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Pelissero, Nicolas, Laso, Pedro Merino, Jacq, Olivier, Puentes, John.  2021.  Towards modeling of naval systems interdependencies for cybersecurity. OCEANS 2021: San Diego – Porto. :1—7.
To ensure a ship’s fully operational status in a wide spectrum of missions, as passenger transportation, international trade, and military activities, numerous interdependent systems are essential. Despite the potential critical consequences of misunderstanding or ignoring those interdependencies, there are very few documented approaches to enable their identification, representation, analysis, and use. From the cybersecurity point of view, if an anomaly occurs on one of the interdependent systems, it could eventually impact the whole ship, jeopardizing its mission success. This paper presents a proposal to identify the main dependencies of layers within and between generic ship’s functional blocks. An analysis of one of these layers, the platform systems, is developed to examine a naval cyber-physical system (CPS), the water management for passenger use, and its associated dependencies, from an intrinsic perspective. This analysis generates a three layers graph, on which dependencies are represented as oriented edges. Each abstraction level of the graph represents the physical, digital, and system variables of the examined CPS. The obtained result confirms the interest of graphs for dependencies representation and analysis. It is an operational depiction of the different systems interdependencies, on which can rely a cybersecurity evaluation, like anomaly detection and propagation assessment.
Wu, Juan.  2021.  Long Text Filtering in English Translation based on LSTM Semantic Association. 2021 Fifth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC). :740–743.
Translation studies is one of the fastest growing interdisciplinary research fields in the world today. Business English is an urgent research direction in the field of translation studies. To some extent, the quality of business English translation directly determines the success or failure of international trade and the economic benefits. On the basis of sequence information encoding and decoding model of LSTM, this paper proposes a strategy combining attention mechanism with bidirectional LSTM model to handle the question of feature extraction of text information. The proposed method reduces the semantic complexity and improves the overall correlation accuracy. The experimental results show its advantages.
Petrovska, Jovana, Memeti, Agon, Imeri, Florinda.  2019.  SOA Approach - Identity and Access Management for the Risk Management Platform. 2019 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO). :1–4.
The Risk Management system should help customs to more easily and effectively detect irregularities in import, export or transit of goods. Customs administrations today are required to provide extensive facilitation while maintaining control over the international movement of goods, means of transport and persons. The level of risk is determined in the context of the priorities of the Customs administrations e.g. whether the priority is collection of duties and taxes or checking prohibitions and restrictions or any other specific area that has been identified. The aim of the proposed platform in this paper is to achieve a high-quality, multi-layered approach to risk management that is effective and efficient, i.e. the platform is built on decoupled microservices, the different components are working together and an interruption in one segment does not have major effect on the overall system. The main motivation behind this case study is the hands-on experience we have and the close proximity to the project, i.e. information exchange and team discussions as the main available resources.
Xu, L., Chen, L., Gao, Z., Chang, Y., Iakovou, E., Shi, W..  2018.  Binding the Physical and Cyber Worlds: A Blockchain Approach for Cargo Supply Chain Security Enhancement. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST). :1–5.

Maritime transportation plays a critical role for the U.S. and global economies, and has evolved into a complex system that involves a plethora of supply chain stakeholders spread around the globe. The inherent complexity brings huge security challenges including cargo loss and high burdens in cargo inspection against illicit activities and potential terrorist attacks. The emerging blockchain technology provides a promising tool to build a unified maritime cargo tracking system critical for cargo security. However, most existing efforts focus on transportation data itself, while ignoring how to bind the physical cargo movements and information managed by the system consistently. This can severely undermine the effectiveness of securing cargo transportation. To fulfill this gap, we propose a binding scheme leveraging a novel digital identity management mechanism. The digital identity management mechanism maps the best practice in the physical world to the cyber world and can be seamlessly integrated with a blockchain-based cargo management system.

S. Chandran, Hrudya P, P. Poornachandran.  2015.  "An efficient classification model for detecting advanced persistent threat". 2015 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI). :2001-2009.

Among most of the cyber attacks that occured, the most drastic are advanced persistent threats. APTs are differ from other attacks as they have multiple phases, often silent for long period of time and launched by adamant, well-funded opponents. These targeted attacks mainly concentrated on government agencies and organizations in industries, as are those involved in international trade and having sensitive data. APTs escape from detection by antivirus solutions, intrusion detection and intrusion prevention systems and firewalls. In this paper we proposes a classification model having 99.8% accuracy, for the detection of APT.