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Singh, Shirish, Kaiser, Gail.  2021.  Metamorphic Detection of Repackaged Malware. 2021 IEEE/ACM 6th International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing (MET). :9–16.
Machine learning-based malware detection systems are often vulnerable to evasion attacks, in which a malware developer manipulates their malicious software such that it is misclassified as benign. Such software hides some properties of the real class or adopts some properties of a different class by applying small perturbations. A special case of evasive malware hides by repackaging a bonafide benign mobile app to contain malware in addition to the original functionality of the app, thus retaining most of the benign properties of the original app. We present a novel malware detection system based on metamorphic testing principles that can detect such benign-seeming malware apps. We apply metamorphic testing to the feature representation of the mobile app, rather than to the app itself. That is, the source input is the original feature vector for the app and the derived input is that vector with selected features removed. If the app was originally classified benign, and is indeed benign, the output for the source and derived inputs should be the same class, i.e., benign, but if they differ, then the app is exposed as (likely) malware. Malware apps originally classified as malware should retain that classification, since only features prevalent in benign apps are removed. This approach enables the machine learning model to classify repackaged malware with reasonably few false negatives and false positives. Our training pipeline is simpler than many existing ML-based malware detection methods, as the network is trained end-to-end to jointly learn appropriate features and to perform classification. We pre-trained our classifier model on 3 million apps collected from the widely-used AndroZoo dataset.1 We perform an extensive study on other publicly available datasets to show our approach's effectiveness in detecting repackaged malware with more than 94% accuracy, 0.98 precision, 0.95 recall, and 0.96 F1 score.
Dixit, Shruti, Geethna, T K, Jayaraman, Swaminathan, Pavithran, Vipin.  2021.  AngErza: Automated Exploit Generation. 2021 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1—6.
Vulnerability detection and exploitation serves as a milestone for secure development and identifying major threats in software applications. Automated exploit generation helps in easier identification of bugs, the attack vectors and the various possibilities of generation of the exploit payload. Thus, we introduce AngErza which uses dynamic and symbolic execution to identify hot-spots in the code, formulate constraints and generate a payload based on those constraints. Our tool is entirely based on angr which is an open-sourced offensive binary analysis framework. The work around AngErza focuses on exploit and vulnerability detection in CTF-style C binaries compiled on 64-bit Intel architecture for the early-phase of this project.
Bhuiyan, Farzana Ahamed, Murphy, Justin, Morrison, Patrick, Rahman, Akond.  2021.  Practitioner Perception of Vulnerability Discovery Strategies. 2021 IEEE/ACM 2nd International Workshop on Engineering and Cybersecurity of Critical Systems (EnCyCriS). :41—44.
The fourth industrial revolution envisions industry manufacturing systems to be software driven where mundane manufacturing tasks can be automated. As software is perceived as an integral part of this vision, discovering vulnerabilities is of paramount of importance so that manufacturing systems are secure. A categorization of vulnerability discovery strategies can inform practitioners on how to identify undiscovered vulnerabilities in software. Recently researchers have investigated and identified vulnerability discovery strategies used in open source software (OSS) projects. The efficacy of the derived strategy needs to be validated by obtaining feedback from practitioners. Such feedback can be helpful to assess if identified strategies are useful for practitioners and possible directions the derived vulnerability discovery strategies can be improvised. We survey 51 practitioners to assess if four vulnerability discovery strategies: diagnostics, malicious payload construction, misconfiguration, and pernicious execution can be used to identify undiscovered vulnerabilities. Practitioners perceive the strategies to be useful: for example, we observe 88% of the surveyed practitioners to agree that diagnostics could be used to discover vulnerabilities. Our work provides evidence of usefulness for the identified strategies.
Singleton, Larry, Zhao, Rui, Siy, Harvey, Song, Myoungkyu.  2021.  FireBugs: Finding and Repairing Cryptography API Misuses in Mobile Applications. 2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). :1194–1201.
In this paper, we present FireBugs for Finding and Repairing Bugs based on security patterns. For the common misuse patterns of cryptography APIs (crypto APIs), we encode common cryptography rules into the pattern representations for bug detection and program repair regarding cryptography rule violations. In the evaluation, we conducted a case study to assess the bug detection capability by applying FireBugs to datasets mined from both open source and commercial projects. Also, we conducted a user study with professional software engineers at Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company to estimate the program repair capability. This evaluation showed that FireBugs can help professional engineers develop various cryptographic requirements in a resilient application.
Deb Nath, Atul Prasad, Boddupalli, Srivalli, Bhunia, Swarup, Ray, Sandip.  2020.  Resilient System-on-Chip Designs With NoC Fabrics. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 15:2808–2823.
Modern System-on-Chip (SoC) designs integrate a number of third party IPs (3PIPs) that coordinate and communicate through a Network-on-Chip (NoC) fabric to realize system functionality. An important class of SoC security attack involves a rogue IP tampering with the inter-IP communication. These attacks include message snoop, message mutation, message misdirection, IP masquerade, and message flooding. Static IP-level trust verification cannot protect against these SoC-level attacks. In this paper, we analyze the vulnerabilities of system level communication among IPs and develop a novel SoC security architecture that provides system resilience against exploitation by untrusted 3PIPs integrated over an NoC fabric. We show how to address the problem through a collection of fine-grained SoC security policies that enable on-the-fly monitoring and control of appropriate security-relevant events. Our approach, for the first time to our knowledge, provides an architecture-level solution for trusted SoC communication through run-time resilience in the presence of untrusted IPs. We demonstrate viability of our approach on a realistic SoC design through a series of attack models and show that our architecture incurs minimal to modest overhead in area, power, and system latency.
Conference Name: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
Dinesh, S., Burow, N., Xu, D., Payer, M..  2020.  RetroWrite: Statically Instrumenting COTS Binaries for Fuzzing and Sanitization. 2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :1497—1511.
Analyzing the security of closed source binaries is currently impractical for end-users, or even developers who rely on third-party libraries. Such analysis relies on automatic vulnerability discovery techniques, most notably fuzzing with sanitizers enabled. The current state of the art for applying fuzzing or sanitization to binaries is dynamic binary translation, which has prohibitive performance overhead. The alternate technique, static binary rewriting, cannot fully recover symbolization information and hence has difficulty modifying binaries to track code coverage for fuzzing or to add security checks for sanitizers.The ideal solution for binary security analysis would be a static rewriter that can intelligently add the required instrumentation as if it were inserted at compile time. Such instrumentation requires an analysis to statically disambiguate between references and scalars, a problem known to be undecidable in the general case. We show that recovering this information is possible in practice for the most common class of software and libraries: 64-bit, position independent code. Based on this observation, we develop RetroWrite, a binary-rewriting instrumentation to support American Fuzzy Lop (AFL) and Address Sanitizer (ASan), and show that it can achieve compiler-level performance while retaining precision. Binaries rewritten for coverage-guided fuzzing using RetroWrite are identical in performance to compiler-instrumented binaries and outperform the default QEMU-based instrumentation by 4.5x while triggering more bugs. Our implementation of binary-only Address Sanitizer is 3x faster than Valgrind's memcheck, the state-of-the-art binary-only memory checker, and detects 80% more bugs in our evaluation.
Xu, Meng, Kashyap, Sanidhya, Zhao, Hanqing, Kim, Taesoo.  2020.  Krace: Data Race Fuzzing for Kernel File Systems. 2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :1643—1660.
Data races occur when two threads fail to use proper synchronization when accessing shared data. In kernel file systems, which are highly concurrent by design, data races are common mistakes and often wreak havoc on the users, causing inconsistent states or data losses. Prior fuzzing practices on file systems have been effective in uncovering hundreds of bugs, but they mostly focus on the sequential aspect of file system execution and do not comprehensively explore the concurrency dimension and hence, forgo the opportunity to catch data races.In this paper, we bring coverage-guided fuzzing to the concurrency dimension with three new constructs: 1) a new coverage tracking metric, alias coverage, specially designed to capture the exploration progress in the concurrency dimension; 2) an evolution algorithm for generating, mutating, and merging multi-threaded syscall sequences as inputs for concurrency fuzzing; and 3) a comprehensive lockset and happens-before modeling for kernel synchronization primitives for precise data race detection. These components are integrated into Krace, an end-to-end fuzzing framework that has discovered 23 data races in ext4, btrfs, and the VFS layer so far, and 9 are confirmed to be harmful.
Nienhuis, Kyndylan, Joannou, Alexandre, Bauereiss, Thomas, Fox, Anthony, Roe, Michael, Campbell, Brian, Naylor, Matthew, Norton, Robert M., Moore, Simon W., Neumann, Peter G. et al..  2020.  Rigorous engineering for hardware security: Formal modelling and proof in the CHERI design and implementation process. 2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :1003—1020.

The root causes of many security vulnerabilities include a pernicious combination of two problems, often regarded as inescapable aspects of computing. First, the protection mechanisms provided by the mainstream processor architecture and C/C++ language abstractions, dating back to the 1970s and before, provide only coarse-grain virtual-memory-based protection. Second, mainstream system engineering relies almost exclusively on test-and-debug methods, with (at best) prose specifications. These methods have historically sufficed commercially for much of the computer industry, but they fail to prevent large numbers of exploitable bugs, and the security problems that this causes are becoming ever more acute.In this paper we show how more rigorous engineering methods can be applied to the development of a new security-enhanced processor architecture, with its accompanying hardware implementation and software stack. We use formal models of the complete instruction-set architecture (ISA) at the heart of the design and engineering process, both in lightweight ways that support and improve normal engineering practice - as documentation, in emulators used as a test oracle for hardware and for running software, and for test generation - and for formal verification. We formalise key intended security properties of the design, and establish that these hold with mechanised proof. This is for the same complete ISA models (complete enough to boot operating systems), without idealisation.We do this for CHERI, an architecture with hardware capabilities that supports fine-grained memory protection and scalable secure compartmentalisation, while offering a smooth adoption path for existing software. CHERI is a maturing research architecture, developed since 2010, with work now underway on an Arm industrial prototype to explore its possible adoption in mass-market commercial processors. The rigorous engineering work described here has been an integral part of its development to date, enabling more rapid and confident experimentation, and boosting confidence in the design.

Fu, Y., Tong, S., Guo, X., Cheng, L., Zhang, Y., Feng, D..  2020.  Improving the Effectiveness of Grey-box Fuzzing By Extracting Program Information. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :434–441.
Fuzzing has been widely adopted as an effective techniques to detect vulnerabilities in softwares. However, existing fuzzers suffer from the problems of generating excessive test inputs that either cannot pass input validation or are ineffective in exploring unvisited regions in the program under test (PUT). To tackle these problems, we propose a greybox fuzzer called MuFuzzer based on AFL, which incorporates two heuristics that optimize seed selection and automatically extract input formatting information from the PUT to increase the chance of generating valid test inputs, respectively. In particular, the first heuristic collects the branch coverage and execution information during a fuzz session, and utilizes such information to guide fuzzing tools in selecting seeds that are fast to execute, small in size, and more importantly, more likely to explore new behaviors of the PUT for subsequent fuzzing activities. The second heuristic automatically identifies string comparison operations that the PUT uses for input validation, and establishes a dictionary with string constants from these operations to help fuzzers generate test inputs that have higher chances to pass input validation. We have evaluated the performance of MuFuzzer, in terms of code coverage and bug detection, using a set of realistic programs and the LAVA-M test bench. Experiment results demonstrate that MuFuzzer is able to achieve higher code coverage and better or comparative bug detection performance than state-of-the-art fuzzers.
Mindermann, K., Wagner, S..  2020.  Fluid Intelligence Doesn't Matter! Effects of Code Examples on the Usability of Crypto APIs. 2020 IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings (ICSE-Companion). :306—307.

Context : Programmers frequently look for the code of previously solved problems that they can adapt for their own problem. Despite existing example code on the web, on sites like Stack Overflow, cryptographic Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are commonly misused. There is little known about what makes examples helpful for developers in using crypto APIs. Analogical problem solving is a psychological theory that investigates how people use known solutions to solve new problems. There is evidence that the capacity to reason and solve novel problems a.k.a Fluid Intelligence (Gf) and structurally and procedurally similar solutions support problem solving. Aim: Our goal is to understand whether similarity and Gf also have an effect in the context of using cryptographic APIs with the help of code examples. Method : We conducted a controlled experiment with 76 student participants developing with or without procedurally similar examples, one of two Java crypto libraries and measured the Gf of the participants as well as the effect on usability (effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction) and security bugs. Results: We observed a strong effect of code examples with a high procedural similarity on all dependent variables. Fluid intelligence Gf had no effect. It also made no difference which library the participants used. Conclusions: Example code must be more highly similar to a concrete solution, not very abstract and generic to have a positive effect in a development task.

Atlidakis, V., Godefroid, P., Polishchuk, M..  2020.  Checking Security Properties of Cloud Service REST APIs. 2020 IEEE 13th International Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification (ICST). :387—397.

Most modern cloud and web services are programmatically accessed through REST APIs. This paper discusses how an attacker might compromise a service by exploiting vulnerabilities in its REST API. We introduce four security rules that capture desirable properties of REST APIs and services. We then show how a stateful REST API fuzzer can be extended with active property checkers that automatically test and detect violations of these rules. We discuss how to implement such checkers in a modular and efficient way. Using these checkers, we found new bugs in several deployed production Azure and Office365 cloud services, and we discuss their security implications. All these bugs have been fixed.

Chamarthi, R., Reddy, A. P..  2018.  Empirical Methodology of Testing Using FMEA and Quality Metrics. 2018 International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA). :85—90.

Testing which is an indispensable part of software engineering is itself an art and science which emerged as a discipline over a period. On testing, if defects are found, testers diminish the risk by providing the awareness of defects and solutions to deal with them before release. If testing does not find any defects, testing assure that under certain conditions the system functions correctly. To guarantee that enough testing has been done, major risk areas need to be tested. We have to identify the risks, analyse and control them. We need to categorize the risk items to decide the extent of testing to be covered. Also, Implementation of structured metrics is lagging in software testing. Efficient metrics are necessary to evaluate, manage the testing process and make testing a part of engineering discipline. This paper proposes the usage of risk based testing using FMEA technique and provides an ideal set of metrics which provides a way to ensure effective testing process.

Xu, Lai, Yu, Rongwei, Wang, Lina, Liu, Weijie.  2019.  Memway: in-memorywaylaying acceleration for practical rowhammer attacks against binaries. Tsinghua Science and Technology. 24:535—545.

The Rowhammer bug is a novel micro-architectural security threat, enabling powerful privilege-escalation attacks on various mainstream platforms. It works by actively flipping bits in Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) cells with unprivileged instructions. In order to set up Rowhammer against binaries in the Linux page cache, the Waylaying algorithm has previously been proposed. The Waylaying method stealthily relocates binaries onto exploitable physical addresses without exhausting system memory. However, the proof-of-concept Waylaying algorithm can be easily detected during page cache eviction because of its high disk I/O overhead and long running time. This paper proposes the more advanced Memway algorithm, which improves on Waylaying in terms of both I/O overhead and speed. Running time and disk I/O overhead are reduced by 90% by utilizing Linux tmpfs and inmemory swapping to manage eviction files. Furthermore, by combining Memway with the unprivileged posix fadvise API, the binary relocation step is made 100 times faster. Equipped with our Memway+fadvise relocation scheme, we demonstrate practical Rowhammer attacks that take only 15-200 minutes to covertly relocate a victim binary, and less than 3 seconds to flip the target instruction bit.

Ferguson-Walter, Kimberly, Major, Maxine, Van Bruggen, Dirk, Fugate, Sunny, Gutzwiller, Robert.  2019.  The World (of CTF) is Not Enough Data: Lessons Learned from a Cyber Deception Experiment. 2019 IEEE 5th International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC). :346–353.
The human side of cyber is fundamentally important to understanding and improving cyber operations. With the exception of Capture the Flag (CTF) exercises, cyber testing and experimentation tends to ignore the human attacker. While traditional CTF events include a deeply rooted human component, they rarely aim to measure human performance, cognition, or psychology. We argue that CTF is not sufficient for measuring these aspects of the human; instead, we examine the value in performing red team behavioral and cognitive testing in a large-scale, controlled human-subject experiment. In this paper we describe the pros and cons of performing this type of experimentation and provide detailed exposition of the data collection and experimental controls used during a recent cyber deception experiment-the Tularosa Study. Finally, we will discuss lessons learned and how our experiences can inform best practices in future cyber operations studies of human behavior and cognition.
Brenner, Bernhard, Weippl, Edgar, Ekelhart, Andreas.  2019.  Security Related Technical Debt in the Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering Process. IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. 1:3012–3017.

Technical debt is an analogy introduced in 1992 by Cunningham to help explain how intentional decisions not to follow a gold standard or best practice in order to save time or effort during creation of software can later on lead to a product of lower quality in terms of product quality itself, reliability, maintainability or extensibility. Little work has been done so far that applies this analogy to cyber physical (production) systems (CP(P)S). Also there is only little work that uses this analogy for security related issues. This work aims to fill this gap: We want to find out which security related symptoms within the field of cyber physical production systems can be traced back to TD items during all phases, from requirements and design down to maintenance and operation. This work shall support experts from the field by being a first step in exploring the relationship between not following security best practices and concrete increase of costs due to TD as consequence.

Zaman, Tarannum Shaila, Han, Xue, Yu, Tingting.  2019.  SCMiner: Localizing System-Level Concurrency Faults from Large System Call Traces. 2019 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE). :515—526.

Localizing concurrency faults that occur in production is hard because, (1) detailed field data, such as user input, file content and interleaving schedule, may not be available to developers to reproduce the failure; (2) it is often impractical to assume the availability of multiple failing executions to localize the faults using existing techniques; (3) it is challenging to search for buggy locations in an application given limited runtime data; and, (4) concurrency failures at the system level often involve multiple processes or event handlers (e.g., software signals), which can not be handled by existing tools for diagnosing intra-process(thread-level) failures. To address these problems, we present SCMiner, a practical online bug diagnosis tool to help developers understand how a system-level concurrency fault happens based on the logs collected by the default system audit tools. SCMiner achieves online bug diagnosis to obviate the need for offline bug reproduction. SCMiner does not require code instrumentation on the production system or rely on the assumption of the availability of multiple failing executions. Specifically, after the system call traces are collected, SCMiner uses data mining and statistical anomaly detection techniques to identify the failure-inducing system call sequences. It then maps each abnormal sequence to specific application functions. We have conducted an empirical study on 19 real-world benchmarks. The results show that SCMiner is both effective and efficient at localizing system-level concurrency faults.

Ibrahim, Ahmed, El-Ramly, Mohammad, Badr, Amr.  2019.  Beware of the Vulnerability! How Vulnerable are GitHub's Most Popular PHP Applications? 2019 IEEE/ACS 16th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA). :1–7.
The presence of software vulnerabilities is a serious threat to any software project. Exploiting them can compromise system availability, data integrity, and confidentiality. Unfortunately, many open source projects go for years with undetected ready-to-exploit critical vulnerabilities. In this study, we investigate the presence of software vulnerabilities in open source projects and the factors that influence this presence. We analyzed the top 100 open source PHP applications in GitHub using a static analysis vulnerability scanner to examine how common software vulnerabilities are. We also discussed which vulnerabilities are most present and what factors contribute to their presence. We found that 27% of these projects are insecure, with a median number of 3 vulnerabilities per vulnerable project. We found that the most common type is injection vulnerabilities, which made 58% of all detected vulnerabilities. Out of these, cross-site scripting (XSS) was the most common and made 43.5% of all vulnerabilities found. Statistical analysis revealed that project activities like branching, pulling, and committing have a moderate positive correlation with the number of vulnerabilities in the project. Other factors like project popularity, number of releases, and number of issues had almost no influence on the number of vulnerabilities. We recommend that open source project owners should set secure code development guidelines for their project members and establish secure code reviews as part of the project's development process.
Gu, Zuxing, Zhou, Min, Wu, Jiecheng, Jiang, Yu, Liu, Jiaxiang, Gu, Ming.  2019.  IMSpec: An Extensible Approach to Exploring the Incorrect Usage of APIs. 2019 International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE). :216—223.
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) usually have usage constraints, such as call conditions or call orders. Incorrect usage of these constraints, called API misuse, will result in system crashes, bugs, and even security problems. It is crucial to detect such misuses early in the development process. Though many approaches have been proposed over the last years, recent studies show that API misuses are still prevalent, especially the ones specific to individual projects. In this paper, we strive to improve current API-misuse detection capability for large-scale C programs. First, We propose IMSpec, a lightweight domain-specific language enabling developers to specify API usage constraints in three different aspects (i.e., parameter validation, error handling, and causal calling), which are the majority of API-misuse bugs. Then, we have tailored a constraint guided static analysis engine to automatically parse IMSpec rules and detect API-misuse bugs with rich semantics. We evaluate our approach on widely used benchmarks and real-world projects. The results show that our easily extensible approach performs better than state-of-the-art tools. We also discover 19 previously unknown bugs in real-world open-source projects, all of which have been confirmed by the corresponding developers.
Gu, Zuxing, Wu, Jiecheng, Liu, Jiaxiang, Zhou, Min, Gu, Ming.  2019.  An Empirical Study on API-Misuse Bugs in Open-Source C Programs. 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). 1:11—20.
Today, large and complex software is developed with integrated components using application programming interfaces (APIs). Correct usage of APIs in practice presents a challenge due to implicit constraints, such as call conditions or call orders. API misuse, i.e., violation of these constraints, is a well-known source of bugs, some of which can cause serious security vulnerabilities. Although researchers have developed many API-misuse detectors over the last two decades, recent studies show that API misuses are still prevalent. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive empirical study on API-misuse bugs in open-source C programs. To understand the nature of API misuses in practice, we analyze 830 API-misuse bugs from six popular programs across different domains. For all the studied bugs, we summarize their root causes, fix patterns and usage statistics. Furthermore, to understand the capabilities and limitations of state-of-the-art static analysis detectors for API-misuse detection, we develop APIMU4C, a dataset of API-misuse bugs in C code based on our empirical study results, and evaluate three widely-used detectors on it qualitatively and quantitatively. We share all the findings and present possible directions towards more powerful API-misuse detectors.
Emeka, Busalire Onesmus, Liu, Shaoying.  2018.  Assessing and extracting software security vulnerabilities in SOFL formal specifications. 2018 International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC). :1—4.

The growth of the internet has brought along positive gains such as the emergence of a highly interconnected world. However, on the flip side, there has been a growing concern on how secure distributed systems can be built effectively and tested for security vulnerabilities prior to deployment. Developing a secure software product calls for a deep technical understanding of some complex issues with regards to the software and its operating environment, as well as embracing a systematic approach of analyzing the software. This paper proposes a method for identifying software security vulnerabilities from software requirement specifications written in Structured Object-oriented Formal Language (SOFL). Our proposed methodology leverages on the concept of providing an early focus on security by identifying potential security vulnerabilities at the requirement analysis and verification phase of the software development life cycle.

Huang, Shiyou, Guo, Jianmei, Li, Sanhong, Li, Xiang, Qi, Yumin, Chow, Kingsum, Huang, Jeff.  2019.  SafeCheck: Safety Enhancement of Java Unsafe API. 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). :889–899.

Java is a safe programming language by providing bytecode verification and enforcing memory protection. For instance, programmers cannot directly access the memory but have to use object references. Yet, the Java runtime provides an Unsafe API as a backdoor for the developers to access the low- level system code. Whereas the Unsafe API is designed to be used by the Java core library, a growing community of third-party libraries use it to achieve high performance. The Unsafe API is powerful, but dangerous, which leads to data corruption, resource leaks and difficult-to-diagnose JVM crash if used improperly. In this work, we study the Unsafe crash patterns and propose a memory checker to enforce memory safety, thus avoiding the JVM crash caused by the misuse of the Unsafe API at the bytecode level. We evaluate our technique on real crash cases from the openJDK bug system and real-world applications from AJDK. Our tool reduces the efforts from several days to a few minutes for the developers to diagnose the Unsafe related crashes. We also evaluate the runtime overhead of our tool on projects using intensive Unsafe operations, and the result shows that our tool causes a negligible perturbation to the execution of the applications.

Coblenz, Michael, Sunshine, Joshua, Aldrich, Jonathan, Myers, Brad A..  2019.  Smarter Smart Contract Development Tools. 2019 IEEE/ACM 2nd International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Engineering for Blockchain (WETSEB). :48–51.

Much recent work focuses on finding bugs and security vulnerabilities in smart contracts written in existing languages. Although this approach may be helpful, it does not address flaws in the underlying programming language, which can facilitate writing buggy code in the first place. We advocate a re-thinking of the blockchain software engineering tool set, starting with the programming language in which smart contracts are written. In this paper, we propose and justify requirements for a new generation of blockchain software development tools. New tools should (1) consider users' needs as a primary concern; (2) seek to facilitate safe development by detecting relevant classes of serious bugs at compile time; (3) as much as possible, be blockchain-agnostic, given the wide variety of different blockchain platforms available, and leverage the properties that are common among blockchain environments to improve safety and developer effectiveness.

Chhillar, Dheeraj, Sharma, Kalpana.  2019.  ACT Testbot and 4S Quality Metrics in XAAS Framework. 2019 International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud and Parallel Computing (COMITCon). :503–509.

The purpose of this paper is to analyze all Cloud based Service Models, Continuous Integration, Deployment and Delivery process and propose an Automated Continuous Testing and testing as a service based TestBot and metrics dashboard which will be integrated with all existing automation, bug logging, build management, configuration and test management tools. Recently cloud is being used by organizations to save time, money and efforts required to setup and maintain infrastructure and platform. Continuous Integration and Delivery is in practice nowadays within Agile methodology to give capability of multiple software releases on daily basis and ensuring all the development, test and Production environments could be synched up quickly. In such an agile environment there is need to ramp up testing tools and processes so that overall regression testing including functional, performance and security testing could be done along with build deployments at real time. To support this phenomenon, we researched on Continuous Testing and worked with industry professionals who are involved in architecting, developing and testing the software products. A lot of research has been done towards automating software testing so that testing of software product could be done quickly and overall testing process could be optimized. As part of this paper we have proposed ACT TestBot tool, metrics dashboard and coined 4S quality metrics term to quantify quality of the software product. ACT testbot and metrics dashboard will be integrated with Continuous Integration tools, Bug reporting tools, test management tools and Data Analytics tools to trigger automation scripts, continuously analyze application logs, open defects automatically and generate metrics reports. Defect pattern report will be created to support root cause analysis and to take preventive action.

Abraham, Jacob A..  2019.  Resiliency Demands on Next Generation Critical Embedded Systems. 2019 IEEE 25th International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS). :135–138.

Emerging intelligent systems have stringent constraints including cost and power consumption. When they are used in critical applications, resiliency becomes another key requirement. Much research into techniques for fault tolerance and dependability has been successfully applied to highly critical systems, such as those used in space, where cost is not an overriding constraint. Further, most resiliency techniques were focused on dealing with failures in the hardware and bugs in the software. The next generation of systems used in critical applications will also have to be tolerant to test escapes after manufacturing, soft errors and transients in the electronics, hardware bugs, hardware and software Trojans and viruses, as well as intrusions and other security attacks during operation. This paper will assess the impact of these threats on the results produced by a critical system, and proposed solutions to each of them. It is argued that run-time checks at the application-level are necessary to deal with errors in the results.

Wang, Xinda, Sun, Kun, Batcheller, Archer, Jajodia, Sushil.  2019.  Detecting "0-Day" Vulnerability: An Empirical Study of Secret Security Patch in OSS. 2019 49th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :485–492.
Security patches in open source software (OSS) not only provide security fixes to identified vulnerabilities, but also make the vulnerable code public to the attackers. Therefore, armored attackers may misuse this information to launch N-day attacks on unpatched OSS versions. The best practice for preventing this type of N-day attacks is to keep upgrading the software to the latest version in no time. However, due to the concerns on reputation and easy software development management, software vendors may choose to secretly patch their vulnerabilities in a new version without reporting them to CVE or even providing any explicit description in their change logs. When those secretly patched vulnerabilities are being identified by armored attackers, they can be turned into powerful "0-day" attacks, which can be exploited to compromise not only unpatched version of the same software, but also similar types of OSS (e.g., SSL libraries) that may contain the same vulnerability due to code clone or similar design/implementation logic. Therefore, it is critical to identify secret security patches and downgrade the risk of those "0-day" attacks to at least "n-day" attacks. In this paper, we develop a defense system and implement a toolset to automatically identify secret security patches in open source software. To distinguish security patches from other patches, we first build a security patch database that contains more than 4700 security patches mapping to the records in CVE list. Next, we identify a set of features to help distinguish security patches from non-security ones using machine learning approaches. Finally, we use code clone identification mechanisms to discover similar patches or vulnerabilities in similar types of OSS. The experimental results show our approach can achieve good detection performance. A case study on OpenSSL, LibreSSL, and BoringSSL discovers 12 secret security patches.