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Conway, A. E., Wang, M., Ljuca, E., Lebling, P. D..  2019.  A Dynamic Transport Overlay System for Mission-Oriented Dispersed Computing Over IoBT. MILCOM 2019 - 2019 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :815—820.

A dynamic overlay system is presented for supporting transport service needs of dispersed computing applications for moving data and/or code between network computation points and end-users in IoT or IoBT. The Network Backhaul Layered Architecture (Nebula) system combines network discovery and QoS monitoring, dynamic path optimization, online learning, and per-hop tunnel transport protocol optimization and synthesis over paths, to carry application traffic flows transparently over overlay tunnels. An overview is provided of Nebula's overlay system, software architecture, API, and implementation in the NRL CORE network emulator. Experimental emulation results demonstrate the performance benefits that Nebula provides under challenging networking conditions.

Luinaud, Thomas, Savaria, Yvon, Langlois, J.M. Pierre.  2017.  An FPGA Coarse Grained Intermediate Fabric for Regular Expression Search. Proceedings of the on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2017. :423–426.

Deep Packet Inspection systems such as Snort and Bro express complex rules with regular expressions. In Snort, the search of a regular expression is performed with a Non-deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA). Traversing an NFA sequentially with a CPU is not deterministic in time, and it can be very time consuming. The sequential traversal of an NFA with a CPU is not deterministic in time consequently it can be time consuming. A fully parallel NFA implemented in hardware can search all rules, but most of the time only a small part is active. Furthermore, a string filter determines the traversal of an NFA. This paper proposes an FPGA Intermediate Fabric that can efficiently search regular expressions. The architecture is configured for a specific NFA based on a partial match of a rule found by the string filter. It can thus support all rules from a set such as Snort, while significantly reduce compute resources and power con-sumption compared to a fully parallel implementation. Multiple parameters can be selected to find the best tradeoff between resource consumption and the number and types of supported expressions. This architecture was implemented on a Xilinx R XC7VX1140 Virtex-7. The reported implementation, can sustain up to 512 regular expressions, while requiring 2% of the slices and 16% of the BRAM resources, for a throughput of 200 million characters per second.

Roumeliotis, Anargyros J., Panagopoulos, Athanasios D..  2016.  QoS-Based Allocation Cooperative Mechanism for Spectrum Leasing in Overlay Cognitive Radio Networks. Proceedings of the 20th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics. :49:1–49:6.

The cooperative spectrum leasing process between the primary user (PU) and the secondary user (SU) in a cognitive radio network under the overlay approach and the decode and forward (DF) cooperative protocol is studied. Considering the Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning of both users, which participate in a three-phase leasing process, we investigate the maximization of PU's effective capacity subject to an average energy constraint for the SU under a heuristic power and time allocation mechanism. The aforementioned proposed scheme treats with the basic concepts of the convex optimization theory and outperforms a baseline allocation mechanism which is proven by the simulations. Finally, important remarks for the PU's and the SU's performance are extracted for different system parameters.