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Saleh, A. H., Yousif, A. S., Ahmed, F. Y. H..  2020.  Information Hiding for Text Files by Adopting the Genetic Algorithm and DNA Coding. 2020 IEEE 10th Symposium on Computer Applications Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE). :220–223.
Hiding information is a process to hide data or include it in different digital media such as image, audio, video, and text. However, there are many techniques to achieve the process of hiding information in the image processing, in this paper, a new method has been proposed for hidden data mechanism (which is a text file), then a transposition cipher method has been employed for encryption completed. It can be used to build an encrypted text and also to increase security against possible attacks while sending it over the World Wide Web. A genetic algorithm has been affected in the adjustment of the encoded text and DNA in the creation of an encrypted text that is difficult to detect and then include in the image and that affected the image visual quality. The proposed method outperforms the state of arts in terms of efficiently retrieving the embedded messages. Performance evaluation has been recorded high visual quality scores for the (SNR (single to noise ratio), PSNR (peak single to noise ratio) and MSE (mean square error).
Holland, Martin, Stjepandić, Josip, Nigischer, Christopher.  2018.  Intellectual Property Protection of 3D Print Supply Chain with Blockchain Technology. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC). :1—8.
Within “Industrie 4.0” approach 3D printing technology is characterized as one of the disruptive innovations. Conventional supply chains are replaced by value-added networks. The spatially distributed development of printed components, e.g. for the rapid delivery of spare parts, creates a new challenge when differentiating between “original part”, “copy” or “counterfeit” becomes necessary. This is especially true for safety-critical products. Based on these changes classic branded products adopt the characteristics of licensing models as we know them in the areas of software and digital media. This paper describes the use of digital rights management as a key technology for the successful transition to Additive Manufacturing methods and a key for its commercial implementation and the prevention of intellectual property theft. Risks will be identified along the process chain and solution concepts are presented. These are currently being developed by an 8-partner project named SAMPL (Secure Additive Manufacturing Platform).
Li, Y., Guan, Z., Xu, C..  2018.  Digital Image Self Restoration Based on Information Hiding. 2018 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC). :4368–4372.
With the rapid development of computer networks, multimedia information is widely used, and the security of digital media has drawn much attention. The revised photo as a forensic evidence will distort the truth of the case badly tampered pictures on the social network can have a negative impact on the parties as well. In order to ensure the authenticity and integrity of digital media, self-recovery of digital images based on information hiding is studied in this paper. Jarvis half-tone change is used to compress the digital image and obtain the backup data, and then spread the backup data to generate the reference data. Hash algorithm aims at generating hash data by calling reference data and original data. Reference data and hash data together as a digital watermark scattered embedded in the digital image of the low-effective bits. When the image is maliciously tampered with, the hash bit is used to detect and locate the tampered area, and the image self-recovery is performed by extracting the reference data hidden in the whole image. In this paper, a thorough rebuild quality assessment of self-healing images is performed and better performance than the traditional DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform)quantization truncation approach is achieved. Regardless of the quality of the tampered content, a reference authentication system designed according to the principles presented in this paper allows higher-quality reconstruction to recover the original image with good quality even when the large area of the image is tampered.
Kohn, Josh, Rank, Stefan.  2016.  Evaluating Physical Movement As Trigger for Transitioning Between Environments in Virtual Reality. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. :1973–1979.

Virtual reality allows users to experience unusual immersive environments. There are still several aspect of design for virtual reality that need more investigation, such as transitioning between environments. Multiple studies have shown that physical movement in a virtual environment supports immersion and presence. Our setup will allow the comparative study of the coupling of virtual camera movements with simultaneous physical movements of the user in terms of user preference and comfort. This work-in-progress uses a within-subject experimental design for evaluating interaction prototypes based on the Oculus Rift DK2 where participants will be tasked with transitioning between different environments; once using physical motion to merely trigger the transition and once with the virtual camera movement being coupled to the physical motion. Qualitative and quantitative data will be collected utilizing questionnaires and in-game metrics. Pretests of a similar setup were used to establish minimal levels of comfort.