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Zhao, Pengyuan, Yang, Shengqi, Chen, Zheng.  2021.  Relationship Anonymity Evaluation Model Based on Markov Chain. 2021 4th International Conference on Advanced Electronic Materials, Computers and Software Engineering (AEMCSE). :671–676.
In this paper, we propose a relational anonymous P2P communication network evaluation model based on Markov chain (AEMC), and show how to extend our model to the anonymous evaluation of sender and receiver relationship anonymity when the attacker attacks the anonymous P2P communication network and obtains some information. Firstly, the constraints of the evaluation model (the attacker assumption for message tracing) are specified in detail; then the construction of AEMC anonymous evaluation model and the specific evaluation process are described; finally, the simulation experiment is carried out, and the evaluation model is applied to the probabilistic anonymous evaluation of the sender and receiver relationship of the attacker model, and the evaluation is carried out from the perspective of user (message).
Khezrimotlagh, Darius, Khazaei, Javad, Asrari, Arash.  2019.  MILP Modeling of Targeted False Load Data Injection Cyberattacks to Overflow Transmission Lines in Smart Grids. 2019 North American Power Symposium (NAPS). :1—7.
Cyber attacks on transmission lines are one of the main challenges in security of smart grids. These targeted attacks, if not detected, might cause cascading problems in power systems. This paper proposes a bi-level mixed integer linear programming (MILP) optimization model for false data injection on targeted buses in a power system to overflow targeted transmission lines. The upper level optimization problem outputs the optimized false data injections on targeted load buses to overflow a targeted transmission line without violating bad data detection constraints. The lower level problem integrates the false data injections into the optimal power flow problem without violating the optimal power flow constraints. A few case studies are designed to validate the proposed attack model on IEEE 118-bus power system.
Li, Mingxuan, Yang, Zhushi, He, Ling, Teng, Yangxin.  2019.  Research on Typical Model of Network Invasion and Attack in Power Industrial Control System. 2019 IEEE 4th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC). 1:2070–2073.

Aiming at the operation characteristics of power industry control system, this paper deeply analyses the attack mechanism and characteristics of power industry control system intrusion. On the basis of classifying and sorting out the attack characteristics of power industrial control system, this paper also attaches importance to break the basic theory and consequential technologies of industrial control network space security, and constructs the network intrusion as well as attack model of power industrial control system to realize the precise characterization of attackers' attack behavior, which provides a theoretical model for the analysis and early warning of attack behavior analysis of power industrial control systems.

Joseph, Linda, Mukesh, Rajeswari.  2019.  To Detect Malware attacks for an Autonomic Self-Heal Approach of Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing. 2019 Fifth International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (ICONSTEM). 1:220–231.

Cloud Computing as of large is evolving at a faster pace with an ever changing set of cloud services. The amenities in the cloud are all enabled with respect to the public cloud services in their own enormous domain aspects commercially, which tend to be more insecure. These cloud services should be thus protected and secured which is very vital to the cloud infrastructures. Therefore, in this research work, we have identified security features with a self-heal approach that could be rendered on the infrastructure as a service (IaaS) in a private cloud environment. We have investigated the attack model from the virtual machine snapshots and have analyzed based on the supervised machine learning techniques. The virtual machines memory snapshots API call sequences are considered as input for the supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms to classify the attacked and the un-attacked virtual machine memory snapshots. The obtained set of the attacked virtual machine memory snapshots are given as input to the self-heal algorithm which is enabled to retrieve back the functionality of the virtual machines. Our method of detecting the malware attains about 93% of accuracy with respect to the virtual machine snapshots.

Shabut, A. M., Dahal, K., Kaiser, M. S., Hossain, M. A..  2017.  Malicious insider threats in tactical MANET: The performance analysis of DSR routing protocol. 2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC). :187–192.

Tactical Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks (T-MANETs) are mainly used in self-configuring automatic vehicles and robots (also called nodes) for the rescue and military operations. A high dynamic network architecture, nodes unreliability, nodes misbehavior as well as an open wireless medium make it very difficult to assume the nodes cooperation in the `ad-hoc network or comply with routing rules. The routing protocols in the T-MANET are unprotected and subsequently result in various kinds of nodes misbehavior's (such as selfishness and denial of service). This paper introduces a comprehensive analysis of the packet dropping attack includes three types of misbehavior conducted by insiders in the T-MANETs namely black hole, gray hole, and selfish behaviours. An insider threat model is appended to a state-of-the-art routing protocol (such as DSR) and analyze the effect of packet dropping attack on the performance evaluation of DSR in the T-MANET. This paper contributes to the existing knowledge in a way it allows further security research to understand the behaviours of the main threats in MANETs which depends on nods defection in the packet forwarding. The simulation of the packet dropping attack is conducted using the Network Simulator 2 (NS2). It has been found that the network throughput has dropped considerably for black and gray hole attacks whereas the selfish nodes delay the network flow. Moreover, the packet drop rate and energy consumption rate are higher for black and gray hole attacks.

Paudel, Sarita, Smith, Paul, Zseby, Tanja.  2017.  Attack Models for Advanced Persistent Threats in Smart Grid Wide Area Monitoring. Proceedings of the 2Nd Workshop on Cyber-Physical Security and Resilience in Smart Grids. :61–66.

Wide Area Monitoring Systems (WAMSs) provide an essential building block for Smart Grid supervision and control. Distributed Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) allow accurate clock-synchronized measurements of voltage and current phasors (amplitudes, phase angles) and frequencies. The sensor data from PMUs provide situational awareness in the grid, and are used as input for control decisions. A modification of sensor data can severely impact grid stability, overall power supply, and physical devices. Since power grids are critical infrastructures, WAMSs are tempting targets for all kinds of attackers, including well-organized and motivated adversaries such as terrorist groups or adversarial nation states. Such groups possess sufficient resources to launch sophisticated attacks. In this paper, we provide an in-depth analysis of attack possibilities on WAMSs. We model the dependencies and building blocks of Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) on WAMSs using attack trees. We consider the whole WAMS infrastructure, including aggregation and data collection points, such as Phasor Data Concentrators (PDCs), classical IT components, and clock synchronization. Since Smart Grids are cyber-physical systems, we consider physical perturbations, in addition to cyber attacks in our models. The models provide valuable information about the chain of cyber or physical attack steps that can be combined to build a sophisticated attack for reaching a higher goal. They assist in the assessment of physical and cyber vulnerabilities, and provide strategic guidance for the deployment of suitable countermeasures.

Xiao, K., Forte, D., Jin, Y., Karri, R., Bhunia, S., Tehranipoor, M..  2016.  Hardware Trojans: Lessons Learned After One Decade of Research. ACM Trans. Des. Autom. Electron. Syst.. 22:6:1–6:23.

Given the increasing complexity of modern electronics and the cost of fabrication, entities from around the globe have become more heavily involved in all phases of the electronics supply chain. In this environment, hardware Trojans (i.e., malicious modifications or inclusions made by untrusted third parties) pose major security concerns, especially for those integrated circuits (ICs) and systems used in critical applications and cyber infrastructure. While hardware Trojans have been explored significantly in academia over the last decade, there remains room for improvement. In this article, we examine the research on hardware Trojans from the last decade and attempt to capture the lessons learned. A comprehensive adversarial model taxonomy is introduced and used to examine the current state of the art. Then the past countermeasures and publication trends are categorized based on the adversarial model and topic. Through this analysis, we identify what has been covered and the important problems that are underinvestigated. We also identify the most critical lessons for those new to the field and suggest a roadmap for future hardware Trojan research.