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Berrima, Mouhebeddine, Nasr, Aïcha Katajina, Ben Rajeb, Narjes.  2016.  Co-location Resistant Strategy with Full Resources Optimization. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Cloud Computing Security Workshop. :3–10.

In the public clouds, an adversary can co-locate his or her virtual machines (VMs) with others on the same physical servers to start an attack against the integrity, confidentiality or availability. The one important factor to decrease the likelihood of this co-location attack is the VMs placement strategy. However, a co-location resistant strategy will compromise the resources optimization of the cloud providers. The tradeoff between security and resources optimization introduces one of the most crucial challenges in the cloud security. In this work we propose a placement strategy allowing the decrease of co-location rate by compromising the VM startup time instead of the optimization of resources. We give a mathematical analysis to quantify the co-location resistance. The proposed strategy is evaluated against the abusing placement locality, where the attack and target VMs are launched simultaneously or within a short time window. Referring to EC2 placement strategy, the best co-location resistant strategy out of the existing public cloud providers strategies, our strategy decreases enormously the co-location attacks with a slight VM startup delay (relatively to the actual VM startup delay in the public cloud providers).

Dolev, Shlomi, ElDefrawy, Karim, Lampkins, Joshua, Ostrovsky, Rafail, Yung, Moti.  2016.  Brief Announcement: Proactive Secret Sharing with a Dishonest Majority. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing. :401–403.

In a secret sharing scheme a dealer shares a secret s among n parties such that an adversary corrupting up to t parties does not learn s, while any t+1 parties can efficiently recover s. Over a long period of time all parties may be corrupted thus violating the threshold, which is accounted for in Proactive Secret Sharing (PSS). PSS schemes periodically rerandomize (refresh) the shares of the secret and invalidate old ones. PSS retains confidentiality even when all parties are corrupted over the lifetime of the secret, but no more than t during a certain window of time, called the refresh period. Existing PSS schemes only guarantee secrecy in the presence of an honest majority with less than n2 total corruptions during a refresh period; an adversary corrupting a single additional party, even if only passively, obtains the secret. This work is the first feasibility result demonstrating PSS tolerating a dishonest majority, it introduces the first PSS scheme secure against t passive adversaries without recovery of lost shares, it can also recover from honest faulty parties losing their shares, and when tolerating e faults the scheme tolerates t passive corruptions. A non-robust version of the scheme can tolerate t active adversaries, and mixed adversaries that control a combination of passively and actively corrupted parties that are a majority, but where less than n/2-e of such corruptions are active. We achieve these high thresholds with O(n4) communication when sharing a single secret, and O(n3) communication when sharing multiple secrets in batches.

Werner, Jan, Baltas, George, Dallara, Rob, Otterness, Nathan, Snow, Kevin Z., Monrose, Fabian, Polychronakis, Michalis.  2016.  No-Execute-After-Read: Preventing Code Disclosure in Commodity Software. Proceedings of the 11th ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :35–46.

Memory disclosure vulnerabilities enable an adversary to successfully mount arbitrary code execution attacks against applications via so-called just-in-time code reuse attacks, even when those applications are fortified with fine-grained address space layout randomization. This attack paradigm requires the adversary to first read the contents of randomized application code, then construct a code reuse payload using that knowledge. In this paper, we show that the recently proposed Execute-no-Read (XnR) technique fails to prevent just-in-time code reuse attacks. Next, we introduce the design and implementation of a novel memory permission primitive, dubbed No-Execute-After-Read (near), that foregoes the problems of XnR and provides strong security guarantees against just-in-time attacks in commodity binaries. Specifically, near allows all code to be disclosed, but prevents any disclosed code from subsequently being executed, thus thwarting just-in-time code reuse. At the same time, commodity binaries with mixed code and data regions still operate correctly, as legitimate data is still readable. To demonstrate the practicality and portability of our approach we implemented prototypes for both Linux and Android on the ARMv8 architecture, as well as a prototype that protects unmodified Microsoft Windows executables and dynamically linked libraries. In addition, our evaluation on the SPEC2006 benchmark demonstrates that our prototype has negligible runtime overhead, making it suitable for practical deployment.

Anderson, Blake, McGrew, David.  2016.  Identifying Encrypted Malware Traffic with Contextual Flow Data. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security. :35–46.

Identifying threats contained within encrypted network traffic poses a unique set of challenges. It is important to monitor this traffic for threats and malware, but do so in a way that maintains the integrity of the encryption. Because pattern matching cannot operate on encrypted data, previous approaches have leveraged observable metadata gathered from the flow, e.g., the flow's packet lengths and inter-arrival times. In this work, we extend the current state-of-the-art by considering a data omnia approach. To this end, we develop supervised machine learning models that take advantage of a unique and diverse set of network flow data features. These data features include TLS handshake metadata, DNS contextual flows linked to the encrypted flow, and the HTTP headers of HTTP contextual flows from the same source IP address within a 5 minute window. We begin by exhibiting the differences between malicious and benign traffic's use of TLS, DNS, and HTTP on millions of unique flows. This study is used to design the feature sets that have the most discriminatory power. We then show that incorporating this contextual information into a supervised learning system significantly increases performance at a 0.00% false discovery rate for the problem of classifying encrypted, malicious flows. We further validate our false positive rate on an independent, real-world dataset.

Markuze, Alex, Morrison, Adam, Tsafrir, Dan.  2016.  True IOMMU Protection from DMA Attacks: When Copy is Faster Than Zero Copy. Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems. :249–262.

Malicious I/O devices might compromise the OS using DMAs. The OS therefore utilizes the IOMMU to map and unmap every target buffer right before and after its DMA is processed, thereby restricting DMAs to their designated locations. This usage model, however, is not truly secure for two reasons: (1) it provides protection at page granularity only, whereas DMA buffers can reside on the same page as other data; and (2) it delays DMA buffer unmaps due to performance considerations, creating a vulnerability window in which devices can access in-use memory. We propose that OSes utilize the IOMMU differently, in a manner that eliminates these two flaws. Our new usage model restricts device access to a set of shadow DMA buffers that are never unmapped, and it copies DMAed data to/from these buffers, thus providing sub-page protection while eliminating the aforementioned vulnerability window. Our key insight is that the cost of interacting with, and synchronizing access to the slow IOMMU hardware–-required for zero-copy protection against devices–-make copying preferable to zero-copying. We implement our model in Linux and evaluate it with standard networking benchmarks utilizing a 40,Gb/s NIC. We demonstrate that despite being more secure than the safest preexisting usage model, our approach provides up to 5x higher throughput. Additionally, whereas it is inherently less scalable than an IOMMU-less (unprotected) system, our approach incurs only 0%–25% performance degradation in comparison.

Sainju, Arpan Man, Atkison, Travis.  2017.  An Experimental Analysis of Windows Log Events Triggered by Malware. Proceedings of the SouthEast Conference. :195–198.

According to the 2016 Internet Security Threat Report by Symantec, there are around 431 million variants of malware known. This effort focuses on malware used for spying on user's activities, remotely controlling devices, and identity and credential theft within a Windows based operating system. As Windows operating systems create and maintain a log of all events that are encountered, various malware are tested on virtual machines to determine what events they trigger in the Windows logs. The observations are compiled into Operating System specific lookup tables that can then be used to find the tested malware on other computers with the same Operating System.

Jang, Yeongjin, Lee, Sangho, Kim, Taesoo.  2016.  Breaking Kernel Address Space Layout Randomization with Intel TSX. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :380–392.

Kernel hardening has been an important topic since many applications and security mechanisms often consider the kernel as part of their Trusted Computing Base (TCB). Among various hardening techniques, Kernel Address Space Layout Randomization (KASLR) is the most effective and widely adopted defense mechanism that can practically mitigate various memory corruption vulnerabilities, such as buffer overflow and use-after-free. In principle, KASLR is secure as long as no memory leak vulnerability exists and high entropy is ensured. In this paper, we introduce a highly stable timing attack against KASLR, called DrK, that can precisely de-randomize the memory layout of the kernel without violating any such assumptions. DrK exploits a hardware feature called Intel Transactional Synchronization Extension (TSX) that is readily available in most modern commodity CPUs. One surprising behavior of TSX, which is essentially the root cause of this security loophole, is that it aborts a transaction without notifying the underlying kernel even when the transaction fails due to a critical error, such as a page fault or an access violation, which traditionally requires kernel intervention. DrK turned this property into a precise timing channel that can determine the mapping status (i.e., mapped versus unmapped) and execution status (i.e., executable versus non-executable) of the privileged kernel address space. In addition to its surprising accuracy and precision, DrK is universally applicable to all OSes, even in virtualized environments, and generates no visible footprint, making it difficult to detect in practice. We demonstrated that DrK can break the KASLR of all major OSes (i.e., Windows, Linux, and OS X) with near-perfect accuracy in under a second. Finally, we propose potential countermeasures that can effectively prevent or mitigate the DrK attack. We urge our community to be aware of the potential threat of having Intel TSX, which is present in most recent Intel CPUs – 100% in workstation and 60% in high-end Intel CPUs since Skylake – and is even available on Amazon EC2 (X1).

Gu, Yufei, Lin, Zhiqiang.  2016.  Derandomizing Kernel Address Space Layout for Memory Introspection and Forensics. Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy. :62–72.

Modern OS kernels including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS all have adopted kernel Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), which shifts the base address of kernel code and data into different locations in different runs. Consequently, when performing introspection or forensic analysis of kernel memory, we cannot use any pre-determined addresses to interpret the kernel events. Instead, we must derandomize the address space layout and use the new addresses. However, few efforts have been made to derandomize the kernel address space and yet there are many questions left such as which approach is more efficient and robust. Therefore, we present the first systematic study of how to derandomize a kernel when given a memory snapshot of a running kernel instance. Unlike the derandomization approaches used in traditional memory exploits in which only remote access is available, with introspection and forensics applications, we can use all the information available in kernel memory to generate signatures and derandomize the ASLR. In other words, there exists a large volume of solutions for this problem. As such, in this paper we examine a number of typical approaches to generate strong signatures from both kernel code and data based on the insight of how kernel code and data is updated, and compare them from efficiency (in terms of simplicity, speed etc.) and robustness (e.g., whether the approach is hard to be evaded or forged) perspective. In particular, we have designed four approaches including brute-force code scanning, patched code signature generation, unpatched code signature generation, and read-only pointer based approach, according to the intrinsic behavior of kernel code and data with respect to kernel ASLR. We have gained encouraging results for each of these approaches and the corresponding experimental results are reported in this paper.

Gruss, Daniel, Maurice, Clémentine, Fogh, Anders, Lipp, Moritz, Mangard, Stefan.  2016.  Prefetch Side-Channel Attacks: Bypassing SMAP and Kernel ASLR. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :368–379.

Modern operating systems use hardware support to protect against control-flow hijacking attacks such as code-injection attacks. Typically, write access to executable pages is prevented and kernel mode execution is restricted to kernel code pages only. However, current CPUs provide no protection against code-reuse attacks like ROP. ASLR is used to prevent these attacks by making all addresses unpredictable for an attacker. Hence, the kernel security relies fundamentally on preventing access to address information. We introduce Prefetch Side-Channel Attacks, a new class of generic attacks exploiting major weaknesses in prefetch instructions. This allows unprivileged attackers to obtain address information and thus compromise the entire system by defeating SMAP, SMEP, and kernel ASLR. Prefetch can fetch inaccessible privileged memory into various caches on Intel x86. It also leaks the translation-level for virtual addresses on both Intel x86 and ARMv8-A. We build three attacks exploiting these properties. Our first attack retrieves an exact image of the full paging hierarchy of a process, defeating both user space and kernel space ASLR. Our second attack resolves virtual to physical addresses to bypass SMAP on 64-bit Linux systems, enabling ret2dir attacks. We demonstrate this from unprivileged user programs on Linux and inside Amazon EC2 virtual machines. Finally, we demonstrate how to defeat kernel ASLR on Windows 10, enabling ROP attacks on kernel and driver binary code. We propose a new form of strong kernel isolation to protect commodity systems incuring an overhead of only 0.06-5.09%.