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Saloni, Arora, Dilpreet Kaur.  2022.  A Review on The Concerns of Security Audit Using Machine Learning Techniques. 2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE). :835—839.
Successful information and communication technology (ICT) may propel administrative procedures forward quickly. In order to achieve efficient usage of TCT in their businesses, ICT strategies and plans should be examined to ensure that they align with the organization's visions and missions. Efficient software and hardware work together to provide relevant data that aids in the improvement of how we do business, learn, communicate, entertain, and work. This exposes them to a risky environment that is prone to both internal and outside threats. The term “security” refers to a level of protection or resistance to damage. Security can also be thought of as a barrier between assets and threats. Important terms must be understood in order to have a comprehensive understanding of security. This research paper discusses key terms, concerns, and challenges related to information systems and security auditing. Exploratory research is utilised in this study to find an explanation for the observed occurrences, problems, or behaviour. The study's findings include a list of various security risks that must be seriously addressed in any Information System and Security Audit.
Suresh, V., Ramesh, M.K., Shadruddin, Sheikh, Paul, Tapobrata, Bhattacharya, Anirban, Ahmad, Abrar.  2021.  Design and Application of Converged Infrastructure through Virtualization Technology in Grid Operation Control Center in North Eastern Region of India. 2020 3rd International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Clean Energy Technologies. :1–5.
Modern day grid operation requires multiple interlinked applications and many automated processes at control center for monitoring and operation of grid. Information technology integrated with operational technology plays a critical role in grid operation. Computing resource requirements of these software applications varies widely and includes high processing applications, high Input/Output (I/O) sensitive applications and applications with low resource requirements. Present day grid operation control center uses various applications for load despatch schedule management, various real-time analytics & optimization applications, post despatch analysis and reporting applications etc. These applications are integrated with Operational Technology (OT) like Data acquisition system / Energy management system (SCADA/EMS), Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS) etc. This paper discusses various design considerations and implementation of converged infrastructure through virtualization technology by consolidation of servers and storages using multi-cluster approach to meet high availability requirement of the applications and achieve desired objectives of grid control center of north eastern region in India. The process involves weighing benefits of different architecture solution, grouping of application hosts, making multiple clusters with reliability and security considerations, and designing suitable infrastructure to meet all end objectives. Reliability, enhanced resource utilization, economic factors, storage and physical node selection, integration issues with OT systems and optimization of cost are the prime design considerations. Modalities adopted to minimize downtime of critical systems for grid operation during migration from the existing infrastructure and integration with OT systems of North Eastern Regional Load Despatch Center are also elaborated in this paper.
Namazifard, A., Amiri, B., Tousi, A., Aminilari, M., Hozhabri, A. A..  2015.  Literature review of different contention of E-commerce security and the purview of cyber law factors. 2015 9th International Conference on e-Commerce in Developing Countries: With focus on e-Business (ECDC). :1–14.

Today, by widely spread of information technology (IT) usage, E-commerce security and its related legislations are very critical issue in information technology and court law. There is a consensus that security matters are the significant foundation of e-commerce, electronic consumers, and firms' privacy. While e-commerce networks need a policy for security privacy, they should be prepared for a simple consumer friendly infrastructure. Hence it is necessary to review the theoretical models for revision. In This theory review, we embody a number of former articles that cover security of e-commerce and legislation ambit at the individual level by assessing five criteria. Whether data of articles provide an effective strategy for secure-protection challenges in e-commerce and e-consumers. Whether provisions clearly remedy precedents or they need to flourish? This paper focuses on analyzing the former discussion regarding e-commerce security and existence legislation toward cyber-crime activity of e-commerce the article also purports recommendation for subsequent research which is indicate that through secure factors of e-commerce we are able to fill the vacuum of its legislation.