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Barannik, Vladimir, Shulgin, Sergii, Holovchenko, Serhii, Hurzhiy, Pavlo, Sidchenko, Sergy, Gennady, Pris.  2021.  Method of Hierarchical Protection of Biometric Information. 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technologies (AICT). :277—281.
This paper contains analysis of methods of increasing the information protection from unauthorized access using a multifactor authentication algorithm; figuring out the best, most efficient and secure method of scanning biometric data; development of a method to store and compare a candidate’s and existisng system user’s information in steganographic space. The urgency of the work is confirmed by the need to increase information security of special infocommunication systems with the help of biometric information and protection of this information from intruders by means of steganographic transformation.
Obaidat, Muath, Brown, Joseph.  2020.  Two Factor Hash Verification (TFHV): A Novel Paradigm for Remote Authentication. 2020 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC). :1—4.
Current paradigms for client-server authentication often rely on username/password schemes. Studies show such schemes are increasingly vulnerable to heuristic and brute-force attacks. This is either due to poor practices by users such as insecure weak passwords, or insecure systems by server operators. A recurring problem in any system which retains information is insecure management policies for sensitive information, such as logins and passwords, by both hosts and users. Increased processing power on the horizon also threatens the security of many popular hashing algorithms. Furthermore, increasing reliance on applications that exchange sensitive information has resulted in increased urgency. This is demonstrated by a large number of mobile applications being deemed insecure by Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) standards. This paper proposes a secure alternative technique of authentication that retains the current ecosystem, while minimizes attack vectors without inflating responsibilities on users or server operators. Our proposed authentication scheme uses layered encryption techniques alongside a two-part verification process. In addition, it provides dynamic protection for preventing against common cyber-attacks such as replay and man-in-the-middle attacks. Results show that our proposed authentication mechanism outperform other schemes in terms of deployability and resilience to cyber-attacks, without inflating transaction's speed.
Tsareva, P., Voronova, A., Vetrov, B., Ivanov, A..  2020.  Digital Dynamic Chaos-Based Encryption System in a Research Project of the Department of Marine Electronics. 2020 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). :538–541.
The problems of synthesis of a digital data encryption system based on dynamic chaos in a research project carried out at the Department of Marine Electronics (SMTU) are considered. A description is made of the problems of generating a chaotic (random) signal in computer systems with calculations with finite accuracy.
Wang, X., Herwono, I., Cerbo, F. D., Kearney, P., Shackleton, M..  2018.  Enabling Cyber Security Data Sharing for Large-scale Enterprises Using Managed Security Services. 2018 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :1—7.
Large enterprises and organizations from both private and public sectors typically outsource a platform solution, as part of the Managed Security Services (MSSs), from 3rd party providers (MSSPs) to monitor and analyze their data containing cyber security information. Sharing such data among these large entities is believed to improve their effectiveness and efficiency at tackling cybercrimes, via improved analytics and insights. However, MSS platform customers currently are not able or not willing to share data among themselves because of multiple reasons, including privacy and confidentiality concerns, even when they are using the same MSS platform. Therefore any proposed mechanism or technique to address such a challenge need to ensure that sharing is achieved in a secure and controlled way. In this paper, we propose a new architecture and use case driven designs to enable confidential, flexible and collaborative data sharing among such organizations using the same MSS platform. MSS platform is a complex environment where different stakeholders, including authorized MSSP personnel and customers' own users, have access to the same platform but with different types of rights and tasks. Hence we make every effort to improve the usability of the platform supporting sharing while keeping the existing rights and tasks intact. As an innovative and pioneering attempt to address the challenge of data sharing in the MSS platform, we hope to encourage further work to follow so that confidential and collaborative sharing eventually happens among MSS platform customers.
Aufa, F. J., Endroyono, Affandi, A..  2018.  Security System Analysis in Combination Method: RSA Encryption and Digital Signature Algorithm. 2018 4th International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST). :1-5.

Public key cryptography or asymmetric keys are widely used in the implementation of data security on information and communication systems. The RSA algorithm (Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman) is one of the most popular and widely used public key cryptography because of its less complexity. RSA has two main functions namely the process of encryption and decryption process. Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) is a digital signature algorithm that serves as the standard of Digital Signature Standard (DSS). DSA is also included in the public key cryptography system. DSA has two main functions of creating digital signatures and checking the validity of digital signatures. In this paper, the authors compare the computational times of RSA and DSA with some bits and choose which bits are better used. Then combine both RSA and DSA algorithms to improve data security. From the simulation results, the authors chose RSA 1024 for the encryption process and added digital signatures using DSA 512, so the messages sent are not only encrypted but also have digital signatures for the data authentication process.

Haq, E. U., Xu, H., Pan, L., Khattak, M. I..  2017.  Smart Grid Security: Threats and Solutions. 2017 13th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grids (SKG). :188–193.

the terms Smart grid, IntelliGrid, and secure astute grid are being used today to describe technologies that automatically and expeditiously (separate far from others) faults, renovate potency, monitor demand, and maintain and recuperate (firm and steady nature/lasting nature/vigor) for more reliable generation, transmission, and distribution of electric potency. In general, the terms describe the utilization of microprocessor-predicated astute electronic contrivances (IEDs) communicating with one another to consummate tasks afore now done by humans or left undone. These IEDs watch/ notice/ celebrate/ comply with the state of the puissance system, make edified decisions, and then take action to preserve the (firm and steady nature/lasting nature/vigor) and performance of the grid. Technology use/military accommodation in the home will sanction end users to manage their consumption predicated on their own predilections. In order to manage their consumption or the injuctive authorization placed on the grid, people (who utilize a product or accommodation) need information and an (able to transmute and get better) power distribution system. The astute grid is an accumulation of information sources and the automatic control system that manages the distribution of puissance, understands the transmutations in demand, and reacts to it by managing demand replication. Different billing (prosperity plans/ways of reaching goals) for mutable time and type of avail, as well as conservation and use or sale of distributed utilizable things/valuable supplies, will become part of perspicacious solutions. The traditional electrical power grid is currently evolving into the perspicacious grid. Perspicacious grid integrates the traditional electrical power grid with information and communication technologies (ICT). Such integration empowers the electrical utilities providers and consumers, amends the efficiency and the availability of the puissance system while perpetually monitoring, - ontrolling and managing the authoritative ordinances of customers. A keenly intellective grid is an astronomically immense intricate network composed of millions of contrivances and entities connected with each other. Such a massive network comes with many security concerns and susceptibilities. In this paper, we survey the latest on keenly intellective grid security. We highlight the involution of the keenly intellective grid network and discuss the susceptibilities concrete to this sizably voluminous heterogeneous network. We discuss then the challenges that subsist in securing the keenly intellective grid network and how the current security solutions applied for IT networks are not adequate to secure astute grid networks. We conclude by over viewing the current and needed security solutions for the keenly intellective gird.

Erola, A., Agrafiotis, I., Happa, J., Goldsmith, M., Creese, S., Legg, P. A..  2017.  RicherPicture: Semi-automated cyber defence using context-aware data analytics. 2017 International Conference On Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics And Assessment (Cyber SA). :1–8.

In a continually evolving cyber-threat landscape, the detection and prevention of cyber attacks has become a complex task. Technological developments have led organisations to digitise the majority of their operations. This practice, however, has its perils, since cybespace offers a new attack-surface. Institutions which are tasked to protect organisations from these threats utilise mainly network data and their incident response strategy remains oblivious to the needs of the organisation when it comes to protecting operational aspects. This paper presents a system able to combine threat intelligence data, attack-trend data and organisational data (along with other data sources available) in order to achieve automated network-defence actions. Our approach combines machine learning, visual analytics and information from business processes to guide through a decision-making process for a Security Operation Centre environment. We test our system on two synthetic scenarios and show that correlating network data with non-network data for automated network defences is possible and worth investigating further.

Doerr, Carola, Lengler, Johannes.  2016.  The (1+1) Elitist Black-Box Complexity of LeadingOnes. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2016. :1131–1138.

One important goal of black-box complexity theory is the development of complexity models allowing to derive meaningful lower bounds for whole classes of randomized search heuristics. Complementing classical runtime analysis, black-box models help us understand how algorithmic choices such as the population size, the variation operators, or the selection rules influence the optimization time. One example for such a result is the Ω(n log n) lower bound for unary unbiased algorithms on functions with a unique global optimum [Lehre/Witt, GECCO 2010], which tells us that higher arity operators or biased sampling strategies are needed when trying to beat this bound. In lack of analyzing techniques, almost no non-trivial bounds are known for other restricted models. Proving such bounds therefore remains to be one of the main challenges in black-box complexity theory. With this paper we contribute to our technical toolbox for lower bound computations by proposing a new type of information-theoretic argument. We regard the permutation- and bit-invariant version of LeadingOnes and prove that its (1+1) elitist black-box complexity is Ω(n2), a bound that is matched by (1+1)-type evolutionary algorithms. The (1+1) elitist complexity of LeadingOnes is thus considerably larger than its unrestricted one, which is known to be of order n log log n [Afshani et al., 2013].