Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) is a stealthy, continuous and sophisticated method of network attacks, which can cause serious privacy leakage and millions of dollars losses. In this paper, we introduce a new game-theoretic framework of the interaction between a defender who uses limited Security Resources(SRs) to harden network and an attacker who adopts a multi-stage plan to attack the network. The game model is derived from Stackelberg games called a Multi-stage Maze Network Game (M2NG) in which the characteristics of APT are fully considered. The possible plans of the attacker are compactly represented using attack graphs(AGs), but the compact representation of the attacker's strategies presents a computational challenge and reaching the Nash Equilibrium(NE) is NP-hard. We present a method that first translates AGs into Markov Decision Process(MDP) and then achieves the optimal SRs allocation using the policy hill-climbing(PHC) algorithm. Finally, we present an empirical evaluation of the model and analyze the scalability and sensitivity of the algorithm. Simulation results exhibit that our proposed reinforcement learning-based SRs allocation is feasible and efficient.
In practical reflector antenna structures, components of the back-up structure (BUS) are selected form a standard steel library which is normally manufactured. In this case, the design problem of the antenna structure is a discrete optimization problem. In most cases, discrete design is solved by heuristic-based algorithm which will be computing-expensive when the number of deign variable increases. In this paper, a continuous method is used to transfer the discrete optimization problem to a continuous one and gradient-based technique is utilized to solve this problem. The method proposed can achieve a well antenna surface accuracy with all components selected from a standard cross-section list, which is shown by a 9m diameter antenna optimization problem.