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Son, Seok Bin, Park, Seong Hee, Lee, Youn Kyu.  2021.  A Measurement Study on Gray Channel-based Deepfake Detection. 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :428–430.
Deepfake detection techniques have been widely studied to resolve security issues. However, existing techniques mainly focused on RGB channel-based analysis, which still shows incomplete detection accuracy. In this paper, we validate the performance of Gray channel-based deepfake detection. To compare RGB channel-based analysis and Gray channel-based analysis in deepfake detection, we quantitatively measured the performance by using popular CNN models, deepfake datasets, and evaluation indicators. Our experimental results confirm that Gray channel-based deepfake detection outperforms RGB channel-based deepfake detection in terms of accuracy and analysis time.
Guri, Mordechai, Bykhovsky, Dima, Elovici, Yuval.  2019.  Brightness: Leaking Sensitive Data from Air-Gapped Workstations via Screen Brightness. 2019 12th CMI Conference on Cybersecurity and Privacy (CMI). :1—6.
Air-gapped computers are systems that are kept isolated from the Internet since they store or process sensitive information. In this paper, we introduce an optical covert channel in which an attacker can leak (or, exfiltlrate) sensitive information from air-gapped computers through manipulations on the screen brightness. This covert channel is invisible and it works even while the user is working on the computer. Malware on a compromised computer can obtain sensitive data (e.g., files, images, encryption keys and passwords), and modulate it within the screen brightness, invisible to users. The small changes in the brightness are invisible to humans but can be recovered from video streams taken by cameras such as a local security camera, smartphone camera or a webcam. We present related work and discuss the technical and scientific background of this covert channel. We examined the channel's boundaries under various parameters, with different types of computer and TV screens, and at several distances. We also tested different types of camera receivers to demonstrate the covert channel. Lastly, we present relevant countermeasures to this type of attack.
Shapiro, Jeffrey H., Boroson, Don M., Dixon, P. Ben, Grein, Matthew E., Hamilton, Scott A..  2019.  Quantum Low Probability of Intercept. 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO). :1—2.

Quantum low probability of intercept transmits ciphertext in a way that prevents an eavesdropper possessing the decryption key from recovering the plaintext. It is capable of Gbps communication rates on optical fiber over metropolitan-area distances.

Zubov, Ilya G., Lysenko, Nikolai V., Labkov, Gleb M..  2019.  Detection of the Information Hidden in Image by Convolutional Neural Networks. 2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). :393–394.

This article shows the possibility of detection of the hidden information in images. This is the approach to steganalysis than the basic data about the image and the information about the hiding method of the information are unknown. The architecture of the convolutional neural network makes it possible to detect small changes in the image with high probability.

Bak, D., Mazurek, P..  2018.  Air-Gap Data Transmission Using Screen Brightness Modulation. 2018 International Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop (IIPhDW). :147–150.

Air-gap data is important for the security of computer systems. The injection of the computer virus is limited but possible, however data communication channel is necessary for the transmission of stolen data. This paper considers BFSK digital modulation applied to brightness changes of screen for unidirectional transmission of valuable data. Experimental validation and limitations of the proposed technique are provided.

Ren, Z., Chen, G..  2017.  EntropyVis: Malware classification. 2017 10th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI). :1–6.

Malware writers often develop malware with automated measures, so the number of malware has increased dramatically. Automated measures tend to repeatedly use significant modules, which form the basis for identifying malware variants and discriminating malware families. Thus, we propose a novel visualization analysis method for researching malware similarity. This method converts malicious Windows Portable Executable (PE) files into local entropy images for observing internal features of malware, and then normalizes local entropy images into entropy pixel images for malware classification. We take advantage of the Jaccard index to measure similarities between entropy pixel images and the k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) classification algorithm to assign entropy pixel images to different malware families. Preliminary experimental results show that our visualization method can discriminate malware families effectively.

Xie, D., Wang, Y..  2017.  High definition wide dynamic video surveillance system based on FPGA. 2017 IEEE 2nd Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC). :2403–2407.

A high definition(HD) wide dynamic video surveillance system is designed and implemented based on Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA). This system is composed of three subsystems, which are video capture, video wide dynamic processing and video display subsystem. The images in the video are captured directly through the camera that is configured in a pattern have long exposure in odd frames and short exposure in even frames. The video data stream is buffered in DDR2 SDRAM to obtain two adjacent frames. Later, the image data fusion is completed by fusing the long exposure image with the short exposure image (pixel by pixel). The video image display subsystem can display the image through a HDMI interface. The system is designed on the platform of Lattice ECP3-70EA FPGA, and camera is the Panasonic MN34229 sensor. The experimental result shows that this system can expand dynamic range of the HD video with 30 frames per second and a resolution equal to 1920*1080 pixels by real-time wide dynamic range (WDR) video processing, and has a high practical value.

Sun, Z., Meng, L., Ariyaeeinia, A..  2015.  Distinguishable de-identified faces. 2015 11th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG). 04:1–6.

The k-anonymity approach adopted by k-Same face de-identification methods enables these methods to serve their purpose of privacy protection. However, it also forces every k original faces to share the same de-identified face, making it impossible to track individuals in a k-Same de-identified video. To address this issue, this paper presents an approach to the creation of distinguishable de-identified faces. This new approach can serve privacy protection perfectly whilst producing de-identified faces that are as distinguishable as their original faces.

Li, Xiao-Ke, Gu, Chun-Hua, Yang, Ze-Ping, Chang, Yao-Hui.  2015.  Virtual machine placement strategy based on discrete firefly algorithm in cloud environments. 2015 12th International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing (ICCWAMTIP). :61–66.

Because of poor performance of heuristic algorithms on virtual machine placement problem in cloud environments, a multi-objective constraint optimization model of virtual machine placement is presented, which taking energy consumption and resource wastage as the objective. We solve the model based on the proposed discrete firefly algorithm. It takes firefly's location as the placement result, brightness as the objective value. Its movement strategy makes darker fireflies move to brighter fireflies in solution space. The continuous position after movement is discretized by the proposed discrete strategy. In order to speed up the search for solution, the local search mechanism for the optimal solution is introduced. The experimental results in OpenStack cloud platform show that the proposed algorithm makes less energy consumption and resource wastage compared with other algorithms.