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Mahind, Umesh, Karia, Deepak.  2022.  Development and Analysis of Sparse Spasmodic Sampling Techniques. 2022 International Conference on Edge Computing and Applications (ICECAA). :818–823.
The Compressive Sensing (CS) has wide range of applications in various domains. The sampling of sparse signal, which is periodic or aperiodic in nature, is still an out of focus topic. This paper proposes novel Sparse Spasmodic Sampling (SSS) techniques for different sparse signal in original domain. The SSS techniques are proposed to overcome the drawback of the existing CS sampling techniques, which can sample any sparse signal efficiently and also find location of non-zero components in signals. First, Sparse Spasmodic Sampling model-1 (SSS-1) which samples random points and also include non-zero components is proposed. Another sampling technique, Sparse Spasmodic Sampling model-2 (SSS-2) has the same working principle as model-1 with some advancements in design. It samples equi-distance points unlike SSS-1. It is demonstrated that, using any sampling technique, the signal is able to reconstruct with a reconstruction algorithm with a smaller number of measurements. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed sampling techniques.
On, Mehmet Berkay, Chen, Humphry, Proietti, Roberto, Yoo, S.J. Ben.  2021.  Sparse Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement by Compressive Sensing. 2021 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC). :1—2.
We propose and experimentally demonstrate a compressive sensing scheme based on optical coherent receiver that recovers sparse optical arbitrary signals with an analog bandwidth up to 25GHz. The proposed scheme uses 16x lower sampling rate than the Nyquist theorem and spectral resolution of 24.4MHz.
Ooi, Boon-Yaik, Liew, Soung-Yue, Beh, Woan-Lin, Shirmohammadi, Shervin.  2021.  Inter-Batch Gap Filling Using Compressive Sampling for Low-Cost IoT Vibration Sensors. 2021 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC). :1—6.
To measure machinery vibration, a sensor system consisting of a 3-axis accelerometer, ADXL345, attached to a self-contained system-on-a-chip with integrated Wi-Fi capabilities, ESP8266, is a low-cost solution. In this work, we first show that in such a system, the widely used direct-read-and-send method which samples and sends individually acquired vibration data points to the server is not effective, especially using Wi-Fi connection. We show that the micro delays in each individual data transmission will limit the sensor sampling rate and will also affect the time of the acquired data points not evenly spaced. Then, we propose that vibration should be sampled in batches before sending the acquired data out from the sensor node. The vibration for each batch should be acquired continuously without any form of interruption in between the sampling process to ensure the data points are evenly spaced. To fill the data gaps between the batches, we propose the use of compressive sampling technique. Our experimental results show that the maximum sampling rate of the direct-read-and-send method is 350Hz with a standard uncertainty of 12.4, and the method loses more information compared to our proposed solution that can measure the vibration wirelessly and continuously up to 633Hz. The gaps filled using compressive sampling can achieve an accuracy in terms of mean absolute error (MAE) of up to 0.06 with a standard uncertainty of 0.002, making the low-cost vibration sensor node a cost-effective solution.
Wang, Haoxiang, Zhang, Jiasheng, Lu, Chenbei, Wu, Chenye.  2021.  Privacy Preserving in Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring: A Differential Privacy Perspective. 2021 IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). :01–01.

Smart meter devices enable a better understanding of the demand at the potential risk of private information leakage. One promising solution to mitigating such risk is to inject noises into the meter data to achieve a certain level of differential privacy. In this paper, we cast one-shot non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) in the compressive sensing framework, and bridge the gap between theoretical accuracy of NILM inference and differential privacy's parameters. We then derive the valid theoretical bounds to offer insights on how the differential privacy parameters affect the NILM performance. Moreover, we generalize our conclusions by proposing the hierarchical framework to solve the multishot NILM problem. Numerical experiments verify our analytical results and offer better physical insights of differential privacy in various practical scenarios. This also demonstrates the significance of our work for the general privacy preserving mechanism design.

Manchanda, R., Sharma, K..  2020.  A Review of Reconstruction Algorithms in Compressive Sensing. 2020 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Materials (ICACCM). :322–325.
Compressive Sensing (CS) is a promising technology for the acquisition of signals. The number of measurements is reduced by using CS which is needed to obtain the signals in some basis that are compressible or sparse. The compressible or sparse nature of the signals can be obtained by transforming the signals in some domain. Depending on the signals sparsity signals are sampled below the Nyquist sampling criteria by using CS. An optimization problem needs to be solved for the recovery of the original signal. Very few studies have been reported about the reconstruction of the signals. Therefore, in this paper, the reconstruction algorithms are elaborated systematically for sparse signal recovery in CS. The discussion of various reconstruction algorithms in made in this paper will help the readers in order to understand these algorithms efficiently.
Sekar, K., Devi, K. Suganya, Srinivasan, P., SenthilKumar, V. M..  2020.  Deep Wavelet Architecture for Compressive sensing Recovery. 2020 Seventh International Conference on Information Technology Trends (ITT). :185–189.
The deep learning-based compressive Sensing (CS) has shown substantial improved performance and in run-time reduction with signal sampling and reconstruction. In most cases, moreover, these techniques suffer from disrupting artefacts or high-frequency contents at low sampling ratios. Similarly, this occurs in the multi-resolution sampling method, which further collects more components with lower frequencies. A promising innovation combining CS with convolutionary neural network has eliminated the sparsity constraint yet recovery persists slow. We propose a Deep wavelet based compressive sensing with multi-resolution framework provides better improvement in reconstruction as well as run time. The proposed model demonstrates outstanding quality on test functions over previous approaches.
Kuldeep, G., Zhang, Q..  2020.  Revisiting Compressive Sensing based Encryption Schemes for IoT. 2020 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). :1–6.
Compressive sensing (CS) is regarded as one of the promising solutions for IoT data encryption as it achieves simultaneous sampling, compression, and encryption. Theoretical work in the literature has proved that CS provides computational secrecy. It also provides asymptotic perfect secrecy for Gaussian sensing matrix with constraints on input signal. In this paper, we design an attack decoding algorithm based on block compressed sensing decoding algorithm to perform ciphertext-only attack on real-life time series IoT data. It shows that it is possible to retrieve vital information in the plaintext under some conditions. Furthermore, it is also applied to a State-of-the Art CS-based encryption scheme for smart grid, and the power profile is reconstructed using ciphertext-only attack. Additionally, the statistical analysis of Gaussian and Binomial measurements is conducted to investigate the randomness provided by them.
Kabatiansky, G., Egorova, E..  2020.  Adversarial multiple access channels and a new model of multimedia fingerprinting coding. 2020 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :1—5.

We consider different models of malicious multiple access channels, especially for binary adder channel and for A-channel, and show how they can be used for the reformulation of digital fingerprinting coding problems. In particular, we propose a new model of multimedia fingerprinting coding. In the new model, not only zeroes and plus/minus ones but arbitrary coefficients of linear combinations of noise-like signals for forming watermarks (digital fingerprints) can be used. This modification allows dramatically increase the possible number of users with the property that if t or less malicious users create a forge digital fingerprint then a dealer of the system can find all of them with zero-error probability. We show how arisen problems are related to the compressed sensing problem.

Zhu, L., Zhou, X., Zhang, X..  2020.  A Reversible Meaningful Image Encryption Scheme Based on Block Compressive Sensing. 2020 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing (ICICSP). :326–330.
An efficient and reversible meaningful image encryption scheme is proposed in this paper. The plain image is first compressed and encrypted simultaneously by Adaptive Block Compressive Sensing (ABCS) framework to create a noise-like secret image. Next, Least Significant Bit (LSB) embedding is employed to embed the secret image into a carrier image to generate the final meaningful cipher image. In this scheme, ABCS improves the compression and efficiency performance, and the embedding and extraction operations are absolutely reversible. The simulation results and security analyses are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness, compression, secrecy of the proposed scheme.
Uyan, O. Gokhan, Gungor, V. Cagri.  2019.  Lifetime Analysis of Underwater Wireless Networks Concerning Privacy with Energy Harvesting and Compressive Sensing. 2019 27th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU). :1–4.
Underwater sensor networks (UWSN) are a division of classical wireless sensor networks (WSN), which are designed to accomplish both military and civil operations, such as invasion detection and underwater life monitoring. Underwater sensor nodes operate using the energy provided by integrated limited batteries, and it is a serious challenge to replace the battery under the water especially in harsh conditions with a high number of sensor nodes. Here, energy efficiency confronts as a very important issue. Besides energy efficiency, data privacy is another essential topic since UWSN typically generate delicate sensing data. UWSN can be vulnerable to silent positioning and listening, which is injecting similar adversary nodes into close locations to the network to sniff transmitted data. In this paper, we discuss the usage of compressive sensing (CS) and energy harvesting (EH) to improve the lifetime of the network whilst we suggest a novel encryption decision method to maintain privacy of UWSN. We also deploy a Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) model to optimize the encryption decision cases which leads to an improved network lifetime.
Chandrala, M S, Hadli, Pooja, Aishwarya, R, Jejo, Kevin C, Sunil, Y, Sure, Pallaviram.  2019.  A GUI for Wideband Spectrum Sensing using Compressive Sampling Approaches. 2019 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1–6.
Cognitive Radio is a prominent solution for effective spectral resource utilization. The rapidly growing device to device (D2D) communications and the next generation networks urge the cognitive radio networks to facilitate wideband spectrum sensing in order to assure newer spectral opportunities. As Nyquist sampling rates are formidable owing to complexity and cost of the ADCs, compressive sampling approaches are becoming increasingly popular. One such approach exploited in this paper is the Modulated Wideband Converter (MWC) to recover the spectral support. On the multiple measurement vector (MMV) framework provided by the MWC, threshold based Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) and Sparse Bayesian Learning (SBL) algorithms are employed for support recovery. We develop a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that assists a beginner to simulate the RF front-end of a MWC and thereby enables the user to explore support recovery as a function of Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), number of measurement vectors and threshold. The GUI enables the user to explore spectrum sensing in DVB-T, 3G and 4G bands and recovers the support using OMP or SBL approach. The results show that the performance of SBL is better than that of OMP at a lower SNR values.
Anselmi, Nicola, Poli, Lorenzo, Oliveri, Giacomo, Rocca, Paolo, Massa, Andrea.  2019.  Dealing with Correlation and Sparsity for an Effective Exploitation of the Compressive Processing in Electromagnetic Inverse Problems. 2019 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP). :1–4.
In this paper, a novel method for tomographic microwave imaging based on the Compressive Processing (CP) paradigm is proposed. The retrieval of the dielectric profiles of the scatterers is carried out by efficiently solving both the sampling and the sensing problems suitably formulated under the first order Born approximation. Selected numerical results are presented in order to show the improvements provided by the CP with respect to conventional compressive sensing (CSE) approaches.
Feng, Qi, Huang, Jianjun, Yang, Zhaocheng.  2019.  Jointly Optimized Target Detection and Tracking Using Compressive Samples. IEEE Access. 7:73675–73684.
In this paper, we consider the problem of joint target detection and tracking in compressive sampling and processing (CSP-JDT). CSP can process the compressive samples of sparse signals directly without signal reconstruction, which is suitable for handling high-resolution radar signals. However, in CSP, the radar target detection and tracking problems are usually solved separately or by a two-stage strategy, which cannot obtain a globally optimal solution. To jointly optimize the target detection and tracking performance and inspired by the optimal Bayes joint decision and estimation (JDE) framework, a jointly optimized target detection and tracking algorithm in CSP is proposed. Since detection and tracking are highly correlated, we first develop a measurement matrix construction method to acquire the compressive samples, and then a joint CSP Bayesian approach is developed for target detection and tracking. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the two-stage algorithms in terms of the joint performance metric.
Kafedziski, Venceslav.  2019.  Compressive Sampling Stepped Frequency Ground Penetrating Radar Using Group Sparsity and Markov Chain Sparsity Model. 2019 14th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications (℡SIKS). :265–268.
We investigate an implementation of a compressive sampling (CS) stepped frequency ground penetrating radar. Due to the small number of targets, the B-scan is represented as a sparse image. Due to the nature of stepped frequency radar, smaller number of random frequencies can be used to obtain each A-scan (sparse delays). Also, the measurements obtained from different antenna positions can be reduced to a smaller number of random antenna positions. We also use the structure in the B-scan, i.e. the shape of the targets, which can be known, for instance, when detecting land mines. We demonstrate our method using radar data available from the Web from the land mine targets buried in the ground. We use group sparsity, i.e. we assume that the targets have some non-zero (and presumably known) dimension in the cross-range coordinate of the B-scan. For such targets, we also use the Markov chain model for the targets, where we simultaneously estimate the model parameters using the EMturboGAMP algorithm. Both approaches result in improved performance.
HANJRI, Adnane EL, HAYAR, Aawatif, Haqiq, Abdelkrim.  2019.  Combined Compressive Sampling Techniques and Features Detection using Kullback Leibler Distance to Manage Handovers. 2019 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2). :504–507.
In this paper, we present a new Handover technique which combines Distribution Analysis Detector and Compressive Sampling Techniques. The proposed approach consists of analysing Received Signal probability density function instead of demodulating and analysing Received Signal itself as in classical handover. In this method we will exploit some mathematical tools like Kullback Leibler Distance, Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Akaike weights, in order to decide blindly the best handover and the best Base Station (BS) for each user. The Compressive Sampling algorithm is designed to take advantage from the primary signals sparsity and to keep the linearity and properties of the original signal in order to be able to apply Distribution Analysis Detector on the compressed measurements.
Yang, Xudong, Gao, Ling, Wang, Hai, Zheng, Jie, Guo, Hongbo.  2019.  A Semantic k-Anonymity Privacy Protection Method for Publishing Sparse Location Data. 2019 Seventh International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data (CBD). :216—222.

With the development of location technology, location-based services greatly facilitate people's life . However, due to the location information contains a large amount of user sensitive informations, the servicer in location-based services published location data also be subject to the risk of privacy disclosure. In particular, it is more easy to lead to privacy leaks without considering the attacker's semantic background knowledge while the publish sparse location data. So, we proposed semantic k-anonymity privacy protection method to against above problem in this paper. In this method, we first proposed multi-user compressing sensing method to reconstruct the missing location data . To balance the availability and privacy requirment of anonymity set, We use semantic translation and multi-view fusion to selected non-sensitive data to join anonymous set. Experiment results on two real world datasets demonstrate that our solution improve the quality of privacy protection to against semantic attacks.

Lv, Weijie, Bai, Ruifeng, Sun, Xueqiang.  2019.  Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Hyper-chaotic Lorenz Map and Compressed Sensing Theory. 2019 Chinese Control Conference (CCC). :3405—3410.
The motion process of multi-dimensional chaotic system is complex and variable, the randomness of motion state is stronger, and the motion state is more unpredictable within a certain range. This feature of multi-dimensional chaotic system can effectively improve the security performance of digital image encryption algorithm. In this paper, the hyper-chaotic Lorenz map is used to design the encryption sequence to improve the random performance of the encryption sequence, thus optimizing the performance of the digital image encryption algorithm. In this paper, the chaotic sequence is used to randomly select the row vector of the Hadamard matrix to form the Hadamard matrix to determine the measurement matrix, which simplifies the computational difficulty of the algorithm and solves the problem of the discontinuity of the key space in the random matrix design.
Deng, Juan, Zhou, Bing, Shi, YiLiang.  2018.  Application of Improved Image Hash Algorithm in Image Tamper Detection. 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Transportation, Big Data Smart City (ICITBS). :629—632.

In order to study the application of improved image hashing algorithm in image tampering detection, based on compressed sensing and ring segmentation, a new image hashing technique is studied. The image hash algorithm based on compressed sensing and ring segmentation is proposed. First, the algorithm preprocesses the input image. Then, the ring segment is used to extract the set of pixels in each ring region. These aggregate data are separately performed compressed sensing measurements. Finally, the hash value is constructed by calculating the inner product of the measurement vector and the random vector. The results show that the algorithm has good perceived robustness, uniqueness and security. Finally, the ROC curve is used to analyze the classification performance. The comparison of ROC curves shows that the performance of the proposed algorithm is better than FM-CS, GF-LVQ and RT-DCT.

Simpson, Oluyomi, Sun, Yichuang.  2019.  A Stochastic Method to Physical Layer Security of an Amplify-and-Forward Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks: Secondary User to Relay. 2019 15th International Wireless Communications Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC). :197—202.
In this paper, a framework for capitalizing on the potential benefits of physical layer security in an amplify-and-forward cooperative spectrum sensing (AF-CSS) in a cognitive radio network (CRN) using a stochastic geometry is proposed. In the CRN network the sensing data from secondary users (SUs) are collected by a fusion center (FC) with the help of access points (AP) as relays, and when malicious eavesdropping secondary users (SUs) are listening. We focus on the secure transmission of active SUs transmitting their sensing data to the AP. Closed expressions for the average secrecy rate are presented. Numerical results corroborate our analysis and show that multiple antennas at the APs can enhance the security of the AF-CSS-CRN. The obtained numerical results show that average secrecy rate between the AP and its correlated FC decreases when the number of AP is increased. Nevertheless, we find that an increase in the number of AP initially increases the overall average secrecy rate, with a perilous value at which the overall average secrecy rate then decreases. While increasing the number of active SUs, there is a decrease in the secrecy rate between the sensor and its correlated AP.
Wen, Jinming, Yu, Wei.  2019.  Exact Sparse Signal Recovery via Orthogonal Matching Pursuit with Prior Information. ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :5003–5007.
The orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) algorithm is a commonly used algorithm for recovering K-sparse signals x ∈ ℝn from linear model y = Ax, where A ∈ ℝm×n is a sensing matrix. A fundamental question in the performance analysis of OMP is the characterization of the probability that it can exactly recover x for random matrix A. Although in many practical applications, in addition to the sparsity, x usually also has some additional property (for example, the nonzero entries of x independently and identically follow the Gaussian distribution), none of existing analysis uses these properties to answer the above question. In this paper, we first show that the prior distribution information of x can be used to provide an upper bound on \textbackslashtextbar\textbackslashtextbarx\textbackslashtextbar\textbackslashtextbar21/\textbackslashtextbar\textbackslashtextbarx\textbackslashtextbar\textbackslashtextbar22, and then explore the bound to develop a better lower bound on the probability of exact recovery with OMP in K iterations. Simulation tests are presented to illustrate the superiority of the new bound.
Ponuma, R, Amutha, R, Haritha, B.  2018.  Compressive Sensing and Hyper-Chaos Based Image Compression-Encryption. 2018 Fourth International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics (AEEICB). :1-5.

A 2D-Compressive Sensing and hyper-chaos based image compression-encryption algorithm is proposed. The 2D image is compressively sampled and encrypted using two measurement matrices. A chaos based measurement matrix construction is employed. The construction of the measurement matrix is controlled by the initial and control parameters of the chaotic system, which are used as the secret key for encryption. The linear measurements of the sparse coefficients of the image are then subjected to a hyper-chaos based diffusion which results in the cipher image. Numerical simulation and security analysis are performed to verify the validity and reliability of the proposed algorithm.

Tian, Yun, Xu, Wenbo, Qin, Jing, Zhao, Xiaofan.  2018.  Compressive Detection of Random Signals from Sparsely Corrupted Measurements. 2018 International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IC-NIDC). :389-393.

Compressed sensing (CS) integrates sampling and compression into a single step to reduce the processed data amount. However, the CS reconstruction generally suffers from high complexity. To solve this problem, compressive signal processing (CSP) is recently proposed to implement some signal processing tasks directly in the compressive domain without reconstruction. Among various CSP techniques, compressive detection achieves the signal detection based on the CS measurements. This paper investigates the compressive detection problem of random signals when the measurements are corrupted. Different from the current studies that only consider the dense noise, our study considers both the dense noise and sparse error. The theoretical performance is derived, and simulations are provided to verify the derived theoretical results.

Huang, Lilian, Zhu, Zhonghang.  2018.  Compressive Sensing Image Reconstruction Using Super-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network. Proceedings of the 2Nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing. :80-83.

Compressed sensing (CS) can recover a signal that is sparse in certain representation and sample at the rate far below the Nyquist rate. But limited to the accuracy of atomic matching of traditional reconstruction algorithm, CS is difficult to reconstruct the initial signal with high resolution. Meanwhile, scholar found that trained neural network have a strong ability in settling such inverse problems. Thus, we propose a Super-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network (SRCNN) that consists of three convolutional layers. Every layer has a fixed number of kernels and has their own specific function. The process is implemented using classical compressed sensing algorithm to process the input image, afterwards, the output images are coded via SRCNN. We achieve higher resolution image by using the SRCNN algorithm proposed. The simulation results show that the proposed method helps improve PSNR value and promote visual effect.

Shi, T., Shi, W., Wang, C., Wang, Z..  2018.  Compressed Sensing based Intrusion Detection System for Hybrid Wireless Mesh Networks. 2018 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC). :11–15.
As wireless mesh networks (WMNs) develop rapidly, security issue becomes increasingly important. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is one of the crucial ways to detect attacks. However, IDS in wireless networks including WMNs brings high detection overhead, which degrades network performance. In this paper, we apply compressed sensing (CS) theory to IDS and propose a CS based IDS for hybrid WMNs. Since CS can reconstruct a sparse signal with compressive sampling, we process the detected data and construct sparse original signals. Through reconstruction algorithm, the compressive sampled data can be reconstructed and used for detecting intrusions, which reduces the detection overhead. We also propose Active State Metric (ASM) as an attack metric for recognizing attacks, which measures the activity in PHY layer and energy consumption of each node. Through intensive simulations, the results show that under 50% attack density, our proposed IDS can ensure 95% detection rate while reducing about 40% detection overhead on average.
Birch, G. C., Woo, B. L., LaCasse, C. F., Stubbs, J. J., Dagel, A. L..  2017.  Computational optical physical unclonable functions. 2017 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST). :1–6.

Physical unclonable functions (PUFs) are devices which are easily probed but difficult to predict. Optical PUFs have been discussed within the literature, with traditional optical PUFs typically using spatial light modulators, coherent illumination, and scattering volumes; however, these systems can be large, expensive, and difficult to maintain alignment in practical conditions. We propose and demonstrate a new kind of optical PUF based on computational imaging and compressive sensing to address these challenges with traditional optical PUFs. This work describes the design, simulation, and prototyping of this computational optical PUF (COPUF) that utilizes incoherent polychromatic illumination passing through an additively manufactured refracting optical polymer element. We demonstrate the ability to pass information through a COPUF using a variety of sampling methods, including the use of compressive sensing. The sensitivity of the COPUF system is also explored. We explore non-traditional PUF configurations enabled by the COPUF architecture. The double COPUF system, which employees two serially connected COPUFs, is proposed and analyzed as a means to authenticate and communicate between two entities that have previously agreed to communicate. This configuration enables estimation of a message inversion key without the calculation of individual COPUF inversion keys at any point in the PUF life cycle. Our results show that it is possible to construct inexpensive optical PUFs using computational imaging. This could lead to new uses of PUFs in places where electrical PUFs cannot be utilized effectively, as low cost tags and seals, and potentially as authenticating and communicating devices.