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Mishra, B., Jena, D..  2018.  CCA Secure Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme for Secure Sharing of Files through Cloud Storage. 2018 Fifth International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT). :1-6.

Cloud Storage Service(CSS) provides unbounded, robust file storage capability and facilitates for pay-per-use and collaborative work to end users. But due to security issues like lack of confidentiality, malicious insiders, it has not gained wide spread acceptance to store sensitive information. Researchers have proposed proxy re-encryption schemes for secure data sharing through cloud. Due to advancement of computing technologies and advent of quantum computing algorithms, security of existing schemes can be compromised within seconds. Hence there is a need for designing security schemes which can be quantum computing resistant. In this paper, a secure file sharing scheme through cloud storage using proxy re-encryption technique has been proposed. The proposed scheme is proven to be chosen ciphertext secure(CCA) under hardness of ring-LWE, Search problem using random oracle model. The proposed scheme outperforms the existing CCA secure schemes in-terms of re-encryption time and decryption time for encrypted files which results in an efficient file sharing scheme through cloud storage.

Gür, Kamil Doruk, Polyakov, Yuriy, Rohloff, Kurt, Ryan, Gerard W., Savas, Erkay.  2018.  Implementation and Evaluation of Improved Gaussian Sampling for Lattice Trapdoors. Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Encrypted Computing & Applied Homomorphic Cryptography. :61–71.

We report on our implementation of a new Gaussian sampling algorithm for lattice trapdoors. Lattice trapdoors are used in a wide array of lattice-based cryptographic schemes including digital signatures, attributed-based encryption, program obfuscation and others. Our implementation provides Gaussian sampling for trapdoor lattices with prime moduli, and supports both single- and multi-threaded execution. We experimentally evaluate our implementation through its use in the GPV hash-and-sign digital signature scheme as a benchmark. We compare our design and implementation with prior work reported in the literature. The evaluation shows that our implementation 1) has smaller space requirements and faster runtime, 2) does not require multi-precision floating-point arithmetic, and 3) can be used for a broader range of cryptographic primitives than previous implementations.

Crockett, Eric, Peikert, Chris.  2016.  \$\textbackslashtextbackslashLambda\$ο\$\textbackslashtextbackslashlambda\$: Functional Lattice Cryptography. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :993–1005.

This work describes the design, implementation, and evaluation of Λολ, a general-purpose software framework for lattice-based cryptography. The Λολ framework has several novel properties that distinguish it from prior implementations of lattice cryptosystems, including the following. Generality, modularity, concision: Λολ defines a collection of general, highly composable interfaces for mathematical operations used across lattice cryptography, allowing for a wide variety of schemes to be expressed very naturally and at a high level of abstraction. For example, we implement an advanced fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme in as few as 2–5 lines of code per feature, via code that very closely matches the scheme's mathematical definition. Theory affinity: Λολ is designed from the ground-up around the specialized ring representations, fast algorithms, and worst-case hardness proofs that have been developed for the Ring-LWE problem and its cryptographic applications. In particular, it implements fast algorithms for sampling from theory-recommended error distributions over arbitrary cyclotomic rings, and provides tools for maintaining tight control of error growth in cryptographic schemes. Safety: Λολ has several facilities for reducing code complexity and programming errors, thereby aiding the correct implementation of lattice cryptosystems. In particular, it uses strong typing to statically enforce—i.e., at compile time—a wide variety of constraints among the various parameters. Advanced features: Λολ exposes the rich hierarchy of cyclotomic rings to cryptographic applications. We use this to give the first-ever implementation of a collection of FHE operations known as "ring switching," and also define and analyze a more efficient variant that we call "ring tunneling." Lastly, this work defines and analyzes a variety of mathematical objects and algorithms for the recommended usage of Ring-LWE in cyclotomic rings, which we believe will serve as a useful knowledge base for future implementations.

Du, Chaohui, Bai, Guoqiang, Wu, Xingjun.  2016.  High-Speed Polynomial Multiplier Architecture for Ring-LWE Based Public Key Cryptosystems. Proceedings of the 26th Edition on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI. :9–14.

Many lattice-based cryptosystems are based on the security of the Ring learning with errors (Ring-LWE) problem. The most critical and computationally intensive operation of these Ring-LWE based cryptosystems is polynomial multiplication. In this paper, we exploit the number theoretic transform to build a high-speed polynomial multiplier for the Ring-LWE based public key cryptosystems. We present a versatile pipelined polynomial multiplication architecture to calculate the product of two \$n\$-degree polynomials in about ((nlg n)/4 + n/2) clock cycles. In addition, we introduce several optimization techniques to reduce the required ROM storage. The experimental results on a Spartan-6 FPGA show that the proposed hardware architecture can achieve a speedup of on average 2.25 than the state of the art of high-speed design. Meanwhile, our design is able to save up to 47.06% memory blocks.