Compressed sensing (CS) or compressive sampling deals with reconstruction of signals from limited observations/ measurements far below the Nyquist rate requirement. This is essential in many practical imaging system as sampling at Nyquist rate may not always be possible due to limited storage facility, slow sampling rate or the measurements are extremely expensive e.g. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Mathematically, CS addresses the problem for finding out the root of an unknown distribution comprises of unknown as well as known observations. Robbins-Monro (RM) stochastic approximation, a non-parametric approach, is explored here as a solution to CS reconstruction problem. A distance based linear prediction using the observed measurements is done to obtain the unobserved samples followed by random noise addition to act as residual (prediction error). A spatial domain adaptive Wiener filter is then used to diminish the noise and to reveal the new features from the degraded observations. Extensive simulation results highlight the relative performance gain over the existing work.
This paper reviews some existing Speech Enhancement techniques and also proposes a new method for enhancing the speech by combining Compressed Sensing and Kalman filter approaches. This approach is based on reconstruction of noisy speech signal using Compressive Sampling Matching Pursuit (CoSaMP) algorithm and further enhanced by Kalman filter. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated and compared with that of the existing techniques in terms of intelligibility and quality measure parameters of speech. The proposed algorithm shows an improved performance compared to Spectral Subtraction, MMSE, Wiener filter, Signal Subspace, Kalman filter in terms of WSS, LLR, SegSNR, SNRloss, PESQ and overall quality.
This paper presents a model calibration algorithm for the modulated wideband converter (MWC) with non-ideal analog lowpass filter (LPF). The presented technique uses a test signal to estimate the finite impulse response (FIR) of the practical non-ideal LPF, and then a digital compensation filter is designed to calibrate the approximated FIR filter in the digital domain. At the cost of a moderate oversampling rate, the calibrated filter performs as an ideal LPF. The calibrated model uses the MWC system with non-ideal LPF to capture the samples of underlying signal, and then the samples are filtered by the digital compensation filter. Experimental results indicate that, without making any changes to the architecture of MWC, the proposed algorithm can obtain the samples as that of standard MWC with ideal LPF, and the signal can be reconstructed with overwhelming probability.
In this work, a new fingerprinting-based localization algorithm is proposed for an underwater medium by utilizing ultra-wideband (UWB) signals. In many conventional underwater systems, localization is accomplished by utilizing acoustic waves. On the other hand, electromagnetic waves haven't been employed for underwater localization due to the high attenuation of the signal in water. However, it is possible to use UWB signals for short-range underwater localization. In this work, the feasibility of performing localization for an underwater medium is illustrated by utilizing a fingerprinting-based localization approach. By employing the concept of compressive sampling, we propose a sparsity-based localization method for which we define a system model exploiting the spatial sparsity.
We propose a method for analysis of surveillance video by using low rank and sparse decomposition (LRSD) with low latency combined with compressive sensing to segment the background and extract moving objects in a surveillance video. Video is acquired by compressive measurements, and the measurements are used to analyze the video by a low rank and sparse decomposition of a matrix. The low rank component represents the background, and the sparse component, which is obtained in a tight wavelet frame domain, is used to identify moving objects in the surveillance video. An important feature of the proposed low latency method is that the decomposition can be performed with a small number of video frames, which reduces latency in the reconstruction and makes it possible for real time processing of surveillance video. The low latency method is both justified theoretically and validated experimentally.
Distributed wireless sensor network technologies have become one of the major research areas in healthcare industries due to rapid maturity in improving the quality of life. Medical Wireless Sensor Network (MWSN) via continuous monitoring of vital health parameters over a long period of time can enable physicians to make more accurate diagnosis and provide better treatment. The MWSNs provide the options for flexibilities and cost saving to patients and healthcare industries. Medical data sensors on patients produce an increasingly large volume of increasingly diverse real-time data. The transmission of this data through hospital wireless networks becomes a crucial problem, because the health information of an individual is highly sensitive. It must be kept private and secure. In this paper, we propose a security model to protect the transfer of medical data in hospitals using MWSNs. We propose Compressed Sensing + Encryption as a strategy to achieve low-energy secure data transmission in sensor networks.
The vast majority of today's critical infrastructure is supported by numerous feedback control loops and an attack on these control loops can have disastrous consequences. This is a major concern since modern control systems are becoming large and decentralized and thus more vulnerable to attacks. This paper is concerned with the estimation and control of linear systems when some of the sensors or actuators are corrupted by an attacker. We give a new simple characterization of the maximum number of attacks that can be detected and corrected as a function of the pair (A,C) of the system and we show in particular that it is impossible to accurately reconstruct the state of a system if more than half the sensors are attacked. In addition, we show how the design of a secure local control loop can improve the resilience of the system. When the number of attacks is smaller than a threshold, we propose an efficient algorithm inspired from techniques in compressed sensing to estimate the state of the plant despite attacks. We give a theoretical characterization of the performance of this algorithm and we show on numerical simulations that the method is promising and allows to reconstruct the state accurately despite attacks. Finally, we consider the problem of designing output-feedback controllers that stabilize the system despite sensor attacks. We show that a principle of separation between estimation and control holds and that the design of resilient output feedback controllers can be reduced to the design of resilient state estimators.
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