Massive multiple-input multiple-output (mMIMO) with perfect channel state information (CSI) can lead array power gain increments proportional to the number of antennas. Despite this fact constrains on power amplification still exist due to envelope variations of high order constellation signals. These constrains can be overpassed by a transmitter with several amplification branches, with each one associated to a component signal that results from the decomposition of a multilevel constellation as a sum of several quasi constant envelope signals that are sent independently. When combined with antenna arrays at the end of each amplification branch the security improves due to the energy separation achieved by beamforming. However, to avoid distortion on the signal resulting from the combination of all components at channel level all the beams of signal components should be directed in same direction. In such conditions it is crucial to assess the impact of misalignments between beams associated to each user, which is the purpose of this work. The set of results presented here show the good tolerance against misalignments of these transmission structures.
Web application technologies are growing rapidly with continuous innovation and improvements. This paper focuses on the popular Spring Boot [1] java-based framework for building web and enterprise applications and how it provides the flexibility for service-oriented architecture (SOA). One challenge with any Spring-based applications is its level of complexity with configurations. Spring Boot makes it easy to create and deploy stand-alone, production-grade Spring applications with very little Spring configuration. Example, if we consider Spring Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework [2], we need to configure dispatcher servlet, web jars, a view resolver, and component scan among other things. To solve this, Spring Boot provides several Auto Configuration options to setup the application with any needed dependencies. Another challenge is to identify the framework dependencies and associated library versions required to develop a web application. Spring Boot offers simpler dependency management by using a comprehensive, but flexible, framework and the associated libraries in one single dependency, which provides all the Spring related technology that you need for starter projects as compared to CRUD web applications. This framework provides a range of additional features that are common across many projects such as embedded server, security, metrics, health checks, and externalized configuration. Web applications are generally packaged as war and deployed to a web server, but Spring Boot application can be packaged either as war or jar file, which allows to run the application without the need to install and/or configure on the application server. In this paper, we discuss how Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Data Center (ADC) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, is using Spring Boot to create a SOA based REST [4] service API, that bridges the gap between frontend user interfaces and backend database. Using this REST service API, ARM scientists are now able to submit reports via a user form or a command line interface, which captures the same data quality or other important information about ARM data.
The unauthorized access or theft of sensitive, personal information is becoming a weekly news item. The illegal dissemination of proprietary information to media outlets or competitors costs industry untold millions in remediation costs and losses every year. The 2013 data breach at Target, Inc. that impacted 70 million customers is estimated to cost upwards of 1 billion dollars. Stolen information is also being used to damage political figures and adversely influence foreign and domestic policy. In this paper, we offer some techniques for better understanding the health and security of our networks. This understanding will help professionals to identify network behavior, anomalies and other latent, systematic issues in their networks. Software-Defined Networks (SDN) enable the collection of network operation and configuration metrics that are not readily available, if available at all, in traditional networks. SDN also enables the development of software protocols and tools that increases visibility into the network. By accumulating and analyzing a time series data repository (TSDR) of SDN and traditional metrics along with data gathered from our tools we can establish behavior and security patterns for SDN and SDN hybrid networks. Our research helps provide a framework for a range of techniques for administrators and automated system protection services that give insight into the health and security of the network. To narrow the scope of our research, this paper focuses on a subset of those techniques as they apply to the confidence analysis of a specific network path at the time of use or inspection. This confidence analysis allows users, administrators and autonomous systems to decide whether a network path is secure enough for sending their sensitive information. Our testing shows that malicious activity can be identified quickly as a single metric indicator and consistently within a multi-factor indicator analysis. Our research includes the implementation of - hese techniques in a network path confidence analysis service, called Confidence Assessment as a Service. Using our behavior and security patterns, this service evaluates a specific network path and provides a confidence score for that path before, during and after the transmission of sensitive data. Our research and tools give administrators and autonomous systems a much better understanding of the internal operation and configuration of their networks. Our framework will also provide other services that will focus on detecting latent, systemic network problems. By providing a better understanding of network configuration and operation our research enables a more secure and dependable network and helps prevent the theft of information by malicious actors.