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Utama, K. D. B., Al-Ghazali, Q. M. R., Mahendra, L. I. B., Shidik, G. F..  2017.  Digital signature using MAC address based AES-128 and SHA-2 256-bit. 2017 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic). :72–78.

Digital signatures now become a crucial requirement in communication and digital messaging. Digital messaging is information that is very vulnerable to be manipulated by irresponsible people. Digital signatures seek to maintain the two security aspects that cryptography aims, such as integrity and non-repudiation. This research aims to applied MAC address with AES-128 and SHA-2 256 bit for digital signature. The use of MAC address in AES-128 could improve the security of the digital signature because of its uniqueness in every computer which could randomize the traditional processes of AES. SHA-2 256-bit will provides real unique randomized strings with reasonable speed. As result the proposed digital signature able to implement and work perfectly in many platforms.

Frieslaar, Ibraheem, Irwin, Barry.  2017.  Investigating the Utilization of the Secure Hash Algorithm to Generate Electromagnetic Noise. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Signal Processing Systems. :164–169.
This research introduces an electromagnetic (EM) noise generator known as the FRIES noise generator to mitigate and obfuscate Side Channel Analysis (SCA) attacks against a Raspberry Pi. The FRIES noise generator utilizes the implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) from OpenSSL to generate white noise within the EM spectrum. This research further contributes to the body of knowledge by demonstrating that the SHA implementation of libcrypto++ and OpenSSL had different EM signatures. It was further revealed that as a more secure implementation of the SHA was executed additional data lines were used, resulting in increased EM emissions. It was demonstrated that the OpenSSL implementations of the SHA was more optimized as opposed to the libcrypto++ implementation by utilizing less resources and not leaving the device in a bottleneck. The FRIES daemon added noise to the EM leakage which prevents the visual location of the AES-128 cryptographic implementation. Finally, the cross-correlation test demonstrated that the EM features of the AES-128 algorithm was not detected within the FRIES noise.
Srinivas, N. S. S., Akramuddin, M..  2016.  FPGA based hardware implementation of AES Rijndael algorithm for Encryption and Decryption. 2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT). :1769–1776.
AES algorithm or Rijndael algorithm is a network security algorithm which is most commonly used in all types of wired and wireless digital communication networks for secure transmission of data between two end users, especially over a public network. This paper presents the hardware implementation of AES Rijndael Encryption and Decryption Algorithm by using Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA. The hardware design approach is entirely based on pre-calculated look-up tables (LUTs) which results in less complex architecture, thereby providing high throughput and low latency. There are basically three different formats in AES. They are AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256. The encryption and decryption blocks of all the three formats are efficiently designed by using Verilog-HDL and are synthesized on Virtex-7 XC7VX690T chip (Target Device) with the help of Xilinx ISE Design Suite-14.7 Tool. The synthesis tool was set to optimize speed, area and power. The power analysis is made by using Xilinx XPower Analyzer. Pre-calculated LUTs are used for the implementation of algorithmic functions, namely S-Box and Inverse S-Box transformations and also for GF (28) i.e. Galois Field Multiplications involved in Mix-Columns and Inverse Mix-Columns transformations. The proposed architecture is found to be having good efficiency in terms of latency, throughput, speed/delay, area and power.