Visible to the public A Review on The Concerns of Security Audit Using Machine Learning Techniques

TitleA Review on The Concerns of Security Audit Using Machine Learning Techniques
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsSaloni, Arora, Dilpreet Kaur
Conference Name2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE)
Keywordscontrol systems, Costs, cyber threats, cyber-attacks, Hardware, Human Behavior, Information systems, IT, Productivity, Propulsion, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Resistance, Scalability, security audit, Security Audits, Software
AbstractSuccessful information and communication technology (ICT) may propel administrative procedures forward quickly. In order to achieve efficient usage of TCT in their businesses, ICT strategies and plans should be examined to ensure that they align with the organization's visions and missions. Efficient software and hardware work together to provide relevant data that aids in the improvement of how we do business, learn, communicate, entertain, and work. This exposes them to a risky environment that is prone to both internal and outside threats. The term "security" refers to a level of protection or resistance to damage. Security can also be thought of as a barrier between assets and threats. Important terms must be understood in order to have a comprehensive understanding of security. This research paper discusses key terms, concerns, and challenges related to information systems and security auditing. Exploratory research is utilised in this study to find an explanation for the observed occurrences, problems, or behaviour. The study's findings include a list of various security risks that must be seriously addressed in any Information System and Security Audit.
Citation Keysaloni_review_2022