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Fajri, M., Hariyanto, N., Gemsjaeger, B..  2020.  Automatic Protection Implementation Considering Protection Assessment Method of DER Penetration for Smart Distribution Network. 2020 International Conference on Technology and Policy in Energy and Electric Power (ICT-PEP). :323—328.
Due to geographical locations of Indonesia, some technology such as hydro and solar photovoltaics are very attractive to be used and developed. Distribution Energy Resources (DER) is the appropriate schemes implemented to achieve optimal operation respecting the location and capacity of the plant. The Gorontalo sub-system network was chosen as a case study considering both of micro-hydro and PV as contributed to supply the grid. The needs of a smart electrical system are required to improve reliability, power quality, and adaptation to any circumstances during DER application. While the topology was changing over time, intermittent of DER output and bidirectional power flow can be overcome with smart grid systems. In this study, an automation algorithm has been conducted to aid the engineers in solving the protection problems caused by DER implementation. The Protection Security Assessment (PSA) method is used to evaluate the state of the protection system. Determine the relay settings using an adaptive rule-based method on expert systems. The application with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) has been developed to make user easier to get the specific relay settings and locations which are sensitive, fast, reliable, and selective.
Kim, Seungmin, Kim, Sangwoo, Nam, Ki-haeng, Kim, Seonuk, Kwon, Kook-huei.  2019.  Cyber Security Strategy for Nuclear Power Plant through Vital Digital Assets. 2019 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI). :224–226.
As nuclear power plant Instrumentation and Control(I&C) systems have turned into digital systems, the possibility of cyber-attacks has increased. To protect the nuclear power plant from cyber-attacks, digital assets are classified and managed as critical digital assets which have safety, security and emergency preparedness functions. However, critical digital assets represent 70-80% of total digital assets, and applying and managing the same security control is inefficient. Therefore, this paper presents the criteria for identifying digital assets that are classified as vital digital assets that can directly affect the serious accidents of nuclear power plants.
Ajaei, F. Badrkhani, Mohammadi, J., Stevens, G., Akhavan, E..  2019.  Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid Configurations for a Net-Zero Energy Community. 2019 IEEE/IAS 55th Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference (I CPS). :1–7.

The hybrid microgrid is attracting great attention in recent years as it combines the main advantages of the alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) microgrids. It is one of the best candidates to support a net-zero energy community. Thus, this paper investigates and compares different hybrid AC/DC microgrid configurations that are suitable for a net-zero energy community. Four different configurations are compared with each other in terms of their impacts on the overall system reliability, expandability, load shedding requirements, power sharing issues, net-zero energy capability, number of the required interface converters, and the requirement of costly medium-voltage components. The results of the investigations indicate that the best results are achieved when each building is enabled to supply its critical loads using an independent AC microgrid that is interfaced to the DC microgrid through a dedicated interface converter.

Iqbal, Maryam, Iqbal, Mohammad Ayman.  2019.  Attacks Due to False Data Injection in Smart Grids: Detection Protection. 2019 1st Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM). :451-455.

As opposed to a traditional power grid, a smart grid can help utilities to save energy and therefore reduce the cost of operation. It also increases reliability of the system In smart grids the quality of monitoring and control can be adequately improved by incorporating computing and intelligent communication knowledge. However, this exposes the system to false data injection (FDI) attacks and the system becomes vulnerable to intrusions. Therefore, it is important to detect such false data injection attacks and provide an algorithm for the protection of system against such attacks. In this paper a comparison between three FDI detection methods has been made. An H2 control method has then been proposed to detect and control the false data injection on a 12th order model of a smart grid. Disturbances and uncertainties were added to the system and the results show the system to be fully controllable. This paper shows the implementation of a feedback controller to fully detect and mitigate the false data injection attacks. The controller can be incorporated in real life smart grid operations.

Chao, H., Ringlee, R. J..  2018.  Analytical Challenges in Reliability and Resiliency Modeling. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS). :1–5.
A significant number of the generation, transmission and distribution facilities in the North America were designed and configured for serving electric loads and economic activities under certain reliability and resiliency requirements over 30 years ago. With the changing generation mix, the electric grid is tasked to deliver electricity made by fuel uncertain and energy limited resources. How adequate are the existing facilities to meet the industry expectations on reliability? What level of grid resiliency should be designed and built to sustain reliable electric services given the increasing exposure to frequent and lasting severe weather conditions? There is a need to review the modeling assumptions, operating and maintenance records before we can answer these questions.
Zhong, Q., Blaabjerg, F., Cecati, C..  2017.  Power-Electronics-Enabled Autonomous Power Systems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 64:5904–5906.

The eleven papers in this special section focus on power electronics-enabled autonomous systems. Power systems are going through a paradigm change from centralized generation to distributed generation and further onto smart grid. Millions of relatively small distributed energy resources (DER), including wind turbines, solar panels, electric vehicles and energy storage systems, and flexible loads are being integrated into power systems through power electronic converters. This imposes great challenges to the stability, scalability, reliability, security, and resiliency of future power systems. This section joins the forces of the communities of control/systems theory, power electronics, and power systems to address various emerging issues of power-electronics-enabled autonomous power systems, paving the way for large-scale deployment of DERs and flexible loads.

Bulbul, R., Ten, C. W., Wang, L..  2015.  Prioritization of MTTC-based combinatorial evaluation for hypothesized substations outages. 2015 IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting. :1–5.

Exhaustive enumeration of a S-select-k problem for hypothesized substations outages can be practically infeasible due to exponential growth of combinations as both S and k numbers increase. This enumeration of worst-case substations scenarios from the large set, however, can be improved based on the initial selection sets with the root nodes and segments. In this paper, the previous work of the reverse pyramid model (RPM) is enhanced with prioritization of root nodes and defined segmentations of substation list based on mean-time-to-compromise (MTTC) value that is associated with each substation. Root nodes are selected based on the threshold values of the substation ranking on MTTC values and are segmented accordingly from the root node set. Each segmentation is then being enumerated with S-select-k module to identify worst-case scenarios. The lowest threshold value on the list, e.g., a substation with no assignment of MTTC or extremely low number, is completely eliminated. Simulation shows that this approach demonstrates similar outcome of the risk indices among all randomly generated MTTC of the IEEE 30-bus system.