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Method for Determining the Optimal Number of Clusters for ICS Information Processes Analysis During Cyberattacks Based on Hierarchical Clustering. 2022 Ural-Siberian Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology (USBEREIT). :309—312.
2022. The development of industrial automation tools and the integration of industrial and corporate networks in order to improve the quality of production management have led to an increase in the risks of successful cyberattacks and, as a result, to the necessity to solve the problems of practical information security of industrial control systems (ICS). Detection of cyberattacks of both known and unknown types is could be implemented as anomaly detection in dynamic information processes recorded during the operation of ICS. Anomaly detection methods do not require preliminary analysis and labeling of the training sample. In the context of detecting attacks on ICS, cluster analysis is used as one of the methods that implement anomaly detection. The application of hierarchical cluster analysis for clustering data of ICS information processes exposed to various cyberattacks is studied, the problem of choosing the level of the cluster hierarchy corresponding to the minimum set of clusters aggregating separately normal and abnormal data is solved. It is shown that the Ward method of hierarchical cluster division produces the best division into clusters. The next stage of the study involves solving the problem of classifying the formed minimum set of clusters, that is, determining which cluster is normal and which cluster is abnormal.
The Promise and Perils of Allied Offensive Cyber Operations. 2022 14th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Keep Moving! (CyCon). 700:79–92.
2022. NATO strategy and policy has increasingly focused on incorporating cyber operations to support deterrence, warfighting, and intelligence objectives. However, offensive cyber operations in particular have presented a delicate challenge for the alliance. As cyber threats to NATO members continue to grow, the alliance has begun to address how it could incorporate offensive cyber operations into its strategy and policy. However, there are significant hurdles to meaningful cooperation on offensive cyber operations, in contrast with the high levels of integration in other operational domains. Moreover, there is a critical gap in existing conceptualizations of the role of offensive cyber operations in NATO policy. Specifically, NATO cyber policy has focused on cyber operations in a warfighting context at the expense of considering cyber operations below the level of conflict. In this article, we explore the potential role for offensive cyber operations not only in wartime but also below the threshold of armed conflict. In doing so, we systematically explore a number of challenges at the political/strategic as well as the operational/tactical levels and provide policy recommendations for next steps for the alliance.
ISSN: 2325-5374
Obnoxious Deterrence. 2022 14th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Keep Moving! (CyCon). 700:65–77.
2022. The reigning U.S. paradigm for deterring malicious cyberspace activity carried out by or condoned by other countries is to levy penalties on them. The results have been disappointing. There is little evidence of the permanent reduction of such activity, and the narrative behind the paradigm presupposes a U.S./allied posture that assumes the morally superior role of judge upon whom also falls the burden of proof–-a posture not accepted but nevertheless exploited by other countries. In this paper, we explore an alternative paradigm, obnoxious deterrence, in which the United States itself carries out malicious cyberspace activity that is used as a bargaining chip to persuade others to abandon objectionable cyberspace activity. We then analyze the necessary characteristics of this malicious cyberspace activity, which is generated only to be traded off. It turns out that two fundamental criteria–that the activity be sufficiently obnoxious to induce bargaining but be insufficiently valuable to allow it to be traded away–may greatly reduce the feasibility of such a ploy. Even if symmetric agreements are easier to enforce than pseudo-symmetric agreements (e.g., the XiObama agreement of 2015) or asymmetric red lines (e.g., the Biden demand that Russia not condone its citizens hacking U.S. critical infrastructure), when violations occur, many of today’s problems recur. We then evaluate the practical consequences of this approach, one that is superficially attractive.
ISSN: 2325-5374
Development of Cyber Attack Model for Private Network. 2022 Second International Conference on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS). :216—221.
2022. Cyber Attack is the most challenging issue all over the world. Nowadays, Cyber-attacks are increasing on digital systems and organizations. Innovation and utilization of new digital technology, infrastructure, connectivity, and dependency on digital strategies are transforming day by day. The cyber threat scope has extended significantly. Currently, attackers are becoming more sophisticated, well-organized, and professional in generating malware programs in Python, C Programming, C++ Programming, Java, SQL, PHP, JavaScript, Ruby etc. Accurate attack modeling techniques provide cyber-attack planning, which can be applied quickly during a different ongoing cyber-attack. This paper aims to create a new cyber-attack model that will extend the existing model, which provides a better understanding of the network’s vulnerabilities.Moreover, It helps protect the company or private network infrastructure from future cyber-attacks. The final goal is to handle cyber-attacks efficacious manner using attack modeling techniques. Nowadays, many organizations, companies, authorities, industries, and individuals have faced cybercrime. To execute attacks using our model where honeypot, the firewall, DMZ and any other security are available in any environment.
Design and Implementation of Industrial Control Cyber Range System. 2022 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC). :166—170.
2022. In the 21st century, world-leading industries are under the accelerated development of digital transformation. Along with information and data resources becoming more transparent on the Internet, many new network technologies were introduced, but cyber-attack also became a severe problem in cyberspace. Over time, industrial control networks are also forced to join the nodes of the Internet. Therefore, cybersecurity is much more complicated than before, and suffering risk of browsing unknown websites also increases. To practice defenses against cyber-attack effectively, Cyber Range is the best platform to emulate all cyber-attacks and defenses. This article will use VMware virtual machine emulation technology, research cyber range systems under industrial control network architecture, and design and implement an industrial control cyber range system. Using the industrial cyber range to perform vulnerability analyses and exploits on web servers, web applications, and operating systems. The result demonstrates the consequences of the vulnerability attack and raises awareness of cyber security among government, enterprises, education, and other related fields, improving the practical ability to defend against cybersecurity threats.
Resilience of multi-object density fusion against cyber-attacks. 2022 11th International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences (ICCAIS). :7–12.
2022. Recently, it has been proposed to deal with fusion of multi-object densities exploiting the minimum information loss (MIL) rule, which has shown its superiority over generalized covariance intersection (GCI) fusion whenever sensor nodes have low detection probability. On the contrary, GCI shows better performance than MIL when dense clutter is involved in the measurements. In this paper, we are going to study the behavior of multi-object fusion with MIL and, respectively, GCI rules in the situation wherein the sensor network is exposed to cyber-attacks. Both theoretical and numerical analyses demonstrate that MIL is more robust than GCI fusion when the multi-sensor system is subject to a packet substitution attack.
ISSN: 2475-7896
Secure Communication between Arduinos using Controller Area Network(CAN) Bus. 2022 IEEE International Power and Renewable Energy Conference (IPRECON). :1–6.
2022. Present-day vehicles have numerous Electronic Control Units (ECUs) and they communicate with each other over a network known as the Controller Area Network(CAN) bus. In this way, the CAN bus is a fundamental component of intra-vehicle communication. The CAN bus was designed without focusing on communication security and in this way it is vulnerable to many cyber attacks. As the vehicles are always connected to the Internet, the CAN bus is remotely accessible and could be hacked. To secure the communication between ECUs and defend against these cyber attacks, we apply a Hash Message Authentication Code(HMAC) to automotive data and demonstrate the CAN bus communication between two ECUs using Arduino UNO and MCP2515 CAN bus module.
Load Redistribution Attacks in Multi-Terminal DC Grids. 2022 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). :1–7.
2022. The modernization of legacy power grids relies on the prevalence of information technology (IT). While the benefits are multi-fold and include increased reliability, more accurate monitoring, etc., the reliance on IT increases the attack surface of power grids by making them vulnerable to cyber-attacks. One of the modernization paths is the emergence of multi-terminal dc systems that offer numerous advantages over traditional ac systems. Therefore, cyber-security issues surrounding dc networks need to be investigated. Contributing to this effort, a class of false data injection attacks, called load redistribution (LR) attacks, that targets dc grids is proposed. These attacks aim to compromise the system load data and lead the system operator to dispatch incorrect power flow commands that lead to adverse consequences. Although similar attacks have been recently studied for ac systems, their feasibility in the converter-based dc grids has yet to be demonstrated. Such an attack assessment is necessary because the dc grids have a much smaller control timescale and are more dependent on IT than their traditional ac counterparts. Hence, this work formulates and evaluates dc grid LR attacks by incorporating voltage-sourced converter (VSC) control strategies that appropriately delineate dc system operations. The proposed attack strategy is solved with Gurobi, and the results show that both control and system conditions can affect the success of an LR attack.
ISSN: 2329-3748
Evaluating Synthetic Datasets for Training Machine Learning Models to Detect Malicious Commands. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm). :315–321.
2022. Electrical substations in power grid act as the critical interface points for the transmission and distribution networks. Over the years, digital technology has been integrated into the substations for remote control and automation. As a result, substations are more prone to cyber attacks and exposed to digital vulnerabilities. One of the notable cyber attack vectors is the malicious command injection, which can lead to shutting down of substations and subsequently power outages as demonstrated in Ukraine Power Plant Attack in 2015. Prevailing measures based on cyber rules (e.g., firewalls and intrusion detection systems) are often inadequate to detect advanced and stealthy attacks that use legitimate-looking measurements or control messages to cause physical damage. Additionally, defenses that use physics-based approaches (e.g., power flow simulation, state estimation, etc.) to detect malicious commands suffer from high latency. Machine learning serves as a potential solution in detecting command injection attacks with high accuracy and low latency. However, sufficient datasets are not readily available to train and evaluate the machine learning models. In this paper, focusing on this particular challenge, we discuss various approaches for the generation of synthetic data that can be used to train the machine learning models. Further, we evaluate the models trained with the synthetic data against attack datasets that simulates malicious commands injections with different levels of sophistication. Our findings show that synthetic data generated with some level of power grid domain knowledge helps train robust machine learning models against different types of attacks.
Evil-Twin Browsers: Using Open-Source Code to Clone Browsers for Malicious Purposes. 2022 IEEE 12th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). :0776—0784.
2022. Browsers are one of the most widely used types of software around the world. This prevalence makes browsers a prime target for cyberattacks. To mitigate these threats, users can practice safe browsing habits and take advantage of the security features available to browsers. These protections, however, could be severely crippled if the browser itself were malicious. Presented in this paper is the concept of the evil-twin browser (ETB), a clone of a legitimate browser that looks and behaves identically to the original browser, but discreetly performs other tasks that harm a user's security. To better understand the concept of the evil-twin browser, a prototype ETB named ChroNe was developed. The creation and installation process of ChroN e is discussed in this paper. This paper also explores the motivation behind creating such a browser, examines existing relevant work, inspects the open-source codebase Chromium that assisted in ChroNe's development, and discusses relevant topics like ways to deliver an ETB, the capabilities of an ETB, and possible ways to defend against ETBs.
Identification of Attack Paths Using Kill Chain and Attack Graphs. NOMS 2022-2022 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium. :1–6.
2022. The ever-evolving capabilities of cyber attackers force security administrators to focus on the early identification of emerging threats. Targeted cyber attacks usually consist of several phases, from initial reconnaissance of the network environment to final impact on objectives. This paper investigates the identification of multi-step cyber threat scenarios using kill chain and attack graphs. Kill chain and attack graphs are threat modeling concepts that enable determining weak security defense points. We propose a novel kill chain attack graph that merges kill chain and attack graphs together. This approach determines possible chains of attacker’s actions and their materialization within the protected network. The graph generation uses a categorization of threats according to violated security properties. The graph allows determining the kill chain phase the administrator should focus on and applicable countermeasures to mitigate possible cyber threats. We implemented the proposed approach for a predefined range of cyber threats, especially vulnerability exploitation and network threats. The approach was validated on a real-world use case. Publicly available implementation contains a proof-of-concept kill chain attack graph generator.
ISSN: 2374-9709
A Cryptographic Method for Defense Against MiTM Cyber Attack in the Electricity Grid Supply Chain. 2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT). :1–5.
2022. Critical infrastructures such as the electricity grid can be severely impacted by cyber-attacks on its supply chain. Hence, having a robust cybersecurity infrastructure and management system for the electricity grid is a high priority. This paper proposes a cyber-security protocol for defense against man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attacks to the supply chain, which uses encryption and cryptographic multi-party authentication. A cyber-physical simulator is utilized to simulate the power system, control system, and security layers. The correctness of the attack modeling and the cryptographic security protocol against this MiTM attack is demonstrated in four different attack scenarios.
ISSN: 2472-8152
Testing the Resiliency of Consumer Off-the-Shelf Drones to a Variety of Cyberattack Methods. 2022 IEEE/AIAA 41st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). :1–5.
2022. An often overlooked but equally important aspect of unmanned aerial system (UAS) design is the security of their networking protocols and how they deal with cyberattacks. In this context, cyberattacks are malicious attempts to monitor or modify incoming and outgoing data from the system. These attacks could target anywhere in the system where a transfer of data occurs but are most common in the transfer of data between the control station and the UAS. A compromise in the networking system of a UAS could result in a variety of issues including increased network latency between the control station and the UAS, temporary loss of control over the UAS, or a complete loss of the UAS. A complete loss of the system could result in the UAS being disabled, crashing, or the attacker overtaking command and control of the platform, all of which would be done with little to no alert to the operator. Fortunately, the majority of higher-end, enterprise, and government UAS platforms are aware of these threats and take actions to mitigate them. However, as the consumer market continues to grow and prices continue to drop, network security may be overlooked or ignored in favor of producing the lowest cost product possible. Additionally, these commercial off-the-shelf UAS often use uniform, standardized frequency bands, autopilots, and security measures, meaning a cyberattack could be developed to affect a wide variety of models with minimal changes. This paper will focus on a low-cost educational-use UAS and test its resilience to a variety of cyberattack methods, including man-in-the-middle attacks, spoofing of data, and distributed denial-of-service attacks. Following this experiment will be a discussion of current cybersecurity practices for counteracting these attacks and how they can be applied onboard a UAS. Although in this case the cyberattacks were tested against a simpler platform, the methods discussed are applicable to any UAS platform attempting to defend against such cyberattack methods.
ISSN: 2155-7209
Internet of Things based Data Security Management using Three Level Cyber Security Policies. 2022 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Applied Informatics (ACCAI). :1–8.
2022. The Internet of Things devices is rapidly becoming widespread, as are IoT services. Their achievement has not gone unnoticed, as threats as well as attacks towards IoT devices as well as services continue to grow. Cyber attacks are not unique to IoT, however as IoT becomes more ingrained in our lives as well as communities, it is imperative to step up as well as take cyber defense seriously. As a result, there is a genuine need to protect IoT, which necessitates a thorough understanding of the dangers and attacks against IoT infrastructure. The purpose of this study is to define threat types, as well as to assess and characterize intrusions and assaults against IoT devices as well as services
Data Exfiltration: Methods and Detection Countermeasures. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). :442—447.
2021. Data exfiltration is of increasing concern throughout the world. The number of incidents and capabilities of data exfiltration attacks are growing at an unprecedented rate. However, such attack vectors have not been deeply explored in the literature. This paper aims to address this gap by implementing a data exfiltration methodology, detailing some data exfiltration methods. Groups of exfiltration methods are incorporated into a program that can act as a testbed for owners of any network that stores sensitive data. The implemented methods are tested against the well-known network intrusion detection system Snort, where all of them have been successfully evaded detection by its community rule sets. Thus, in this paper, we have developed new countermeasures to prevent and detect data exfiltration attempts using these methods.
Machine Learning Algorithms Evaluation for Phishing URLs Classification. 2021 4th International Symposium on Advanced Electrical and Communication Technologies (ISAECT). :01—05.
2021. Phishing URL is a type of cyberattack, based on falsified URLs. The number of phishing URL attacks continues to increase despite cybersecurity efforts. According to the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG), the number of phishing websites observed in 2020 is 1 520 832, doubling over the course of a year. Various algorithms, techniques and methods can be used to build models for phishing URL detection and classification. From our reading, we observed that Machine Learning (ML) is one of the recent approaches used to detect and classify phishing URL in an efficient and proactive way. In this paper, we evaluate eleven of the most adopted ML algorithms such as Decision Tree (DT), Nearest Neighbours (KNN), Gradient Boosting (GB), Logistic Regression (LR), Naïve Bayes (NB), Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machines (SVM), Neural Network (NN), Ex-tra\_Tree (ET), Ada\_Boost (AB) and Bagging (B). To do that, we compute detection accuracy metric for each algorithm and we use lexical analysis to extract the URL features.
A Sequential Supervised Machine Learning Approach for Cyber Attack Detection in a Smart Grid System. 2021 North American Power Symposium (NAPS). :1—6.
2021. Modern smart grid systems are heavily dependent on Information and Communication Technology, and this dependency makes them prone to cyber-attacks. The occurrence of a cyber-attack has increased in recent years resulting in substantial damage to power systems. For a reliable and stable operation, cyber protection, control, and detection techniques are becoming essential. Automated detection of cyberattacks with high accuracy is a challenge. To address this, we propose a two-layer hierarchical machine learning model having an accuracy of 95.44 % to improve the detection of cyberattacks. The first layer of the model is used to distinguish between the two modes of operation - normal state or cyberattack. The second layer is used to classify the state into different types of cyberattacks. The layered approach provides an opportunity for the model to focus its training on the targeted task of the layer, resulting in improvement in model accuracy. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed model, we compared its performance against other recent cyber attack detection models proposed in the literature.
Network Traffic Analysis for Real-Time Detection of Cyber Attacks. 2021 8th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom). :642—646.
2021. Preventing the cyberattacks has been a concern for any organization. In this research, the authors propose a novel method to detect cyberattacks by monitoring and analyzing the network traffic. It was observed that the various log files that are created in the server does not contain all the relevant traces to detect a cyberattack. Hence, the HTTP traffic to the web server was analyzed to detect any potential cyberattacks. To validate the research, a web server was simulated using the Opensource Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) and the cyberattacks were simulated as per the OWASP standards. A python program was scripted that captured the network traffic to the DVWA server. This traffic was analyzed in real-time by reading the various HTTP parameters viz., URLs, Get / Post methods and the dependencies. The results were found to be encouraging as all the simulated attacks in real-time could be successfully detected. This work can be used as a template by various organizations to prevent any insider threat by monitoring the internal HTTP traffic.
On Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in Distributed State Estimation of Power Networks. 2021 IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE). :472—473.
2021. In power networks, it is important to detect a cyber attack. In this paper, we propose a detection method of false data injection (FDI) attacks. FDI attacks cannot be detected from the estimation error in power networks. The proposed method is based on the distributed state estimation, and is used the tentative estimated state. The proposed method is demonstrated by a numerical example on the IEEE 14-bus system.
A Study on Advancement in Honeypot based Network Security Model. 2021 Third International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV). :94–97.
2021. Throughout the years, honeypots have been very useful in tracking down attackers and preventing different types of cyber attacks on a very large scale. It's been almost 3 decades since the discover of honeypots and still more than 80% of the companies rely on this system because of intrusion detection features and low false positive rate. But with time, the attackers tend to start discovering loopholes in the system. Hence it is very important to be up to date with the technology when it comes to protecting a computing device from the emerging cyber attacks. Timely advancements in the security model provided by the honeypots helps in a more efficient use of the resource and also leads to better innovations in that field. The following paper reviews different methods of honeypot network and also gives an insight about the problems that those techniques can face along with their solution. Further it also gives the detail about the most preferred solution among all of the listed techniques in the paper.
Performance evaluation method of cyber attack behaviour forecasting based on mitigation. 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :13–15.
2021. Recently, most of the processes are being computerized, due to the development of information and communication technology. In proportion to this, cyber-attacks are also increasing, and state-sponsored cyber-attacks are becoming a great threat to the country. These attacks are often composed of stages and proceed step-by-step, so for defense, it is necessary to predict the next action and perform appropriate mitigation. To this end, the paper proposes a mitigation-based performance evaluation method. We developed the new true positive which can have a value between 0 and 1 according to the mitigation. The experiment result and case studies show that the proposed method can effectively measure forecasting results under cyber security defense system.
Electric Power Grid Resilience to Cyber Adversaries: State of the Art. IEEE Access. 8:87592–87608.
2020. The smart electricity grids have been evolving to a more complex cyber-physical ecosystem of infrastructures with integrated communication networks, new carbon-free sources of power generation, advanced monitoring and control systems, and a myriad of emerging modern physical hardware technologies. With the unprecedented complexity and heterogeneity in dynamic smart grid networks comes additional vulnerability to emerging threats such as cyber attacks. Rapid development and deployment of advanced network monitoring and communication systems on one hand, and the growing interdependence of the electric power grids to a multitude of lifeline critical infrastructures on the other, calls for holistic defense strategies to safeguard the power grids against cyber adversaries. In order to improve the resilience of the power grid against adversarial attacks and cyber intrusions, advancements should be sought on detection techniques, protection plans, and mitigation practices in all electricity generation, transmission, and distribution sectors. This survey discusses such major directions and recent advancements from a lens of different detection techniques, equipment protection plans, and mitigation strategies to enhance the energy delivery infrastructure resilience and operational endurance against cyber attacks. This undertaking is essential since even modest improvements in resilience of the power grid against cyber threats could lead to sizeable monetary savings and an enriched overall social welfare.
Conference Name: IEEE Access
Privacy-Preserving Schemes for Safeguarding Heterogeneous Data Sources in Cyber-Physical Systems. IEEE Access. 9:55077–55097.
2021. Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) underpin global critical infrastructure, including power, water, gas systems and smart grids. CPS, as a technology platform, is unique as a target for Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), given the potentially high impact of a successful breach. Additionally, CPSs are targets as they produce significant amounts of heterogeneous data from the multitude of devices and networks included in their architecture. It is, therefore, essential to develop efficient privacy-preserving techniques for safeguarding system data from cyber attacks. This paper introduces a comprehensive review of the current privacy-preserving techniques for protecting CPS systems and their data from cyber attacks. Concepts of Privacy preservation and CPSs are discussed, demonstrating CPSs' components and the way these systems could be exploited by either cyber and physical hacking scenarios. Then, classification of privacy preservation according to the way they would be protected, including perturbation, authentication, machine learning (ML), cryptography and blockchain, are explained to illustrate how they would be employed for data privacy preservation. Finally, we show existing challenges, solutions and future research directions of privacy preservation in CPSs.
Conference Name: IEEE Access
Performance Analysis on Denial of Service attack using UNSW-NB15 Dataset. 2021 International Conference on Software Engineering Computer Systems and 4th International Conference on Computational Science and Information Management (ICSECS-ICOCSIM). :423–426.
2021. With the advancement of network technology, users can now easily gain access to and benefit from networks. However, the number of network violations is increasing. The main issue with this violation is that irresponsible individuals are infiltrating the network. Network intrusion can be interpreted in a variety of ways, including cyber criminals forcibly attempting to disrupt network connections, gaining unauthorized access to valuable data, and then stealing, corrupting, or destroying the data. There are already numerous systems in place to detect network intrusion. However, the systems continue to fall short in detecting and counter-attacking network intrusion attacks. This research aims to enhance the detection of Denial of service (DoS) by identifying significant features and identifying abnormal network activities more accurately. To accomplish this goal, the study proposes an Intrusion Analysis System for detecting Denial of service (DoS) network attacks using machine learning. The accuracy rate of the proposed method using random forest was demonstrated in our experimental results. It was discovered that the accuracy rate with each dataset is greater than 98.8 percent when compared to traditional approaches. Furthermore, when features are selected, the detection time is significantly reduced.
Towards a Secured Blockchain-based Smart Grid. 2021 IEEE 11th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). :1066—1069.
2021. The widespread utilization of smart grids is due to their flexibility to support the two-way flow of electricity and data. The critical nature of smart grids evokes traditional network attacks. Due to the advantages of blockchains in terms of ensuring trustworthiness and security, a significant body of literature has been recently developed to secure smart grid operations. We categorize the blockchain applications in smart grid into three categories: energy trading, infrastructure management, and smart-grid operations management. This paper provides an extensive survey of these works and the different ways to utilize blockchains in smart grid in general. We propose an abstract system to overcome a critical cyberattack; namely, the fake data injection, as previous works did not consider such an attack.