Visible to the public Discrete variable optimization of reflector antenna with continuous method

TitleDiscrete variable optimization of reflector antenna with continuous method
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsHu, N. G., Xiang, B. B.
Conference NameFifth Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics (AISM 2015)
Date PublishedOct. 2015
ISBN Number978-1-78561-036-3
Keywordsantenna optimization problem, antenna surface accuracy, back-up structure components, BUS, continuous method, discrete design, discrete optimization problem, discrete variable optimization, discrete variables, gradient-based technique, heuristic-based algorithm, optimisation, Optimization, pubcrawl170110, reflector antenna, reflector antenna structure, reflector antennas, standard cross-section list, standard steel library

In practical reflector antenna structures, components of the back-up structure (BUS) are selected form a standard steel library which is normally manufactured. In this case, the design problem of the antenna structure is a discrete optimization problem. In most cases, discrete design is solved by heuristic-based algorithm which will be computing-expensive when the number of deign variable increases. In this paper, a continuous method is used to transfer the discrete optimization problem to a continuous one and gradient-based technique is utilized to solve this problem. The method proposed can achieve a well antenna surface accuracy with all components selected from a standard cross-section list, which is shown by a 9m diameter antenna optimization problem.

Citation Keyhu_discrete_2015