Networks have evolved very rapidly, which allow secret data transformation speedily through the Internet. However, the security of secret data has posed a serious threat due to openness of these networks. Thus, researchers draw their attention on cryptography field for this reason. Due to the traditional cryptographic techniques which are vulnerable to intruders nowadays. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) considered as a promising technology for cryptography field due to extraordinary data density and vast parallelism. With the help of the various DNA arithmetic and biological operations are also Blum Blum Shub (BBS) generator, a multi-level of DNA encryption algorithm is proposed here. The algorithm first uses the dynamic key generation to encrypt sensitive information as a first level; second, it uses BBS generator to generate a random DNA sequence; third, the BBS-DNA sequence spliced with a DNA Gen Bank reference to produce a new DNA reference. Then, substitution, permutation, and dynamic key are used to scramble the new DNA reference nucleotides locations. Finally, for further enhanced security, an injective mapping is established to combine encrypted information with encrypted DNA reference using Knight tour movement in Hadamard matrix. The National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) tests have been used to test the proposed algorithm. The results of the tests demonstrate that they effectively passed all the randomness tests of NIST which means they can effectively resist attack operations.
Blum-Blum-Shub (BBS) is a less complex pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) that requires very large modulus and a squaring operation for the generation of each bit, which makes it computationally heavy and slow. On the other hand, the concept of elliptic curve (EC) point operations has been extended to PRNGs that prove to have good randomness properties and reduced latency, but exhibit dependence on the secrecy of point P. Given these pros and cons, this paper proposes a new BBS-ECPRNG approach such that the modulus is the product of two elliptic curve points, both primes of length, and the number of bits extracted per iteration is by binary fraction. We evaluate the algorithm performance by generating 1000 distinct sequences of 106bits each. The results were analyzed based on the overall performance of the sequences using the NIST standard statistical test suite. The average performance of the sequences was observed to be above the minimum confidence level of 99.7 percent and successfully passed all the statistical properties of randomness tests.
The use of multi-terminal HVDC to integrate wind power coming from the North Sea opens de door for a new transmission system model, the DC-Independent System Operator (DC-ISO). DC-ISO will face highly stressed and varying conditions that requires new risk assessment tools to ensure security of supply. This paper proposes a novel risk-based static security assessment methodology named risk-based DC security assessment (RB-DCSA). It combines a probabilistic approach to include uncertainties and a fuzzy inference system to quantify the systemic and individual component risk associated with operational scenarios considering uncertainties. The proposed methodology is illustrated using a multi-terminal HVDC system where the variability of wind speed at the offshore wind is included.