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Khatchadourian, R., Tang, Y., Bagherzadeh, M., Ahmed, S..  2019.  Safe Automated Refactoring for Intelligent Parallelization of Java 8 Streams. 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). :619-630.

Streaming APIs are becoming more pervasive in mainstream Object-Oriented programming languages. For example, the Stream API introduced in Java 8 allows for functional-like, MapReduce-style operations in processing both finite and infinite data structures. However, using this API efficiently involves subtle considerations like determining when it is best for stream operations to run in parallel, when running operations in parallel can be less efficient, and when it is safe to run in parallel due to possible lambda expression side-effects. In this paper, we present an automated refactoring approach that assists developers in writing efficient stream code in a semantics-preserving fashion. The approach, based on a novel data ordering and typestate analysis, consists of preconditions for automatically determining when it is safe and possibly advantageous to convert sequential streams to parallel and unorder or de-parallelize already parallel streams. The approach was implemented as a plug-in to the Eclipse IDE, uses the WALA and SAFE analysis frameworks, and was evaluated on 11 Java projects consisting of ?642K lines of code. We found that 57 of 157 candidate streams (36.31%) were refactorable, and an average speedup of 3.49 on performance tests was observed. The results indicate that the approach is useful in optimizing stream code to their full potential.

Tang, Yiming, Khatchadourian, Raffi, Bagherzadeh, Mehdi, Ahmed, Syed.  2018.  Towards Safe Refactoring for Intelligent Parallelization of Java 8 Streams. Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceeedings. :206-207.

The Java 8 Stream API sets forth a promising new programming model that incorporates functional-like, MapReduce-style features into a mainstream programming language. However, using streams correctly and efficiently may involve subtle considerations. In this poster, we present our ongoing work and preliminary results towards an automated refactoring approach that assists developers in writing optimal stream code. The approach, based on ordering and typestate analysis, determines when it is safe and advantageous to convert streams to parallel and optimize parallel streams.

Dotzler, Georg, Kamp, Marius, Kreutzer, Patrick, Philippsen, Michael.  2017.  More Accurate Recommendations for Method-Level Changes. Proceedings of the 2017 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering. :798–808.

During the life span of large software projects, developers often apply the same code changes to different code locations in slight variations. Since the application of these changes to all locations is time-consuming and error-prone, tools exist that learn change patterns from input examples, search for possible pattern applications, and generate corresponding recommendations. In many cases, the generated recommendations are syntactically or semantically wrong due to code movements in the input examples. Thus, they are of low accuracy and developers cannot directly copy them into their projects without adjustments. We present the Accurate REcommendation System (ARES) that achieves a higher accuracy than other tools because its algorithms take care of code movements when creating patterns and recommendations. On average, the recommendations by ARES have an accuracy of 96% with respect to code changes that developers have manually performed in commits of source code archives. At the same time ARES achieves precision and recall values that are on par with other tools.