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Bisht, K., Deshmukh, M..  2020.  Encryption algorithm based on knight’s tour and n-neighbourhood addition. 2020 7th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN). :31–36.
This paper presents a new algorithm for image encryption by extending the Knight's Tour Problem (KTP). The idea behind the proposed algorithm is to generate a Knight Tour (KT) matrix (m,n) and then divide the image according to the size of knight tour matrix into several sub matrices. Finally, apply n-neighborhood addition modulo encryption algorithm according to the solution of KT matrix over each m × n partition of the image. The proposed algorithm provides image encryption without using the cover images. Results obtained from experiments have shown that the proposed algorithm is efficient, simple and does not disclose any information from encrypted image.
Rana, M. M., Mehedie, A. M. Alam, Abdelhadi, A..  2020.  Optimal Image Watermark Technique Using Singular Value Decomposition with PCA. 2020 22nd International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT). :342–347.
Image watermarking is very important phenomenon in modern society where intellectual property right of information is necessary. Considering this impending problem, there are many image watermarking methods exist in the literature each of having some key advantages and disadvantages. After summarising state-of-the-art literature survey, an optimum digital watermark technique using singular value decomposition with principle component analysis (PCA) is proposed and verified. Basically, the host image is compressed using PCA which reduces multi-dimensional data to effective low-dimensional information. In this scheme, the watermark is embedded using the discrete wavelet transformation-singular value decomposition approach. Simulation results show that the proposed method improves the system performance compared with the existing method in terms of the watermark embedding, and extraction time. Therefore, this work is valuable for image watermarking in modern life such as tracing copyright infringements and banknote authentication.
Uzhga-Rebrov, O., Kuleshova, G..  2020.  Using Singular Value Decomposition to Reduce Dimensionality of Initial Data Set. 2020 61st International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Management Science of Riga Technical University (ITMS). :1–4.
The purpose of any data analysis is to extract essential information implicitly present in the data. To do this, it often seems necessary to transform the initial data into a form that allows one to identify and interpret the essential features of their structure. One of the most important tasks of data analysis is to reduce the dimension of the original data. The paper considers an approach to solving this problem based on singular value decomposition (SVD).
Xie, Kun, Li, Xiaocan, Wang, Xin, Xie, Gaogang, Xie, Dongliang, Li, Zhenyu, Wen, Jigang, Diao, Zulong.  2019.  Quick and Accurate False Data Detection in Mobile Crowd Sensing. IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. :2215—2223.

With the proliferation of smartphones, a novel sensing paradigm called Mobile Crowd Sensing (MCS) has emerged very recently. However, the attacks and faults in MCS cause a serious false data problem. Observing the intrinsic low dimensionality of general monitoring data and the sparsity of false data, false data detection can be performed based on the separation of normal data and anomalies. Although the existing separation algorithm based on Direct Robust Matrix Factorization (DRMF) is proven to be effective, requiring iteratively performing Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) for low-rank matrix approximation would result in a prohibitively high accumulated computation cost when the data matrix is large. In this work, we observe the quick false data location feature from our empirical study of DRMF, based on which we propose an intelligent Light weight Low Rank and False Matrix Separation algorithm (LightLRFMS) that can reuse the previous result of the matrix decomposition to deduce the one for the current iteration step. Our algorithm can largely speed up the whole iteration process. From a theoretical perspective, we validate that LightLRFMS only requires one round of SVD computation and thus has very low computation cost. We have done extensive experiments using a PM 2.5 air condition trace and a road traffic trace. Our results demonstrate that LightLRFMS can achieve very good false data detection performance with the same highest detection accuracy as DRMF but with up to 10 times faster speed thanks to its lower computation cost.

Yao, Yepeng, Su, Liya, Lu, Zhigang, Liu, Baoxu.  2019.  STDeepGraph: Spatial-Temporal Deep Learning on Communication Graphs for Long-Term Network Attack Detection. 2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/13th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :120–127.
Network communication data are high-dimensional and spatiotemporal, and their information content is often degraded by common traffic analysis methods. For long-term network attack detection based on network flows, it is important to extract a discriminative, high-dimensional intrinsic representation of such flows. This work focuses on a hybrid deep neural network design using a combination of a convolutional neural network (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) with graph similarity measures to learn high-dimensional representations from the network traffic. In particular, examining a set of network flows, we commence by constructing a temporal communication graph and then computing graph kernel matrices. Having obtained the kernel matrices, for each graph, we use the kernel value between graphs and calculate graph characterization vectors by graph signal processing. This vector can be regarded as a kernel-based similarity embedding vector of the graph that integrates structural similarity information and leverages efficient graph kernel using the graph Laplacian matrix. Our approach exploits graph structures as the additional prior information, the graph Laplacian matrix for feature extraction and hybrid deep learning models for long-term information learning on communication graphs. Experiments on two real-world network attack datasets show that our approach can extract more discriminative representations, leading to an improved accuracy in a supervised classification task. The experimental results show that our method increases the overall accuracy by approximately 10%-15%.
Das, Bablu Kumar, Garg, Ritu.  2019.  Security of Cloud Storage based on Extended Hill Cipher and Homomorphic Encryption. 2019 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES). :515–520.
Cloud computing is one of the emerging area in the business world that help to access resources at low expense with high privacy. Security is a standout amongst the most imperative difficulties in cloud network for cloud providers and their customers. In order to ensure security in cloud, we proposed a framework using different encryption algorithm namely Extended hill cipher and homomorphic encryption. Firstly user data/information is isolated into two parts which is static and dynamic data (critical data). Extended hill cipher encryption is applied over more important dynamic part where we are encrypting the string using matrix multiplication. While homomorphic encryption is applied over static data in which it accepts n number of strings as information, encode each string independently and lastly combine all the strings. The test results clearly manifests that the proposed model provides better information security.
Liu, Weiyou, Liu, Xu, Di, Xiaoqiang, Qi, Hui.  2019.  A novel network intrusion detection algorithm based on Fast Fourier Transformation. 2019 1st International Conference on Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI). :1–6.
Deep learning techniques have been widely used in intrusion detection, but their application on convolutional neural networks (CNN) is still immature. The main challenge is how to represent the network traffic to improve performance of the CNN model. In this paper, we propose a network intrusion detection algorithm based on representation learning using Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT), which is first exploration that converts traffic to image by FFT to the best of our knowledge. Each traffic is converted to an image and then the intrusion detection problem is turned to image classification. The experiment results on NSL-KDD dataset show that the classification performence of the algorithm in the CNN model has obvious advantages compared with other algorithms.
Guo, L., Chen, J., Li, J..  2016.  Chaos-Based color image encryption and compression scheme using DNA complementary rule and Chinese remainder theorem. 2016 13th International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing (ICCWAMTIP). :208–212.

In this paper, we propose a new color image encryption and compression algorithm based on the DNA complementary rule and the Chinese remainder theorem, which combines the DNA complementary rule with quantum chaotic map. We use quantum chaotic map and DNA complementary rule to shuffle the color image and obtain the shuffled image, then Chinese remainder theorem from number theory is utilized to diffuse and compress the shuffled image simultaneously. The security analysis and experiment results show that the proposed encryption algorithm has large key space and good encryption result, it also can resist against common attacks.

Zhao Yijiu, Long Ling, Zhuang Xiaoyan, Dai Zhijian.  2015.  "Model calibration for compressive sampling system with non-ideal lowpass filter". 2015 12th IEEE International Conference on Electronic Measurement Instruments (ICEMI). 02:808-812.

This paper presents a model calibration algorithm for the modulated wideband converter (MWC) with non-ideal analog lowpass filter (LPF). The presented technique uses a test signal to estimate the finite impulse response (FIR) of the practical non-ideal LPF, and then a digital compensation filter is designed to calibrate the approximated FIR filter in the digital domain. At the cost of a moderate oversampling rate, the calibrated filter performs as an ideal LPF. The calibrated model uses the MWC system with non-ideal LPF to capture the samples of underlying signal, and then the samples are filtered by the digital compensation filter. Experimental results indicate that, without making any changes to the architecture of MWC, the proposed algorithm can obtain the samples as that of standard MWC with ideal LPF, and the signal can be reconstructed with overwhelming probability.