Passwords are still a mainstay of various security systems, as well as the cause of many usability issues. For end-users, many of these issues have been studied extensively, highlighting problems and informing design decisions for better policies and motivating research into alternatives. However, end-users are not the only ones who have usability problems with passwords! Developers who are tasked with writing the code by which passwords are stored must do so securely. Yet history has shown that this complex task often fails due to human error with catastrophic results. While an end-user who selects a bad password can have dire consequences, the consequences of a developer who forgets to hash and salt a password database can lead to far larger problems. In this paper we present a first qualitative usability study with 20 computer science students to discover how developers deal with password storage and to inform research into aiding developers in the creation of secure password systems.
Science of security necessitates conducting methodologically-defensible research and reporting such research comprehensively to enable replication and future research to build upon the reported study. The comprehensiveness of reporting is as important as the research itself in building a science of security. Key principles of science - replication, meta-analysis, and theory building - are affected by the ability to understand the context and findings of published studies. The goal of this paper is to aid the security research community in understanding the state of scientific communication through the analysis of research published at top security conferences. To analyze scientific communication, we use literature on scientific evaluation to develop a set of rubrics as a guide to check the comprehensiveness of papers published in the IEEE Security and Privacy and ACM Computer and Communications Security conferences. Our review found that papers often omit certain types of information from their reports, including research objectives and threats to validity. Our hope is that this effort sheds some light on one of the essential steps towards advancement of the science of security.
Technology specific expert knowledge is often required to analyse security configurations and determine potential vulnerabilities, but it becomes difficult when it is a new technology such as Fog computing. Furthermore, additional knowledge is also required regarding how the security configuration has been constructed in respect to an organisation's security policies. Traditionally, organisations will often manage their access control permissions relative to their employees needs, posing challenges to administrators. This problem is even exacerbated in Fog computing systems where security configurations are implemented on a large amount of devices at the edges of Internet, and the administrators are required to retain adequate knowledge on how to perform complex administrative tasks. In this paper, a novel approach of translating object-based security configurations in to a graph model is presented. A technique is then developed to autonomously identify vulnerabilities and perform security auditing of large systems without the need for expert knowledge. Throughout the paper, access control configuration data is used as a case study, and empirical analysis is performed on synthetically generated access control permissions.
JoanAudit is a static analysis tool to assist security auditors in auditing Web applications and Web services for common injection vulnerabilities during software development. It automatically identifies parts of the program code that are relevant for security and generates an HTML report to guide security auditors audit the source code in a scalable way. JoanAudit is configured with various security-sensitive input sources and sinks relevant to injection vulnerabilities and standard sanitization procedures that prevent these vulnerabilities. It can also automatically fix some cases of vulnerabilities in source code — cases where inputs are directly used in sinks without any form of sanitization — by using standard sanitization procedures. Our evaluation shows that by using JoanAudit, security auditors are required to inspect only 1% of the total code for auditing common injection vulnerabilities. The screen-cast demo is available at
A majority of today's mobile apps integrate web content of various kinds. Unfortunately, the interactions between app code and web content expose new attack vectors: a malicious app can subvert its embedded web content to steal user secrets; on the other hand, malicious web content can use the privileges of its embedding app to exfiltrate sensitive information such as the user's location and contacts. In this paper, we discuss security weaknesses of the interface between app code and web content through attacks, then introduce defenses that can be deployed without modifying the OS. Our defenses feature WIREframe, a service that securely embeds and renders external web content in Android apps, and in turn, prevents attacks between em- bedded web and host apps. WIREframe fully mediates the interface between app code and embedded web content. Un- like the existing web-embedding mechanisms, WIREframe allows both apps and embedded web content to define simple access policies to protect their own resources. These policies recognize fine-grained security principals, such as origins, and control all interactions between apps and the web. We also introduce WIRE (Web Isolation Rewriting Engine), an offline app rewriting tool that allows app users to inject WIREframe protections into existing apps. Our evaluation, based on 7166 popular apps and 20 specially selected apps, shows these techniques work on complex apps and incur acceptable end-to-end performance overhead.
Given the growing sophistication of cyber attacks, designing a perfectly secure system is not generally possible. Quantitative security metrics are thus needed to measure and compare the relative security of proposed security designs and policies. Since the investigation of security breaches has shown a strong impact of human errors, ignoring the human user in computing these metrics can lead to misleading results. Despite this, and although security researchers have long observed the impact of human behavior on system security, few improvements have been made in designing systems that are resilient to the uncertainties in how humans interact with a cyber system. In this work, we develop an approach for including models of user behavior, emanating from the fields of social sciences and psychology, in the modeling of systems intended to be secure. We then illustrate how one of these models, namely general deterrence theory, can be used to study the effectiveness of the password security requirements policy and the frequency of security audits in a typical organization. Finally, we discuss the many challenges that arise when adopting such a modeling approach, and then present our recommendations for future work.
The popularity of cloud hosting services also brings in new security challenges: it has been reported that these services are increasingly utilized by miscreants for their malicious online activities. Mitigating this emerging threat, posed by such "bad repositories" (simply Bar), is challenging due to the different hosting strategy to traditional hosting service, the lack of direct observations of the repositories by those outside the cloud, the reluctance of the cloud provider to scan its customers' repositories without their consent, and the unique evasion strategies employed by the adversary. In this paper, we took the first step toward understanding and detecting this emerging threat. Using a small set of "seeds" (i.e., confirmed Bars), we identified a set of collective features from the websites they serve (e.g., attempts to hide Bars), which uniquely characterize the Bars. These features were utilized to build a scanner that detected over 600 Bars on leading cloud platforms like Amazon, Google, and 150K sites, including popular ones like, using them. Highlights of our study include the pivotal roles played by these repositories on malicious infrastructures and other important discoveries include how the adversary exploited legitimate cloud repositories and why the adversary uses Bars in the first place that has never been reported. These findings bring such malicious services to the spotlight and contribute to a better understanding and ultimately eliminating this new threat.
The automotive industry is experiencing a paradigm shift towards autonomous and connected vehicles. Coupled with the increasing usage and complexity of electrical and/or electronic systems, this introduces new safety and security risks. Encouragingly, the automotive industry has relatively well-known and standardised safety risk management practices, but security risk management is still in its infancy. In order to facilitate the derivation of security requirements and security measures for automotive embedded systems, we propose a specifically tailored risk assessment framework, and we demonstrate its viability with an industry use-case. Some of the key features are alignment with existing processes for functional safety, and usability for non-security specialists. The framework begins with a threat analysis to identify the assets, and threats to those assets. The following risk assessment process consists of an estimation of the threat level and of the impact level. This step utilises several existing standards and methodologies, with changes where necessary. Finally, a security level is estimated which is used to formulate high-level security requirements. The strong alignment with existing standards and processes should make this framework well-suited for the needs in the automotive industry.
The computer security community has long advocated defense in depth, building multiple layers of defense to protect a system. Realizing this vision is not yet practical, as software often ships with inadequate defenses, typically developed in an ad hoc fashion. Currently, programmers reason about security manually and lack tools to validate assurance that security controls provide satisfactory defenses. In this keynote talk, I will discuss how achieving defense in depth has a significant component in configuration. In particular, we advocate configuring security requirements for various layers of software defenses (e.g., privilege separation, authorization, and auditing) and generating software and systems defenses that implement such configurations (mostly) automatically. I will focus mainly on the challenge of retrofitting software with authorization code automatically to demonstrate the configuration problems faced by the community, and discuss how we may leverage these lessons to configuring software and systems for defense in depth.
Firewall policies are notorious for having misconfiguration errors which can defeat its intended purpose of protecting hosts in the network from malicious users. We believe this is because today's firewall policies are mostly monolithic. Inspired by ideas from modular programming and code refactoring, in this work we introduce three kinds of modules: primary, auxiliary, and template, which facilitate the refactoring of a firewall policy into smaller, reusable, comprehensible, and more manageable components. We present algorithms for generating each of the three modules for a given legacy firewall policy. We also develop ModFP, an automated tool for converting legacy firewall policies represented in access control list to their modularized format. With the help of ModFP, when examining several real-world policies with sizes ranging from dozens to hundreds of rules, we were able to identify subtle errors.
Software development is often accompanied by security audits such as penetration tests, usually performed on behalf of the software vendor. In penetration tests security experts identify entry points for attacks in a software product. Many development teams undergo such audits for the first time if their product is attacked or faces new security concerns. The audits often serve as an eye-opener for development teams: they realize that security requires much more attention. However, there is a lack of clarity with regard to what lasting benefits developers can reap from penetration tests. We report from a one-year study of a penetration test run at a major software vendor, and describe how a software development team managed to incorporate the test findings. Results suggest that penetration tests improve developers' security awareness, but that long-lasting enhancements of development practices are hampered by a lack of dedicated security stakeholders and if security is not properly reflected in the communicative and collaborative structures of the organization.
Cloud service providers typically adopt the multi-tenancy model to optimize resources usage and achieve the promised cost-effectiveness. Sharing resources between different tenants and the underlying complex technology increase the necessity of transparency and accountability. In this regard, auditing security compliance of the provider's infrastructure against standards, regulations and customers' policies takes on an increasing importance in the cloud to boost the trust between the stakeholders. However, virtualization and scalability make compliance verification challenging. In this work, we propose an automated framework that allows auditing the cloud infrastructure from the structural point of view while focusing on virtualization-related security properties and consistency between multiple control layers. Furthermore, to show the feasibility of our approach, we integrate our auditing system into OpenStack, one of the most used cloud infrastructure management systems. To show the scalability and validity of our framework, we present our experimental results on assessing several properties related to auditing inter-layer consistency, virtual machines co-residence, and virtual resources isolation.
Recently, various protocols have been proposed for securely outsourcing database storage to a third party server, ranging from systems with "full-fledged" security based on strong cryptographic primitives such as fully homomorphic encryption or oblivious RAM, to more practical implementations based on searchable symmetric encryption or even on deterministic and order-preserving encryption. On the flip side, various attacks have emerged that show that for some of these protocols confidentiality of the data can be compromised, usually given certain auxiliary information. We take a step back and identify a need for a formal understanding of the inherent efficiency/privacy trade-off in outsourced database systems, independent of the details of the system. We propose abstract models that capture secure outsourced storage systems in sufficient generality, and identify two basic sources of leakage, namely access pattern and ommunication volume. We use our models to distinguish certain classes of outsourced database systems that have been proposed, and deduce that all of them exhibit at least one of these leakage sources. We then develop generic reconstruction attacks on any system supporting range queries where either access pattern or communication volume is leaked. These attacks are in a rather weak passive adversarial model, where the untrusted server knows only the underlying query distribution. In particular, to perform our attack the server need not have any prior knowledge about the data, and need not know any of the issued queries nor their results. Yet, the server can reconstruct the secret attribute of every record in the database after about \$Ntextasciicircum4\$ queries, where N is the domain size. We provide a matching lower bound showing that our attacks are essentially optimal. Our reconstruction attacks using communication volume apply even to systems based on homomorphic encryption or oblivious RAM in the natural way. Finally, we provide experimental results demonstrating the efficacy of our attacks on real datasets with a variety of different features. On all these datasets, after the required number of queries our attacks successfully recovered the secret attributes of every record in at most a few seconds.
Dynamic taint analysis can be used as a defense against low-integrity data in applications with untrusted user interfaces. An important example is defense against XSS and injection attacks in programs with web interfaces. Data sanitization is commonly used in this context, and can be treated as a precondition for endorsement in a dynamic integrity taint analysis. However, sanitization is often incomplete in practice. We develop a model of dynamic integrity taint analysis for Java that addresses imperfect sanitization with an in-depth approach. To avoid false positives, results of sanitization are endorsed for access control (aka prospective security), but are tracked and logged for auditing and accountability (aka retrospective security). We show how this heterogeneous prospective/retrospective mechanism can be specified as a uniform policy, separate from code. We then use this policy to establish correctness conditions for a program rewriting algorithm that instruments code for the analysis. The rewriting itself is a model of existing, efficient Java taint analysis tools.
We develop a systematic approach for analyzing client-server applications that aim to hide sensitive user data from untrusted servers. We then apply it to Mylar, a framework that uses multi-key searchable encryption (MKSE) to build Web applications on top of encrypted data. We demonstrate that (1) the Popa-Zeldovich model for MKSE does not imply security against either passive or active attacks; (2) Mylar-based Web applications reveal users' data and queries to passive and active adversarial servers; and (3) Mylar is generically insecure against active attacks due to system design flaws. Our results show that the problem of securing client-server applications against actively malicious servers is challenging and still unsolved. We conclude with general lessons for the designers of systems that rely on property-preserving or searchable encryption to protect data from untrusted servers.
When reasoning about software security, researchers and practitioners use the phrase ``attack surface'' as a metaphor for risk. Enumerate and minimize the ways attackers can break in then risk is reduced and the system is better protected, the metaphor says. But software systems are much more complicated than their surfaces. We propose function- and file-level attack surface metrics–-proximity and risky walk–-that enable fine-grained risk assessment. Our risky walk metric is highly configurable: we use PageRank on a probability-weighted call graph to simulate attacker behavior of finding or exploiting a vulnerability. We provide evidence-based guidance for deploying these metrics, including an extensive parameter tuning study. We conducted an empirical study on two large open source projects, FFmpeg and Wireshark, to investigate the potential correlation between our metrics and historical post-release vulnerabilities. We found our metrics to be statistically significantly associated with vulnerable functions/files with a small-to-large Cohen's d effect size. Our prediction model achieved an increase of 36% (in FFmpeg) and 27% (in Wireshark) in the average value of F-measure over a base model built with SLOC and coupling metrics. Our prediction model outperformed comparable models from prior literature with notable improvements: 58% reduction in false negative rate, 81% reduction in false positive rate, and 548% increase in F-measure. These metrics advance vulnerability prevention by [(a)] being flexible in terms of granularity, performing better than vulnerability prediction literature, and being tunable so that practitioners can tailor the metrics to their products and better assess security risk.
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