). :0411–0415.
Data's security being important aspect of the today's internet is gaining more importance day by day. With the increase in online data exchange, transactions and payments; secure payment and secure data transfers have become an area of concern. Cryptography makes the data transmission over the internet secure by various methods, algorithms. Cryptography helps in avoiding the unauthorized people accessing the data by authentication, confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation. In order to securely transmit the data many cryptographic algorithms are present, but the algorithm to be used should be robust, efficient, cost effective, high performance and easily deployable. Choosing an algorithm which suits the customer's requirement is an utmost important task. The proposed work discusses different symmetric key cryptographic algorithms like DES, 3DES, AES and Blowfish by considering encryption time, decryption time, entropy, memory usage, throughput, avalanche effect and energy consumption by practical implementation using java. Practical implementation of algorithms has been highlighted in proposed work considering tradeoff performance in terms of cost of various parameters rather than mere theoretical concepts. Battery consumption and avalanche effect of algorithms has been discussed. It reveals that AES performs very well in overall performance analysis among considered algorithms.
Nemati, H., Dagenais, M. R..  2018.  VM processes state detection by hypervisor tracing. 2018 Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon). :1–8.

The diagnosis of performance issues in cloud environments is a challenging problem, due to the different levels of virtualization, the diversity of applications and their interactions on the same physical host. Moreover, because of privacy, security, ease of deployment and execution overhead, an agent-less method, which limits its data collection to the physical host level, is often the only acceptable solution. In this paper, a precise host-based method, to recover wait state for the processes inside a given Virtual Machine (VM), is proposed. The virtual Process State Detection (vPSD) algorithm computes the state of processes through host kernel tracing. The state of a virtual Process (vProcess) is displayed in an interactive trace viewer (Trace Compass) for further inspection. Our proposed VM trace analysis algorithm has been open-sourced for further enhancements and for the benefit of other developers. Experimental evaluations were conducted using a mix of workload types (CPU, Disk, and Network), with different applications like Hadoop, MySQL, and Apache. vPSD, being based on host hypervisor tracing, brings a lower overhead (around 0.03%) as compared to other approaches.

Grgić, K., Kovačevic, Z., Čik, V. K..  2017.  Performance analysis of symmetric block cryptosystems on Android platform. 2017 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST). :155–159.

The symmetric block ciphers, which represent a core element for building cryptographic communications systems and protocols, are used in providing message confidentiality, authentication and integrity. Various limitations in hardware and software resources, especially in terminal devices used in mobile communications, affect the selection of appropriate cryptosystem and its parameters. In this paper, an implementation of three symmetric ciphers (DES, 3DES, AES) used in different operating modes are analyzed on Android platform. The cryptosystems' performance is analyzed in different scenarios using several variable parameters: cipher, key size, plaintext size and number of threads. Also, the influence of parallelization supported by multi-core CPUs on cryptosystem performance is analyzed. Finally, some conclusions about the parameter selection for optimal efficiency are given.

Verma, D. C., de Mel, G..  2017.  Measures of Network Centricity for Edge Deployment of IoT Applications. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :4612–4620.

Edge Computing is a scheme to improve the performance, latency and security guidelines for IoT applications. However, edge deployment of an application also comes with additional complexity in management, an increased attack surface for security vulnerability, and could potentially result in a more expensive solution. As a result, the conditions under which an edge deployment of IoT applications delivers a better solution is not always obvious. Metrics which would be able to predict whether or not an IoT application is suitable for edge deployment can provide useful insights to address this question. In this paper, we examine the key performance indicators for IoT applications, namely the responsiveness, scalability and cost models for different types of IoT applications. Our analysis identifies that network centrality of an IoT application is a key characteristic which determines whether or not an IoT application is a good candidate for edge deployment. We discuss the different measures of network centrality that can be used to characterize applications, and the relative performance of edge deployment compared to centralized deployment for various IoT applications.

Degenbaeva, C., Klusch, M..  2015.  Critical Node Detection Problem Solving on GPU and in the Cloud. 2015 IEEE 17th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, 2015 IEEE 7th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security, and 2015 IEEE 12th International Conference on Embedded S. :52–57.

The Critical Node Detection Problem (CNDP) is a well-known NP-complete, graph-theoretical problem with many real-world applications in various fields such as social network analysis, supply-chain network analysis, transport engineering, network immunization, and military strategic planning. We present the first parallel algorithms for CNDP solving in general, and for fast, approximated CND on GPU and in the cloud in particular. Finally, we discuss results of our experimental performance analysis of these solutions.

Saurabh, A., Kumar, A., Anitha, U..  2015.  Performance analysis of various wavelet thresholding techniques for despeckiling of sonar images. 2015 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and Networking (ICSCN). :1–7.

Image Denoising nowadays is a great Challenge in the field of image processing. Since Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is one of the powerful and perspective approaches in the area of image de noising. But fixing an optimal threshold is the key factor to determine the performance of denoising algorithm using (DWT). The optimal threshold can be estimated from the image statistics for getting better performance of denoising in terms of clarity or quality of the images. In this paper we analyzed various methods of denoising from the sonar image by using various thresholding methods (Vishnu Shrink, Bayes Shrink and Neigh Shrink) experimentally and compare the result in terms of various image quality parameters. (PSNR,MSE,SSIM and Entropy). The results of the proposed method show that there is an improvenment in the visual quality of sonar images by suppressing the speckle noise and retaining edge details.