Visible to the public Extending Functionality of Early Fault Diagnostic System for Online Security Assessment of Nuclear Power Plant

TitleExtending Functionality of Early Fault Diagnostic System for Online Security Assessment of Nuclear Power Plant
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsJharko, Elena, Promyslov, Vitaly, Iskhakov, Andrey
Conference Name2019 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon)
Keywordscomputer security, control systems, Decision support systems, dynamic models, EDS, expert system, expert systems, Expert Systems and Security, False Data Detection, fault diagnosis, fault diagnostic system, Human Behavior, instrumentation, NPP industry-cyber threat, nuclear engineering, nuclear engineering computing, nuclear power plant, nuclear power stations, online security assessment, operational stage, plant operational modes, plant operators, plant parameters, power engineering computing, power generation, power system security, prohibited plant state, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Safety, Scalability, security, security of data, simulators

The new instrumentation and control (I&C) systems of the nuclear power plants (NPPs) improve the ability to operate the plant enhance the safety and performance of the NPP. However, they bring a new type of threat to the NPP's industry-cyber threat. The early fault diagnostic system (EDS) is one of the decision support systems that might be used online during the operation stage. The EDS aim is to prevent the incident/accident evolution by a timely troubleshooting process during any plant operational modes. It means that any significative deviation of plant parameters from normal values is pointed-out to plant operators well before reaching any undesired threshold potentially leading to a prohibited plant state, together with the cause that has generated the deviation. The paper lists the key benefits using the EDS to counter the cyber threat and proposes the framework for cybersecurity assessment using EDS during the operational stage.

Citation Keyjharko_extending_2019