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Halabi, T., Wahab, O. A., Zulkernine, M..  2020.  A Game-Theoretic Approach for Distributed Attack Mitigation in Intelligent Transportation Systems. NOMS 2020 - 2020 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium. :1–6.
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) play a vital role in the development of smart cities. They enable various road safety and efficiency applications such as optimized traffic management, collision avoidance, and pollution control through the collection and evaluation of traffic data from Road Side Units (RSUs) and connected vehicles in real time. However, these systems are highly vulnerable to data corruption attacks which can seriously influence their decision-making abilities. Traditional attack detection schemes do not account for attackers' sophisticated and evolving strategies and ignore the ITS's constraints on security resources. In this paper, we devise a security game model that allows the defense mechanism deployed in the ITS to optimize the distribution of available resources for attack detection while considering mixed attack strategies, according to which the attacker targets multiple RSUs in a distributed fashion. In our security game, the utility of the ITS is quantified in terms of detection rate, attack damage, and the relevance of the information transmitted by the RSUs. The proposed approach will enable the ITS to mitigate the impact of attacks and increase its resiliency. The results show that our approach reduces the attack impact by at least 20% compared to the one that fairly allocates security resources to RSUs indifferently to attackers' strategies.
Arthi, A., Aravindhan, K..  2019.  Enhancing the Performance Analysis of LWA Protocol Key Agreement in Vehicular Ad hoc Network. 2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing Communication Systems (ICACCS). :1070–1074.

Road accidents are challenging threat in the present scenario. In India there are 5, 01,423 road accidents in 2015. A day 400 hundred deaths are forcing to India to take car safety sincerely. The common cause for road accidents is driver's distraction. In current world the people are dominated by the tablet PC and other hand held devices. The VANET technology is a vehicle-to-vehicle communication; here the main challenge will be to deliver qualified communication during mobility. The paper proposes a standard new restricted lightweight authentication protocol utilizing key agreement theme for VANETs. Inside the planned topic, it has three sorts of validations: 1) V2V 2) V2CH; and 3) CH and RSU. Aside from this authentication, the planned topic conjointly keeps up mystery keys between RSUs for the safe communication. Thorough informal security analysis demonstrates the planned subject is skilled to guard different malicious attack. In addition, the NS2 Simulation exhibits the possibility of the proposed plan in VANET background.

Khalil, M., Azer, M. A..  2018.  Sybil attack prevention through identity symmetric scheme in vehicular ad-hoc networks. 2018 Wireless Days (WD). :184–186.

Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are a subset of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). They are deployed to introduce the ability of inter-communication among vehicles in order to guarantee safety and provide services for people while driving. VANETs are exposed to many types of attacks like denial of service, spoofing, ID disclosure and Sybil attacks. In this paper, a novel lightweight approach for preventing Sybil attack in VANETs is proposed. The presented protocol scheme uses symmetric key encryption and authentication between Road Side Units (RSUs) and vehicles on the road so that no malicious vehicle could gain more than one identity inside the network. This protocol does not need managers for Road Side Units (RSUs) or Certification Authority (CA) and uses minimum amount of messages exchanged with RSU making the scheme efficient and effective.

Chuan, T. H., Zhang, J., Maode, M., Chong, P. H. Joo, Labiod, H..  2015.  Secure Public Key Regime (SPKR) in vehicular networks. 2015 International Conference on Cyber Security of Smart Cities, Industrial Control System and Communications (SSIC). :1–7.

Public Key Regime (PKR) was proposed as an alternative to certificate based PKI in securing Vehicular Networks (VNs). It eliminates the need for vehicles to append their certificate for verification because the Road Side Units (RSUs) serve as Delegated Trusted Authorities (DTAs) to issue up-to-date public keys to vehicles for communications. If a vehicle's private/public key needs to be revoked, the root TA performs real time updates and disseminates the changes to these RSUs in the network. Therefore, PKR does not need to maintain a huge Certificate Revocation List (CRL), avoids complex certificate verification process and minimizes the high latency. However, the PKR scheme is vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) and collusion attacks. In this paper, we study these attacks and propose a pre-authentication mechanism to secure the PKR scheme. Our new scheme is called the Secure Public Key Regime (SPKR). It is based on the Schnorr signature scheme that requires vehicles to expend some amount of CPU resources before RSUs issue the requested public keys to them. This helps to alleviate the risk of DoS attacks. Furthermore, our scheme is secure against collusion attacks. Through numerical analysis, we show that SPKR has a lower authentication delay compared with the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature (ECDSA) scheme and other ECDSA based counterparts.