Wearable devices for fitness tracking and health monitoring have gained considerable popularity and become one of the fastest growing smart devices market. More and more companies are offering integrated health and activity monitoring solutions for fitness trackers. Recently insurances are offering their customers better conditions for health and condition monitoring. However, the extensive sensitive information collected by tracking products and accessibility by third party service providers poses vital security and privacy challenges on the employed solutions. In this paper, we present our security analysis of a representative sample of current fitness tracking products on the market. In particular, we focus on malicious user setting that aims at injecting false data into the cloud-based services leading to erroneous data analytics. We show that none of these products can provide data integrity, authenticity and confidentiality.
There has been a tremendous increase in popularity and adoption of wearable fitness trackers. These fitness trackers predominantly use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for communicating and syncing the data with user's smartphone. This paper presents a measurement-driven study of possible privacy leakage from BLE communication between the fitness tracker and the smartphone. Using real BLE traffic traces collected in the wild and in controlled experiments, we show that majority of the fitness trackers use unchanged BLE address while advertising, making it feasible to track them. The BLE traffic of the fitness trackers is found to be correlated with the intensity of user's activity, making it possible for an eavesdropper to determine user's current activity (walking, sitting, idle or running) through BLE traffic analysis. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that the BLE traffic can represent user's gait which is known to be distinct from user to user. This makes it possible to identify a person (from a small group of users) based on the BLE traffic of her fitness tracker. As BLE-based wearable fitness trackers become widely adopted, our aim is to identify important privacy implications of their usage and discuss prevention strategies.