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Pupezescu, Valentin, Pupezescu, Marilena-Cătălina, Perișoară, Lucian-Andrei.  2022.  Optimizations of Database Management Systems for Real Time IoT Edge Applications. 2022 23rd International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC). :171–176.

The exponential growth of IoT-type systems has led to a reconsideration of the field of database management systems in terms of storing and handling high-volume data. Recently, many real-time Database Management Systems(DBMS) have been developed to address issues such as security, managing concurrent access to stored data, and optimizing data query performance. This paper studies methods that allow to reduce the temporal validity range for common DBMS. The primary purpose of IoT edge devices is to generate data and make it available for machine learning or statistical algorithms. This is achieved inside the Knowledge Discovery in Databases process. In order to visualize and obtain critical Data Mining results, all the device-generated data must be made available as fast as possible for selection, preprocessing and data transformation. In this research we investigate if IoT edge devices can be used with common DBMS proper configured in order to access data fast instead of working with Real Time DBMS. We will study what kind of transactions are needed in large IoT ecosystems and we will analyze the techniques of controlling concurrent access to common resources (stored data). For this purpose, we built a series of applications that are able to simulate concurrent writing operations to a common DBMS in order to investigate the performance of concurrent access to database resources. Another important procedure that will be tested with the developed applications will be to increase the availability of data for users and data mining applications. This will be achieved by using field indexing.

Lin, Kunli, Xia, Haojun, Zhang, Kun, Tu, Bibo.  2021.  AddrArmor: An Address-based Runtime Code-reuse Attack Mitigation for Shared Objects at the Binary-level. 2021 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel Distributed Processing with Applications, Big Data Cloud Computing, Sustainable Computing Communications, Social Computing Networking (ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom). :117–124.
The widespread adoption of DEP has made most modern attacks follow the same general steps: Attackers try to construct code-reuse attacks by using vulnerable indirect branch instructions in shared objects after successful exploits on memory vulnerabilities. In response to code-reuse attacks, researchers have proposed a large number of defenses. However, most of them require access to source code and/or specific hardware features. These limitations hinder the deployment of these defenses much.In this paper, we propose an address-based code-reuse attack mitigation for shared objects at the binary-level. We emphasize that the execution of indirect branch instruction must follow several principles we propose. More specifically, we first reconstruct function boundaries at the program’s dynamic-linking stage by combining shared object’s dynamic symbols with binary-level instruction analysis. We then leverage static instrumentation to hook vulnerable indirect branch instructions to a novel target address computation and validation routine. At runtime, AddrArmor will protect against code-reuse attacks based on the computed target address.Our experimental results show that AddrArmor provides a strong line of defense against code reuse attacks, and has an acceptable performance overhead of about 6.74% on average using SPEC CPU 2006.
Jharko, Elena, Promyslov, Vitaly, Iskhakov, Andrey.  2019.  Extending Functionality of Early Fault Diagnostic System for Online Security Assessment of Nuclear Power Plant. 2019 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon). :1–6.

The new instrumentation and control (I&C) systems of the nuclear power plants (NPPs) improve the ability to operate the plant enhance the safety and performance of the NPP. However, they bring a new type of threat to the NPP's industry-cyber threat. The early fault diagnostic system (EDS) is one of the decision support systems that might be used online during the operation stage. The EDS aim is to prevent the incident/accident evolution by a timely troubleshooting process during any plant operational modes. It means that any significative deviation of plant parameters from normal values is pointed-out to plant operators well before reaching any undesired threshold potentially leading to a prohibited plant state, together with the cause that has generated the deviation. The paper lists the key benefits using the EDS to counter the cyber threat and proposes the framework for cybersecurity assessment using EDS during the operational stage.

Wu, Rongxin, Xiao, Xiao, Cheung, Shing-Chi, Zhang, Hongyu, Zhang, Charles.  2016.  Casper: An Efficient Approach to Call Trace Collection. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages. :678–690.

Call traces, i.e., sequences of function calls and returns, are fundamental to a wide range of program analyses such as bug reproduction, fault diagnosis, performance analysis, and many others. The conventional approach to collect call traces that instruments each function call and return site incurs large space and time overhead. Our approach aims at reducing the recording overheads by instrumenting only a small amount of call sites while keeping the capability of recovering the full trace. We propose a call trace model and a logged call trace model based on an LL(1) grammar, which enables us to define the criteria of a feasible solution to call trace collection. Based on the two models, we prove that to collect call traces with minimal instrumentation is an NP-hard problem. We then propose an efficient approach to obtaining a suboptimal solution. We implemented our approach as a tool Casper and evaluated it using the DaCapo benchmark suite. The experiment results show that our approach causes significantly lower runtime (and space) overhead than two state-of-the-arts approaches.

Chachmon, Nadav, Richins, Daniel, Cohn, Robert, Christensson, Magnus, Cui, Wenzhi, Reddi, Vijay Janapa.  2016.  Simulation and Analysis Engine for Scale-Out Workloads. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Supercomputing. :22:1–22:13.

We introduce a system-level Simulation and Analysis Engine (SAE) framework based on dynamic binary instrumentation for fine-grained and customizable instruction-level introspection of everything that executes on the processor. SAE can instrument the BIOS, kernel, drivers, and user processes. It can also instrument multiple systems simultaneously using a single instrumentation interface, which is essential for studying scale-out applications. SAE is an x86 instruction set simulator designed specifically to enable rapid prototyping, evaluation, and validation of architectural extensions and program analysis tools using its flexible APIs. It is fast enough to execute full platform workloads–-a modern operating system can boot in a few minutes–-thus enabling research, evaluation, and validation of complex functionalities related to multicore configurations, virtualization, security, and more. To reach high speeds, SAE couples tightly with a virtual platform and employs both a just-in-time (JIT) compiler that helps simulate simple instructions efficiently and a fast interpreter for simulating new or complex instructions. We describe SAE's architecture and instrumentation engine design and show the framework's usefulness for single- and multi-system architectural and program analysis studies.