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Li, Yan.  2020.  User Privacy Protection Technology of Tennis Match Live Broadcast from Media Cloud Platform Based on AES Encryption Algorithm. 2020 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Aided Education (ICISCAE). :267—269.
With the improvement of the current Internet software and hardware performance, cloud storage has become one of the most widely used applications. This paper proposes a user privacy protection algorithm suitable for tennis match live broadcast from media cloud platform. Through theoretical and experimental verification, this algorithm can better protect the privacy of users in the live cloud platform. This algorithm is a ciphertext calculation algorithm based on data blocking. Firstly, plaintext data are grouped, then AES ciphertext calculation is performed on each group of plaintext data simultaneously and respectively, and finally ciphertext data after grouping encryption is spliced to obtain final ciphertext data. Experimental results show that the algorithm has the characteristics of large key space, high execution efficiency, ciphertext statistics and good key sensitivity.
Chen, P., Liu, X., Zhang, J., Yu, C., Pu, H., Yao, Y..  2019.  Improvement of PRIME Protocol Based on Chaotic Cryptography. 2019 22nd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS). :1–5.

PRIME protocol is a narrowband power line communication protocol whose security is based on Advanced Encryption Standard. However, the key expansion process of AES algorithm is not unidirectional, and each round of keys are linearly related to each other, it is less difficult for eavesdroppers to crack AES encryption algorithm, leading to threats to the security of PRIME protocol. To solve this problem, this paper proposes an improvement of PRIME protocol based on chaotic cryptography. The core of this method is to use Chebyshev chaotic mapping and Logistic chaotic mapping to generate each round of key in the key expansion process of AES algorithm, In this way, the linear correlation between the key rounds can be reduced, making the key expansion process unidirectional, increasing the crack difficulty of AES encryption algorithm, and improving the security of PRIME protocol.

Chen, S., Hu, W., Li, Z..  2019.  High Performance Data Encryption with AES Implementation on FPGA. 2019 IEEE 5th Intl Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE Intl Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing, (HPSC) and IEEE Intl Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS). :149—153.

Nowadays big data has getting more and more attention in both the academic and the industrial research. With the development of big data, people pay more attention to data security. A significant feature of big data is the large size of the data. In order to improve the encryption speed of the large size of data, this paper uses the deep pipeline and full expansion technology to implement the AES encryption algorithm on FPGA. Achieved throughput of 31.30 Gbps with a minimum latency of 0.134 us. This design can quickly encrypt large amounts of data and provide technical support for the development of big data.

Chen, Pengfei, Liu, Xiaosheng, Zhang, Jiarui, Yu, Chunjiao, Pu, Honghong, Yao, Yousu.  2019.  Improvement of PRIME Protocol Based on Chaotic Cryptography. 2019 22nd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS). :1–5.
PRIME protocol is a narrowband power line communication protocol whose security is based on Advanced Encryption Standard. However, the key expansion process of AES algorithm is not unidirectional, and each round of keys are linearly related to each other, it is less difficult for eavesdroppers to crack AES encryption algorithm, leading to threats to the security of PRIME protocol. To solve this problem, this paper proposes an improvement of PRIME protocol based on chaotic cryptography. The core of this method is to use Chebyshev chaotic mapping and Logistic chaotic mapping to generate each round of key in the key expansion process of AES algorithm, In this way, the linear correlation between the key rounds can be reduced, making the key expansion process unidirectional, increasing the crack difficulty of AES encryption algorithm, and improving the security of PRIME protocol.
S. V. Trivedi, M. A. Hasamnis.  2015.  "Development of platform using NIOS II soft core processor for image encryption and decryption using AES algorithm". 2015 International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP). :1147-1151.

In our digital world internet is a widespread channel for transmission of information. Information that is transmitted can be in form of messages, images, audios and videos. Due to this escalating use of digital data exchange cryptography and network security has now become very important in modern digital communication network. Cryptography is a method of storing and transmitting data in a particular form so that only those for whom it is intended can read and process it. The term cryptography is most often associated with scrambling plaintext into ciphertext. This process is called as encryption. Today in industrial processes images are very frequently used, so it has become essential for us to protect the confidential image data from unauthorized access. In this paper Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) which is a symmetric algorithm is used for encryption and decryption of image. Performance of Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm is further enhanced by adding a key stream generator W7. NIOS II soft core processor is used for implementation of encryption and decryption algorithm. A system is designed with the help of SOPC (System on programmable chip) builder tool which is available in QUARTUS II (Version 10.1) environment using NIOS II soft core processor. Developed single core system is implemented using Altera DE2 FPGA board (Cyclone II EP2C35F672). Using MATLAB the image is read and then by using DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) the image is compressed. The image obtained after compression is now given as input to proposed AES encryption algorithm. The output of encryption algorithm is given as input to decryption algorithm in order to get back the original image. The implementation of which is done on the developed single core platform using NIOS II processor. Finally the output is analyzed in MATLAB by plotting histogram of original and encrypted image.

M. Ayoob, W. Adi.  2015.  "Fault Detection and Correction in Processing AES Encryption Algorithm". 2015 Sixth International Conference on Emerging Security Technologies (EST). :7-12.

Robust and stringent fault detection and correction techniques in executing Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) are still interesting issues for many critical applications. The purpose of fault detection and correction techniques is not only to ensure the reliability of a cryptosystem, but also protect the system against side channel attacks. Such errors could result due to a fault injection attack, production faults, noise or radiation effects in deep space. Devising a proper error control mechanisms for AES cipher during execution would improve both system reliability and security. In this work a novel fault detection and correction algorithm is proposed. The proposed mechanism is making use of the linear mappings of AES round structure to detect errors in the ShiftRow (SR) and MixColumn (MC) transformations. The error correction is achieved by creating temporary redundant check words through the combined SR and MC mapping to create in case of errors an error syndrome leading to error correction with relatively minor additional complexity. The proposed technique is making use of an error detecting and correcting capability in the combined mapping of SR and MC rather than detecting and/or correcting errors in each transformation separately. The proposed technique is making use especially of the MC mapping exhibiting efficient ECC properties, which can be deployed to simplify the design of a fault-tolerance technique. The performance of the algorithm proposed is evaluated by a simulated system model in FPGA technology. The simulation results demonstrate the ability to reach relatively high fault coverage with error correction up to four bytes of execution errors in the merged transformation SR-MC. The overall gate complexity overhead of the resulting system is estimated for proposed technique in FPGA technology.